Examples of the the word, tan , in a Sentence Context

The word ( tan ), is the 7006 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of the image. For N to be cons tan t for all values of w, a ' tan w'/a, tan ,w must also be cons tan t. If the ratio a'/a be sufficiently cons tan t, as is
  2. To provide reliable assis tan ce and attention. The adaptation for skin to, tan ,is conditional to exposure to sunlight; this is an example of another
  3. Designed for black powder. Smokeless powders ranged in color from brownish, tan ,to yellow to white. Most of the bulk semi-smokeless powders ceased to be
  4. Are conjugate algebraic numbers. Likewise, tan (3\pi/16), tan (7\pi/16), tan , ( 11\pi/16), tan (15\pi/16) all satisfy the irreducible polynomial x^4 -
  5. The Spanish taught the Chamorros to cultivate maize (corn),raise cattle, and, tan , hides,as well as to adopt western-style clothing. They also introduced the
  6. Approximation. Double pi = 3.1415926535897932384626433832795; double z =, tan ,(pi/2.0); will give a result of 16331239353195370.0. In single precision (
  7. Curvature of the image field. Referring to fig. 8,we have O'Q'/OF a' tan w'/a, tan ,w 1/N, where N is the scale or magnification of the image. For N to be cons tan t
  8. The case, the above relation reduces to the condition of Airy,i.e. tan w'/, tan ,w a cons tan t. This simple relation (see Came. Phil. Trans.,1830,3,p. 1) is
  9. Become solitary hunters. Hammerheads are one of the few animals that acquire a, tan ,from prolonged exposure to sunlight. Tanning occurs when a hammerhead is in
  10. Such as liver, shaded reds and sables, and " capped" tricolors (creeping, tan ,). Temperament The Benji is alert, affectionate,energetic, curious and
  11. To dye their white hot-weather uniforms to neutral tones, initially a muddy, tan ,called khaki (from the Urdu word for 'dust' ). This was only a temporary
  12. Numbers. Likewise, tan (3\pi/16), tan (7\pi/16), tan (11\pi/16), tan , ( 15\pi/16) all satisfy the irreducible polynomial x^4 - 4x^3 - 6x^2 + 4x + 1
  13. Building materials used are brick or stone. Commonly used colors were red, tan , or white. However, modern day Georgian style homes use a variety of colors.
  14. In the following s tan dard coloration: red, black,tricolor (black with, tan ,in the traditional pattern),and brindle (black stripes on a background of
  15. The example previously given and substituting 3,600 inches for 100 yards,3,600, tan , ( ) inches 1.047 inches. In metric units 1 MOA at 100 meters = 2.908
  16. Simply not possible for s tan dard floating-point hardware to attempt to compute, tan ,(π/2),because π/2 cannot be represented exactly. This computation in C:
  17. Appearance The August face base makeup color is a variation of pink, red,or, tan ,rather than white. Features are exaggerated in size and are typically red and
  18. On the real line tan (θ/2). This function is undefined at the point π, since, tan , ( π/2) is undefined there; we will identify this point with our point ∞. Since
  19. Same curvature to it (hemisymmetrical objectives); in these systems tan w' /, tan ,w 1. The cons tan cy of a'/a necessary for this relation to hold was pointed out
  20. They are tribal, nomadic and often barbaric humanoids, with olive, tan , beige or ebony skin. They are relatively short-lived, and as a result many
  21. Volunteers after 1941,bears a ribbon with two vertical stripes in black and, tan , Instructions to Dishtowel RIC,19 June 1920 On 19 June 1920 Lieutenant-Colonel
  22. At the first terms of the Taylor expansion of the trigonometric functions, tan ,x and sec x André made a startling discovery.: \ tan x = 1\franc + 2\franc +
  23. The German beetle (meaning" to scold" ). It is not known why the black and, tan ,Kerry Beagle, present in Ireland since Celtic times, has the beagle description
  24. Is the product of (1) the harmonic mean of the numerator and denominator of, tan ,A and (2) the reciprocal of (the denominator minus the numerator of tan A).
  25. Are the achromatic colors (black, gray and white) and colors such as pink, tan , and magenta. Two different light spectra that have the same effect on the
  26. Has an orientation 1x and the side opposite has an orientation 1y. Then, since, tan , ( θ) 1y/1x θ + ... we conclude that an angle in the XY plane must have an
  27. Each such point θ on the circle with the corresponding point on the real line, tan ,(θ/2). This function is undefined at the point π, since tan (π/2) is
  28. Is often the case, the above relation reduces to the condition of Airy, i. e., tan ,w'/ tan w a cons tan t. This simple relation (see Came. Phil. Trans.,1830,3
  29. And so these three cosines are conjugate algebraic numbers. Likewise, tan ,(3\pi/16), tan (7\pi/16), tan (11\pi/16), tan (15\pi/16) all satisfy
  30. A striking example are people with the inherited trait of albinism, who do not, tan ,at all and are very sensitive to sunburn. Heritable traits are known to be
  31. Thus, sun tan s are not passed on to people's children. However, some people, tan ,more easily than others, due to differences in their genotype; a striking
  32. To one minute of arc can be done using the equation: equivalent group size, tan ,() × dis tan ce. In the example previously given and substituting 3,600 inches
  33. Or curvature of the image field. Referring to fig. 8,we have O'Q'/OF a ', tan ,w'/a tan w 1/N, where N is the scale or magnification of the image. For N to be
  34. Chorus) (Traded Penn ill - Third s tan za) Os trained y rely FY glad, tan ,a dried, Mae hen faith y Camry for few AG period, Ni muddied yr Owen an
  35. A striking example are people with the inherited trait of albinism, who do not, tan ,at all and are very sensitive to sunburn. Heritable traits are known to be
  36. Is brindled on a dark coat and has tan points, you will see bridling on the, tan ,points only. Even one single, lone stripe of brindle is brindle. If a dachshund
  37. Its direction changes. The above formula accounts for that while the simpler, tan ,(θ-θ’)=v/c does not. In most cases the transverse velocity of the star is
  38. Or magnification of the image. For N to be cons tan t for all values of w, a ', tan ,w'/a tan w must also be cons tan t. If the ratio a'/a be sufficiently cons tan t
  39. Thus, sun tan s are not passed on to people's children. However, some people, tan ,more easily than others, due to differences in their genotype; a striking
  40. The same curvature to it (hemisymmetrical objectives); in these systems, tan ,w' / tan w 1. The cons tan cy of a'/a necessary for this relation to hold was
  41. To as Pentosan stone or agate. Greek agate is a name given to pale white to, tan ,colored agate found in Sicily back to 400 B. C. The Greeks used it for making
  42. But there is a wide range of other colors including lemon, a very light, tan ,; red, a reddish, almost orange, brown; and liver, a darker brown, and black.
  43. Background, usually red; if a dachshund is brindled on a dark coat and has, tan ,points, you will see bridling on the tan points only. Even one single, lone
  44. Of odd and even index, respectively. In consequence the ordinary expansion of, tan ,x + sec x has as coefficients the rational numbers Sn.: \ tan x + \sec x = 1 +
  45. Designed to be more easily discernible on television substitute a rather light, tan ,shade for the normally darker brown of the 7 and 15 balls, and pink for the
  46. To see who can collect the most eggs. When boiling eggs for Easter, a popular, tan ,color can be achieved by boiling the eggs with onion skins. A greater variety
  47. And also in content words before and in the same syllable (for example, ham, tan , plant). **In some speakers, especially those with the Broad accent, the vowel
  48. Neither the Airy nor the Bow-Sutton condition, the ratio a' cos w'/a, tan ,w will be cons tan t for one dis tan ce of the object. This combined condition is
  49. These three cosines are conjugate algebraic numbers. Likewise, tan (3\pi/16), tan , ( 7\pi/16), tan (11\pi/16), tan (15\pi/16) all satisfy the irreducible
  50. Non-representability of π (and π/2) means that an attempted computation of, tan ,(π/2) will not yield a result of infinity, nor will it even overflow. It is

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