Examples of the the word, archaeological , in a Sentence Context

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  1. From a long tradition of trade between Assyria and the Anatolian cities, but no, archaeological ,or written records show this. The trade consisted of metal (perhaps lead or
  2. Created around the classic Parthenon. This" Persian debris" is the richest, archaeological ,deposit excavated on the Acropolis. The Periclean building program Most of the
  3. Museum of Art; some objects went to the British Museum. More modern, archaeological ,joint Cypriote-French excavations started in 1980 and continue. The Acropolis
  4. Cities as new industries came into existence. Viking Age and before The oldest, archaeological ,findings in Aarhus are glass pearls, which date to the end of the 7th century.
  5. History, though there are earlier Sumerian claimants. City of Akkad The precise, archaeological ,site of the city of Akkad has not yet been found. The form Agate appears in
  6. Ancient sites, indicating its widespread use in the ancient world; for example, archaeological ,recovery at the Knossos site on Crete illustrates its role in Bronze Age Minoan
  7. Maritime Program (LAMP). This project focused on the documentation of, archaeological ,resources related to Achill's rich maritime heritage. Maritime archaeologists
  8. And NO FCA open field coursing events. Origin Recent genetic, blood protein and, archaeological ,studies as well as direct observation in the field offer a glimpse into the
  9. Former church of the Cistercian monastery *Gutenberg is also a lost town and, archaeological ,site in the Eras Siegen-Wittgenstein, North Rhine-Westphalia *Gutenberg
  10. In Ahab's forces was probably closer to number in the hundreds (this due to, archaeological ,excavations of the area and the foundations of stables that had been found).
  11. Workshops for the Vikings have also been found. In the houses and the adjoining, archaeological ,layers, combs,jewelry and basic multipurpose tools have been found that
  12. Ports is a fishing village on the east coast. History Prehistory Prehistoric, archaeological ,findings of settlements with obsidian tools points to an early habitation of
  13. Site in Montville, Alabama. Analysis of artifacts recovered from, archaeological ,excavations at Montville were the basis of scholars' formulating the
  14. Several boundary walls of Hadrian's temple have been found among the, archaeological ,remains beneath the Church. The Station Pool lay in the path of the northern
  15. Excellent views of the ruins. The center won the 2002 Angus Design Award. An, archaeological ,investigation of the site of the visitors' center before building started
  16. Proposed sites are not within the Atlantic at all. Few today are scholarly or, archaeological ,hypotheses, while others have been made by psychic or other pseudoscientific
  17. In Agate. Centuries later, the neo-Babylonian king Laborious mentioned in his, archaeological ,records that Ishtar's worship in Agate was later superseded by that of the
  18. 7000 BC the Indian subcontinent saw farming of wheat and barley, as attested by, archaeological ,excavation at Merger in Balochistan in what is present day Pakistan. By 6000
  19. One covering childhood to old age; and another chronicling several seasons of, archaeological ,excavation in Syria and Iraq with her second husband, archaeologist Max
  20. Is thought to be expanded over the other countries. Greek abacus The earliest, archaeological ,evidence for the use of the Greek abacus dates to the 5th century BC. The Greek
  21. Lunar Bull, associated with the Great Goddess and later with Mithra's. * A 1999, archaeological , dig in Peterborough, England,uncovered the skull of an aurochs. The front part
  22. People of Able, and these were confirmed by the Romans. Among the most exciting, archaeological ,discoveries in Greece in the past few years is the recognition that the
  23. Many areas of specialty. Specialities may include: * Object conservation (, archaeological , ethnographic, and sculptural) Caring for cultural heritage Preventive
  24. The Roman Forum did burn down, which perhaps can be attributed to Alaric: the, archaeological ,evidence was provided by coins dating from 410 found melted in the floor. The
  25. Composition, structure and decoration are signals of social change in the, archaeological ,record. This is particularly true as the peoples of the American Southwest
  26. Wax on which columns and figures were inscribed using a stylus. One example of, archaeological ,evidence of the Roman abacus, shown here in reconstruction, dates to the 1st
  27. The sacred head of Osiris was preserved. Considered one of the most important, archaeological ,sites of Ancient Egypt, the sacred city of Abyss was the site of many ancients
  28. Mentions that the city was actually far older, which accords with present, archaeological ,knowledge. Phrygia rule was succeeded first by Lydian and later by Persian
  29. City with various Hittite, Phrygian, Hellenistic,Roman, Byzantine,and Ottoman, archaeological ,sites. The hill which overlooks the city is crowned by the ruins of the old
  30. Are several ways to study the (pre)history of a people: *Identification of, archaeological ,cultures: the material remains found at dwelling sites, burial grounds, and
  31. Archaeologist Max Mallow an (Sir Max from 1968) after joining him in an, archaeological ,dig. Their marriage was especially happy in the early years and remained so
  32. In any kind of anthropology, whether cultural, biological,linguistic or, archaeological , Biological anthropologists are interested in both human variation and in the
  33. Say that Afghanistan compares to Egypt in terms of the historical value of its, archaeological ,sites. Afghanistan is at a unique nexus point where numerous civilizations have
  34. The city’s walls, the basilica and the port have all been excavated. Further, archaeological ,objects found during the excavations are conserved at the Cyprus Museum in
  35. Was likely to forward his advancement in sculpture he studied with ardor. On, archaeological ,pursuits he bestowed considerable attention. With ancient and modern history he
  36. Change within the scientific community. It should not be assumed that an, archaeological ,division or culture unit corresponds to a particular language group or to a
  37. Of Shar-kali-shari, states: However, there are no known year-names or other, archaeological ,evidence verifying any of these later kings of Akkad or Uruk, apart from a
  38. Heritage. It is the locus of many Neolithic and Bronze Age, archaeological ,sites, including Longman Hill, Kempstone Hill, Catto Long Barrow and Cairn Lee.
  39. Speculation that the idea of Amazons contains a core of reality is based on, archaeological ,findings from burials, pointing to the possibility that some Sarmatian women
  40. The formerly largely forgotten history of Mesopotamia. In the wake of the, archaeological ,and philological rediscovery of ancient Assyria, Assyrian nationalism became
  41. Of Europe. Anasazi as a cultural label The term" Anasazi" was established in, archaeological ,terminology through the Pecos Classification system in 1927. Archaeologist
  42. In brackets. History The bishopric of Aarhus dates back to at least 951,and, archaeological ,findings date back some 1,300 years to Viking times. The city itself is
  43. From Mesoamerican cultures. Many of these possibilities are supported by, archaeological ,evidence. Current opinion holds that the Ancestral Puebloans responded to
  44. Plateau, as well as climate change that resulted in agricultural failures. The, archaeological ,record indicates that it was not unusual for ancient Pueblo peoples to adapt to
  45. Approaches with researchers aiming to combine the contextuality of, archaeological ,research, which broadly describes the state of archaeoastronomy today, rather
  46. And underwater archaeology, with scenes, audiovisual and interactive zones. The, archaeological ,museum won the European Museum of the Year Award in 2004. Graving Museum of
  47. Ware, like that of Hissariik, in central Phrygia and at Persia, and the English, archaeological ,expeditions, sent subsequently into north-western Anatolia, have never failed
  48. The collection is divided into different rooms and three big areas related to, archaeological ,methodology: ground, urban and underwater archaeology, with scenes, audiovisual
  49. Assyrian Christians. After that there are no traces of a settlement in the, archaeological ,and numismatic record.
  50. The Parthenon. Site plan of the Acropolis at Athens showing the major, archaeological ,remains Image: AcropolisatathensSitePlan. PNG|right|600px|alt=Site plan of the

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