Examples of the the word, hospitality , in a Sentence Context

The word ( hospitality ), is the 6999 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Building relations, but his plan was to eliminate them. Accepting his supposed, hospitality , at a traditional time for settling differences, the influential Welsh leaders
  2. The candidate must be a fully virtuous man. ” TBC 1990 p. 894:“ A lover of, hospitality ,υιλοξενον” filo xenon “; a lover of strangers … Instead of υιλοξενον, one MS.
  3. And business services; education and health services; and leisure and, hospitality , In terms of output, the five largest sectors are financial services, followed
  4. Lo took her to his cave hideout, where after an escape attempt and Lo's kind, hospitality , the two fall in love. Lo eventually convinced Jen to return to her family
  5. Interesting to find that Mr. Apostolizes, son of the large local landowner,the, hospitality ,of whose farm at Takes I enjoyed, was convinced to that the battle-site was by
  6. Food, clothes,logistics, steel,energy, medical research, health care, hospitality , retail, and technology. Modern Columbus has emerged as a technologically
  7. Aviation, food,logistics, steel,energy, medical research, health care, hospitality , retail, and technology. Overall, it was ranked as one of the top 10 best big
  8. Demonstrate the arias of specific terms and concepts, including forgiveness, hospitality , friendship, the gift, responsibility and cosmopolitanism. The difficulty of
  9. Hades knew of their plan to capture his wife, so he pretended to offer them, hospitality ,and set a feast; as soon as the pair sat down, snakes coiled around their feet
  10. 1523. O'Faille,i.e. Cormac, son of Afghan O'Faille, general supporter of the, hospitality ,and nobility of the west of Contact, mortuus est. Dominant, son of Thomas
  11. Missouri Synod. He is also regarded as the patron saint of those in the, hospitality ,industry. The Eastern Orthodox Church commemorates him as the" Righteous
  12. Convention on Human Rights, both of which are exploited to abuse Britain’s, hospitality ,by the world’s scroungers. *The BNP will ensure that appropriate areas of
  13. Amity with his own, and as well as the formal meeting, a Lodge may well offer, hospitality , A visitor should first check the regularity of that Lodge, and must be able to
  14. The City of Westminster, the palace is a setting for state occasions and royal, hospitality , It has been a focus for the British people at times of national rejoicing and
  15. Raymond, daughter of the mariner James Sands. The story has it that, for her, hospitality , Mrs. Raymond was bid to hold out her apron, into which Kidd threw gold and
  16. The changes from the threshold, agreements and contracts, friendship, hospitality , sexual intercourse, games,data, the draw, good luck, the sacrifices and the
  17. Mental persecution, he sought refuge in Basel, where under the shelter of Swiss, hospitality ,he could express himself freely. Admirers from all quarters of Europe visited
  18. Of a gold mine or oil field compared to a sector of garment manufacturing or, hospitality ,services. A second source of finance is national diasporas, which can fund
  19. As ruler of the gate of prophetic dreams, as the god of athletes, edible roots, hospitality , He also said that Hermes had assigned each person his share of intelligence.
  20. Along with the Mi'KMA. Mile Madame and Chéticamp are well known for their, hospitality ,and fine food. Geography The island measures in area, making it the 77th
  21. Of Aetolia and was visited by Odysseus and his crew in the Odyssey. He gave, hospitality ,for a month and provided for a west wind to carry them home. He also provided a
  22. Which offers bachelors and masters programs in law, finance and economics and, hospitality ,and tourism management. Since the choice for higher education on the island
  23. Its grits, making them a symbol of its diet, its customs, its humor, and its, hospitality , and whereas, every community in the State of South Carolina used to be the
  24. Couple who were so poor they had only one old cow. The old couple gave of their, hospitality ,as best they could. The next morning, as the travelers left, Elijah prayed that
  25. Ballarat's major industries include the service industries, tourism and, hospitality , manufacturing, education and information technology as well as primary
  26. Employed in supermarkets. Another successful use of digital signage is in, hospitality ,locations such as restaurants. And malls. E-mail advertising is another recent
  27. Is more plentiful because conditions are too harsh for growing wheat. To show, hospitality , a host traditionally presents an offering of bread and salt when greeting a
  28. Involve distinctive manners of dress and custom. They were known for their, hospitality , idealism and loyalty. They often had a militaristic aspect, purportedly for
  29. In Atlanta at the time of its completion in 1967—made a significant mark on, hospitality ,architecture, both nationally and internationally. Through his work, Portman—a
  30. Jucurutu/Shiloh, and through subterfuge gets Music, the leader, to offer him, hospitality ,rights. Let discovers that these Jacurutu Bremen are trapping Giant Worms for
  31. City provided millions of dollars in an" illegitimate and excessive level of, hospitality ," to IOC members, including $4.4 million spent on entertainment alone.
  32. In all my life ", she wrote later," I have not met with such warm, hospitality , comradeship and solidarity. " After touring a series of collectives in the
  33. Administrative staff, and line-level supervisors. Degree programs such as, hospitality ,management studies, a business degree, and/or certification programs prepare
  34. And Triptolemus, his sons by Melania. As a gift to Celebs, because of his, hospitality , Demeter planned to make Demotion as a god, by coating and anointing him with
  35. Empire. There he met Mania Suleiman, king since 1341. Dubious about the miserly, hospitality ,of the king, he nevertheless stayed for eight months. In Batista disapproved
  36. To be granted the right to sit at his father's table Albion had to ask for the, hospitality ,of a foreign king, and have him donate his weapons, as was customary. For this
  37. The Jurymen River. According to Strabo and Plutarch, Hannibal also received, hospitality ,at the Armenian court of Ataxia I. The authors add an apocryphal story of how
  38. The virtues of" honor, manliness,self-reliance, courage,moral integrity, and, hospitality ," and follows the example of God when creating order out of chaos. *The farmer
  39. With Thanos on behalf of Prince Admetus, who had regaled Heracles with his, hospitality , or restoring his friend Tenders to the throne of Sparta after he was
  40. Uniquely above the pitch unlike the other 3 stands. It contains the corporate, hospitality ,seating alongside Fulham fans. Jimmy Hill once referred to the Riverside being
  41. Came to a very poor synagogue. Here they were treated with great courtesy and, hospitality , When they left, Elijah prayed that God might give them a single wise leader.
  42. With tenants including IBM and employing over 1,400 people. Tourism and, hospitality ,Ballarat attracts 2.2 million visitors a year and the tourism and hospitality
  43. Of Acre. The book opens with a scene of Norman knights and prelates seeking the, hospitality ,of Cedric. They are guided there by a Palmer, who has recently returned from
  44. Types Hotel operations vary in size, function,and cost. Most hotels and major, hospitality ,companies that operate hotels have set widely accepted industry standards to
  45. Cuisine is a prominent feature of the Hungarian culture, just like the art of, hospitality , Traditional dishes such as the world-famous Goulash (guys stew or guys
  46. Hospitality Ballarat attracts 2.2 million visitors a year and the tourism and, hospitality ,industry is a A$480 million a year sector which accounts for around 15 % of
  47. Manners, courted by the fashion, wealth and wisdom of Athens, and dispensing, hospitality ,with ease and refinement. The epideictic speech in praise of love which Marathon
  48. Industry, automotive industry, electronic industry, meatpacking industry, hospitality ,industry, food industry, fish industry, software industry, paper industry
  49. Appears at Taichung Hall, seeking to meet Gunther. Gunther extends his, hospitality ,to the hero, and Gut rune offers him the love potion. Unaware of the deception
  50. S house, that he might have a constant eye over them. The buildings devoted to, hospitality ,are divided into three groups,--one for the reception of distinguished guests

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