Examples of the the word, plausible , in a Sentence Context
The word ( plausible ), is the 7011 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- The amount of virus in the blood correlates with disease progression, that a, plausible ,mechanism for HIV's action has been proposed, and that anti-HIV medication
- Theatre, television,and film clowns. Peter Berger writes that" It seems, plausible ,that folly and fools, like religion and magic, meet some deeply rooted needs in
- That he suffered from acromial. However, promoters eventually ran out of, plausible ,opponents for him and, as the novelty of his size wore off, the gate receipts
- Planar peptide bonds. After a few attempts, he produced a model with physically, plausible ,hydrogen bonds. Pauling then worked with Corey and Branson to confirm his model
- Work of hagiography written in Germany at the end of the 10th century, provides, plausible , details of the saint's early life in north Britain. While the sources for
- Movie sequence showing a photorealistic human character, undergoing physically, plausible ,motion, together with clothes, photorealistic hair, a complicated natural
- By contemporary (and especially eyewitness) accounts. The Vesta Heinrich gives, plausible ,figures for the English of 5,000 archers and 900 men-at-arms, but Mortimer
- Whom he believed was especially attentive, but of whom he noted that" all the, plausible ,behavior I have described is meant only, by patting and stroking the horse, too
- Appeals to intuition, especially those that are intended to make it seem more, plausible ,that the Chinese room contains a mind, which can include the robot, commonsense
- Anthropogenic and natural forcing * not consistent with alternative, physically, plausible , explanations of recent climate change that exclude important elements of the
- Were not immediately believed. Doors, Curtius and Justin also have the more, plausible ,story of Alexander passing his signet ring to Predicts, one of his bodyguard
- As is the case for mechanical units. Furthermore, within CGS, there are several, plausible ,choices of electromagnetic units, leading to different unit" sub-systems "
- The English army may have left Harder with eight or nine thousand men, it is, plausible ,that after weeks of campaigning and disease in hostile territory they would
- Of 60 ms−1,with a frequency separation of ~5 kHz. They suggested that the most, plausible ,explanation for the variability of Arcturus is stellar oscillations. It is
- A term for" those who speak intelligibly, the same language ". However, another, plausible ,theory has been advanced by Maximilian Lambert to explain the endonym as
- To the description of similar devices described by Cicero, would indicate a, plausible ,use for the device. The argument is bolstered by the presence of symbols on the
- The products, for example by splitting selected chemical bonds, to arrive at, plausible ,initial reagents. A special arrow (⇒) is used in retro reactions. Elementary
- And that the theory of omega-3's role in depression was biologically, plausible , The evidence includes a few double-blind randomized control trials
- In 1759–1760. Although the Beau Leave theory is the most appealing but least, plausible ,theory among many, it is unlikely that Buffalo's true name origin can be
- With" LOGIN: ". A chosen-plaintext attack is less likely, but it is sometimes, plausible ,: for example, you could convince someone to forward a message you have given
- Keys that differ in the one bit. These types of attack clearly differ in how, plausible ,they would be to mount in practice. Although some are more likely than others
- For safety and effectiveness, experimental as being unproven but with a, plausible ,rationale for effectiveness, and questionable as groundless without a
- A series of journal entries and logs of different persons and creating a, plausible ,background story for them having been compiled. Stoker also indulges the air of
- False ". This usage usually involves fictitious or legendary accounts that are, plausible ,enough to be commonly considered true. For example,Laozi's alleged authorship
- Not boiled and cholera was affecting St. Petersburg, such a connection is quite, plausible ,...." Tchaikovsky's mother died of cholera, and his father became sick with
- Abduction ". It points to efficiency. Coordinate method leads from abducting a, plausible ,hypothesis to judging it for its testability and for how its trial would
- Russia up to the end of the civil war. ” Donald Rayfield concurs, noting that ", plausible ,evidence reveals that the actual numbers... vastly exceeded the official
- The popular belief in this story to the fact that it provides" the most, plausible ,explanation for the rapid eclipse of the Peripatetic school after the middle of
- On the other hand, Thompson does accept that some peoples on the list are, plausible ,e.g. Burgundians, Sciri and Franks. Notes Bohemia (;;;;) is a historical
- Traditionally animated films, which regularly use detailed drawings and, plausible ,movement. Fully animated films can be done in a variety of styles, from more
- Are generally agreed to be The Suppliants, The Egyptian and The Daniels. A, plausible ,reconstruction of the trilogy's last two-thirds runs thus: In The Egyptian
- Killed himself in an ambiguous way quite deliberately, to give his mother some, plausible ,deniability. David Levitt has suggested that Turing was re-enacting a scene
- For effectiveness, and questionable as groundless without a scientifically, plausible ,rationale. He has concerns that just because some" alternatives" have merit
- And supplementing it by iconographic evidence in late vase-painting, made a, plausible ,reconstruction of an ancient Actaeon myth that Greek poets may have inherited
- The reduction of the royalty tax from 10-15 % to .04 %. If the company, as is, plausible , doubles or triples its production, the losses will be proportionally greater.
- Initial conditions ". If this is granted, the anthropic principle provides a, plausible ,explanation for the fine-tuning of our universe: the" typical" universe is
- Physics. Roger Penrose explained the weak form as follows: One reason this is, plausible ,is that there are many other places and times in which we can imagine finding
- The brain. Theorists dating back to Santiago Ramón y Canal argued that the most, plausible ,explanation is that learning and memory are expressed as changes in the
- His father, also called Alexander and also a philosopher. This fact makes it, plausible ,that some of the suspect works that form part of Alexander's corpus should be
- In 1854. His model was not immediately accepted, but it was seen to be the more, plausible , as medical microbiology developed over the next thirty years or so. Cities in
- Theoretical examination, are nevertheless interesting and in some cases even, plausible , Novels, short stories and comics In Arthur C. Clarke's short story "
- From tax, free from examination by law enforcement agencies by maintaining, plausible ,deniability. Rich private clients also benefit through the domicile rules.
- Is capable of transplacental infection of the ruminant fetus, this would be a, plausible ,way for it to overwinter. Midges will then spread the disease from the calves
- A more complicated model The above model of an oscillating mass on a spring is, plausible ,but not very realistic: in practice, friction will tend to decelerate the mass
- Ashore and lost, which Thatch Teach caused to be done. " Lee also considers it, plausible ,that Teach let Bonnet in on his plan, which was to accept a pardon from
- Highest photosynthetic yields in the light spectrum),yellow or red plants are, plausible , These conclusions are based in part on the luminosity spectra of different
- Daily Planet he receives late-breaking news before the public, has a, plausible ,reason to be present at crime scenes, and need not strictly account for his
- Or similar values every time. Unlike other systems, this one is mathematically, plausible , because if it were possible to alter the probabilities of each outcome, then
- For the elements of exploring and terraforming an alien world, they chose a, plausible ,near future situation of a human mission to colonize the solar system's
- Southwards and the resultant intermixing of languages. States that the most, plausible ,explanation for the presence of Dravidian structural features in Old Indo-Aryan
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