Examples of the the word, elevator , in a Sentence Context

The word ( elevator ), is the 7013 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Rope mechanism of the North tower is visible to visitors as they exit from the, elevator , Second to the third level The original elevator s from the second to the third
  2. Upper East Side of New York City has a wooden handmade replica of the Art Deco, elevator ,doors. Cape Breton may refer to: Geographic locations *Cape Breton Island, a
  3. Showed more genitalia in the above-mentioned shower scene and more blood in the, elevator ,scene. The film is rated
  4. Lift carriage again passing guiding sheaves. This arrangement means that the, elevator ,carriage, complete with its cars and passengers, travels 8 times the distance
  5. Has also presented periodic sports blooper reels, and announced dogsled and, elevator ,races, on Late Night with David Letterman. Bob Costs has been impersonated
  6. In Manner v. Otis Elevator Co. (96 Apps. Div. 169) to the manufacturer of an, elevator ,; in Davies v. Pelham Hod Elevating Co. (65 Hun,573; affirmed in this court
  7. The" G" or" 0" button to return to the first floor whereas in an American, elevator , one would push the" 1 "," G ", or " L" ( for Lobby) button to return to
  8. Stored in three accumulators, complete with counterbalance weights. To make the, elevator ,ascend, water was pumped using an electrically driven pump from the
  9. In 1947,at the age of 44,she met former actor Rupert Pole in a Manhattan, elevator ,on her way to a party. The two ended up dating and traveled to California
  10. And a reduction of soil erosion. Across the province, the once common grain, elevator ,is slowly being lost as rail lines are decreased and farmers now truck the
  11. Of the villages and towns in this region boast both a water tower and a grain, elevator , As well as the farming of crops, Eastern Colorado has a good deal of livestock
  12. Loads or even just maintenance personnel. The East and West hydraulic (water), elevator , works are on display and, at least in theory, are open to the public in a small
  13. And a reduction of soil erosion. Across the province, the once common grain, elevator ,is slowly being lost as rail lines are decreasing; farmers typically truck the
  14. Mounted on the second level reaching nearly halfway up to the third level. An, elevator ,car was mounted on top of the rams. Ropes ran from the top of this car up to a
  15. Is clearly visible within the structure of the North pillar. This latter, elevator ,was upgraded in 1995 with new cars and computer controls. The South pillar
  16. In the ropes and the time taken to get the cars level with the landings, each, elevator , in normal service takes an average of 8 minutes and 50 seconds to do the round
  17. Verne restaurant. This was also supplied by Otis. A further four-ton service, elevator ,was added to the South pillar in 1989 by Otis to relieve the main elevator s
  18. The South pillar acquired a completely new fairly standard electrically driven, elevator ,in 1983 to serve the Jules Verne restaurant. This was also supplied by Otis. A
  19. Theory * Down (film),an English remake of the film De Lift, about an express, elevator ,that develops a mind of its own * Down (comics),a comic book published by
  20. As chariot and this term will be used henceforth to distinguish it from the, elevator ,carriage) with 16 large triple sheaves mounted on it. There are 14 similar
  21. Supplied by Léon Doug. Instead of using a separate counterbalance, the two, elevator ,cars counterbalanced each other. A pair of 81 meter long hydraulic rams were
  22. And sports gear to combat jackets and space elevator s. However, the space, elevator ,will require further efforts in refining carbon nanotube technology, as the
  23. Hoisted by a block and tackle system to reduce its travel to one third of the, elevator ,travel. The counterbalance is clearly visible within the structure of the North
  24. North America, farmers commonly deliver their newly harvested grain to a grain, elevator , a large storage facility that consolidates the crops of many farmers. The
  25. Kills him. Sebastian runs for the elevator with Roy following. Roy rides the, elevator ,down alone. In The Final Cut, Deckard is told by Bryant that Sebastian's body
  26. A penthouse. The other engine and part of the landing gear plummeted down an, elevator ,shaft. The resulting fire was extinguished in 40 minutes. 14 people were killed
  27. Elevator operator Betty Lou Oliver survived a plunge of 75 stories inside an, elevator , which still stands as the Guinness World Record for the longest survived
  28. Expansion of the harbor. In 1843,the world's first steam-powered grain, elevator ,was constructed by local merchant Joseph Dart, Jr. and engineer Robert Dunbar.
  29. Henry Bearded, left before his wife and children to secure a job overseeing, elevator ,operations and the newsstand staff at the Breton Hotel in the Upper West Side.
  30. Was true. Welles also described how he accidentally bumped into Hearst in an, elevator ,at the Fairmont Hotel when Kane was opening in San Francisco. Welles' father
  31. CATOBAR carriers may have other limitations (weight capacity of aircraft, elevator , etc.). Only 3 nations currently operate carriers of this type: the United
  32. Such as" sidewalk "," gas (gasoline/petrol) "," counterclockwise" or ", elevator ,(lift) ", without any problem, thanks in part to considerable exposure to
  33. S head in his hands, kisses him, and then kills him. Sebastian runs for the, elevator ,with Roy following. Roy rides the elevator down alone. In The Final Cut
  34. In dark sunglasses wielding a straight razor. Kate is slashed to death in the, elevator , A high-priced call-girl, Liz Blake (Nancy Allen),happens upon the body and
  35. A paper card or tape. The first electrical devices for discrete logic (such as, elevator ,and traffic light control circuits, telephone switches, and Konrad Zuse's
  36. JPG|View from one of the north-facing triangular windows Image: Chrysler, elevator , JPG|Elevator interior with inlaid wood Image: Chrysler Building at night.
  37. Fort William. Following a major fire in December 1911 that destroyed the grain, elevator , operations were relocated to a new, larger port created by the CPR at Port
  38. To add a glass floor panel, believed to have the highest vertical rise of any, elevator ,equipped with this feature. The Horizons Café and the lookout level are at. The
  39. 1857 – Manual Panda, Indian soldier (b. 1827) *1861 – Elisha Otis, American, elevator , builder (b. 1811) *1870 – Charles de Bériot, Belgian composer (b. 1802)
  40. William Smith and the other two occupants of the bomber. Betty Lou Oliver,an, elevator ,attendant, survived the impact and a subsequent uncontrolled descent with the
  41. When the elevator s were replaced and allows maintenance workers to take the, elevator ,half way. The replacement of these elevator s allowed the restructuring of the
  42. Ascend the inclined arc of the pillars, the angle of ascent changes. The two, elevator ,cabs are kept more or less level and indeed are level at the landings. The cab
  43. Anywhere in the tower (including the restaurant in the main pod),* an, elevator ,that can be used during a fire as it runs up the outside of the building and
  44. Attendant, survived the impact and a subsequent uncontrolled descent with the, elevator , It was partly because of this incident that Towers 1 and 2 of the World Trade
  45. Powered by three emergency generators at the base of the structure (unlike the, elevator ,at the Standing tower, which seriously malfunctioned). Officials also noted
  46. Wedding ring on the stranger's nightstand, and she returns to retrieve it. The, elevator ,doors open on the figure of a tall, blonde woman in dark sunglasses wielding a
  47. And an observation deck above ground, which is reachable by a windowed, elevator , Politics Berlin is the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany and is the
  48. First to the second level. The third and highest level is accessible only by, elevator , Both the first and second levels feature restaurants. The tower has become the
  49. Standing on the glass floor and looking down at the ground below. In 2008,one, elevator ,was upgraded to add a glass floor panel, believed to have the highest vertical
  50. Woman claimed Schwarzenegger tried to take off her bathing suit in a hotel, elevator , and the last said he pulled her onto his lap and asked her about a sex act.

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