Examples of the the word, boycott , in a Sentence Context

The word ( boycott ), is the 7009 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. On December 2,1945,the newly formed Arab League Council declared a formal, boycott ,against Jewish products. " Jewish products and manufactured goods shall be
  2. 1933 – The recently elected Nazis under Julius Stretcher organize a one-day, boycott ,of all Jewish-owned businesses in Germany, ushering in a series of anti-Semitic
  3. Vexing the colonists. Protests led to a powerful new weapon, the systematic, boycott ,of British goods. The following year, the British enacted the Quartering Acts
  4. New to science. Yasukuni Shrine Emperor Hirohito maintained an official, boycott ,of the Yasukuni Shrine after it was revealed to him that Class-A war criminals
  5. Off a crucifix necklace. British Airways has faced legal action and calls for a, boycott ,by Christians after it ruled an employee could not display a crucifix on her
  6. The 1984 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles, retaliating for the United States, boycott ,of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow. In the late summer of 1984,the Soviet
  7. More than the nature of the transgression. The war culminated in a FOCAL, boycott ,of the 1982 San Marino Grand Prix months later. In theory, all FOCAL teams were
  8. Posed a potential threat to Bozizé's government because of their widespread, boycott ,of the second round of the legislative elections. Members of the Yakima
  9. And the Progressive Labour Party (then in the Opposition) had called for a, boycott ,of the referendum, having an unquantified impact on the result. There are few
  10. A duty to make the enemy weak. If their weakness cannot be achieved except by, boycott , we must boycott them. American goods, exactly like the great Israeli goods
  11. San Marino Grand Prix months later. In theory, all FOCAL teams were supposed to, boycott ,the Grand Prix as a sign of solidarity and complaint at the handling of the
  12. Act in 1923—leading Chinese-Canadians to refer to July 1 as Humiliation Day and, boycott ,Dominion Day celebrations until the act was repealed in 1947. Queen Elizabeth
  13. Significant figures of the civil rights movement were involved in the, boycott , including Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr. and Ralph Abernathy. Use of retired
  14. Engagement for $2 million in Sun City, South Africa, breaking a cultural, boycott ,against apartheid-era South Africa. See Artists United Against Apartheid He was
  15. The 1980s since many quite personal questions were asked. Some campaigned for a, boycott , In the end the Constitutional Court stopped the census in 1980 and 1983. The
  16. The enshrinement of 14 Class A War Criminals in Yasukuni was the reason for the, boycott , Toyota recorded in detail the contents of his conversations with the emperor
  17. And other human rights violations. " Marques called on foreign countries to, boycott ,Angola's" conflict diamonds ". Iron Under Portuguese rule, Angola began
  18. Records and publishing the names of merchants who attempted to defy the, boycott ,by importing British goods. They promoted patriotism and home manufacturing
  19. Writes a weekly column for the Daily Express. In October 2006,she pledged to, boycott ,British Airways for suspending a worker who refused to hide her cross. The
  20. Of area hotels and businesses, black and white players alike called for a, boycott , Led by Bills players such as Cookie Gilchrist, the players successfully
  21. Deal in, distribute,or consume Zionist products or manufactured goods. " The, boycott ,began to wane only in the 1970s. Israeli Arabs During a speech in 2007
  22. Restraint of trade and conspiracy, and which ended the AMA's de facto, boycott ,of chiropractic. However, a libel case against science writer Simon Singh ended
  23. Arab's countries due to Coke's early investment in Israel during the Arab League, boycott ,of Israel (its competitor Pepsi stayed out of Israel). Mecca Cola and Pepsi
  24. Was declared bankrupt and folded. Meanwhile, there was a growing international, boycott ,of Faeroese produce over the grindadráp (whaling) issue. The independence
  25. Name of religion we must help them. The vehicle of this support is a complete, boycott ,of the enemies' goods. Each riyal, dirham …etc. used to buy their goods
  26. In the USA in July 1943,as a result of the American Federation of Musicians, boycott ,of US recording studios, the a cappella vocal group The Song Spinners had a
  27. The enemy weak. If their weakness cannot be achieved except by boycott , we must, boycott ,them. American goods, exactly like the great Israeli goods, are forbidden. It
  28. Innocence and adult sexuality" and called to" God-loving Americans to, boycott ,stores selling Britney's albums. " Spears responded to the outcry commenting
  29. Their casting of celebrities. Although he did not explicitly say he would, boycott ,the West End, he did not return to direct in the West End again until 2009 with
  30. Of those refineries in July 1960. The Eisenhower administration promoted a, boycott ,of Cuba by oil companies, to which Cuba responded by nationalizing the
  31. Legislatures were held in May and June 1995. Most opposition parties chose to, boycott ,these elections. There was a landslide victory for the Ethiopian People's
  32. As its governor). In practice, several of the FOCAL teams backed out of the, boycott , citing" sponsor obligations ". Notable among these were the Terrell and
  33. At the state and local level. When the First Continental Congress decided to, boycott ,British products, the colonial and local Committees took charge, examining
  34. He soon came back to Hakka. Last years in Mecca In 617,the Quraish enforced a, boycott ,against the Band Ha shim. Muhammad along with his supporters from Band Ha shim
  35. Yusuf al-Qaradawi released a fatwa on April 14, 2004,stating that the, boycott ,of American and Israeli products was an obligation for all who are able. The
  36. With the game rather than release another" quick-fire" expansion. The call to, boycott ,was rescinded after SOE held a summit to address player concerns, improve (
  37. Particularly after the extensive Kabyle protests of 2001 and the near-total, boycott ,of local elections in Kabylie. The government responded with concessions
  38. In May 2004,Woody Here of GU Comics called for all Everest gamers to, boycott ,the Omens of War expansion in an effort to force SOE to address existing issues
  39. With the return of South Africa in 1992 after the ending of the apartheid, boycott , nine teams played each other once in the group phase, and the top four teams
  40. Continental Congress and a shadow government in each colony. The American, boycott ,of British tea led to the Boston Tea Party in 1773. London responded by ending
  41. Additional question on frequency of speaking Irish. There are some calls for a, boycott ,to the 2011 Census as the Irish Central Statistics Office (CSO) has
  42. In 2005,opposition parties and human rights organizations supported the, boycott ,of the constitutional referendum that allowed Debt to stand for re-election for
  43. Rededication. This boycott lasted from 1978 until the time of his death. This, boycott ,has been maintained by his son Akihito, who has also refused to attend Yasukuni
  44. New, highly restrictive election law, the Bolsheviks began debating whether to, boycott ,the new parliament known as the Third Dump. Lenin and his supporters Gregory
  45. Began his illustrious career. The outbreak of World War I and the subsequent, boycott ,of, for example, French films left a noticeable gap in the market. By 1916
  46. War criminals had secretly been enshrined after its post-war rededication. This, boycott ,lasted from 1978 until the time of his death. This boycott has been maintained
  47. And poor. The controversy prompted one local politician to call for locals to, boycott ,the performances, but this was largely ignored, and the premiere was sold out.
  48. Lord Chief Justice, Lord Widely to undertake it. Many witnesses intended to, boycott ,the tribunal as they lacked faith in Widgery's impartiality, but were
  49. The fall of the apartheid regime and the end of the international sports, boycott , Pakistan overcame a dismal start to emerge as winners, defeating England by 22
  50. After their deaths. American women were integral to the success of the, boycott ,of British goods, as the boycott ed items were largely household items such as

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