Examples of the the word, mat , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mat ), is the 7015 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Men and as male for women). Oral traditions record the use of the Samoan fine, mat ,as a garment of atonement, draped over a Samoan maiden to pardon her from a
  2. Reach for a rope (see rope breaks below),only to put his hand back on the, mat ,so he can crawl towards the rope some more; this is NOT a submission, and the
  3. Earl Hefner),made a three count on Hogan while his shoulders were off the, mat , After winning, André " sold" the title to Disease; the transaction was
  4. Segment of the competition (in bowling parlance, an " end" ), by placing the, mat ,and rolling the jack to the other end of the green to serve as a target. Once
  5. Singles, one of the two opponents flips a coin to see who wins the ", mat ," and begins a segment of the competition (in bowling parlance, an " end" )
  6. Has become the industry standard. To create a sandblasted letter, a rubber, mat ,is laser cut from a computer file and glued to the stone. The sand then bites a
  7. Sushi ". Makizushi, or is a cylindrical piece, formed with the help of a bamboo, mat , called a making (巻簾). Makizushi is generally wrapped in nor (seaweed)
  8. On Earth., where the texture was first identified as evidence of a microbial, mat , For about 2,000 million years microbial mat s, multi-layered colonies of
  9. Finnish and Swedish (when followed by 'r' ), Ä is pronounced æ, as in English, mat , The vowels Ä, Ö and Ü are clearly separate phonemes and inherent in Estonian
  10. Generally, the difference between a mat and skirt is simply that a, mat ,is placed under the Christmas tree stand, while a skirt is placed over it
  11. Hasidim It is called in Assyrian mat Kali" land of Chaldea ". The expression, mat ,Bit Akin is also used, apparently synonymously. It would appear that Bit Akin
  12. Of snow. The addition of a good quality divvy bag and closed cell foam sleeping, mat ,will also increase the warmth of the snow cave. Another shelter that works well
  13. Approached your water, your high place of Mexico, you have come down to your, mat , your throne, which I have briefly kept for you, I who used to keep it for you
  14. Round holders or bullets deposited by the competitor into trays or onto the, mat ,at the firing line. If after eight bullets there are still misses, one 150 m
  15. That they could ascend a vertical shaft by means of an external antigravity, mat ,placed on the floor; and Remembrance of the Dales depicted them as capable of
  16. For auto mat ic doors are generally: #* A pressure sensor - e.g., a floor, mat ,which reacts to the pressure of someone standing on it. #* An infrared curtain
  17. The center of the rink and the players take turns to roll their bowls from the, mat ,towards the jack and thereby build up the" head ". A bowl may curve outside
  18. The latter can occur if, for example, one opponent's shoulders touch the, mat ,while maintaining a submission hold against another opponent. If the opponent
  19. Major boost to the country's fledgling traditional cottage industries such as, mat ,weaving, lacquer work, handicraft,and coir rope making. New industries that
  20. Other Traditional economic activities such as, mat ,weaving, jewelry making and lacquer work are also found in the Maldives.
  21. They compromised so that some would have half a chair leg on the rim of a, mat , In this conflict, Nicolaus Vivaldi, bishop of Växjö, claimed that the Swedes
  22. To see people bouldering with just climbing shoes, a chalk bag, and a crash, mat , Bouldering equipment may include: * Close-fitting rubber climbing shoes, for
  23. And the tribes of the Syrian Desert (853 BC),including Ahab (A-ha-ab-bu, mat ,) (Add'DRI). Ahab's contribution was reckoned at 2,000 chariots and
  24. Proteoid roots, roots with dense clusters of short lateral rootlets that form a, mat ,in the soil just below the leaf litter. These enhance solubilization of
  25. Normally limited to very short climbs over a crash pad (called a bouldering, mat ,) so that a fall will not result in serious injury. It is typically practiced
  26. From Greek, Chaldaia; Akkadian; Hebrew כשדים, Kaśdim It is called in Assyrian, mat ,Kali" land of Chaldea ". The expression mat Bit Akin is also used
  27. Ablatives in singular and plural may be extended by the syllable -TAS; thus, mat ,or mat tes, as mat or regattas. Sanskrit does not have true third-person pronouns
  28. Graph 1) is more abstract than the graphic image of a cat sitting on a, mat ,(picture 1),the delineation of abstract things from concrete things is
  29. The flame of oxygen. The burner will often be placed on a suitable heatproof, mat ,to protect the laboratory bench surface. Variants Other burners based on the
  30. Arms, allowing the remaining arms to be used to camouflage the octopus as a, mat ,of algae or a floating coconut. Advantages Limited and exclusive bipedalism can
  31. Are: *Durable, low-maintenance stealth technology, using structural fiber, mat ,instead of the high-maintenance coatings of legacy stealth platforms; and Fiber
  32. Problems. For further protection, climbers typically put a bouldering, mat ,(crash pad) on the ground to break their fall. Last, climbers often have one
  33. Is a cat * location, of the form" noun copula place-phrase" The cat is on the, mat ,; The cat is here Moorland sees specifically the" identity" and" predication
  34. Extensions Native;. Fig: MATLAB Figure;. M: MATLAB function, script,or class;., mat ,: MATLAB binary file for storing variables;. Mex ...: MATLAB executable (
  35. Sensors. These are usually an infrared curtain or beam, but can be a pressure, mat ,fitted on the swing side of the door. The purpose of the safety sensor is to
  36. The song" I'll Be Home for Christmas" ). Generally, the difference between a, mat ,and skirt is simply that a mat is placed under the Christmas tree stand, while
  37. For use on glass. A mechanical adhesive bond may be formed around glass fiber, mat ,or tissue to reinforce joints or to fabricate small parts. When added to baking
  38. White pig weed, prostrate pig weed, pigweed amaranth * Amaranths clitorides –, mat ,amaranth, prostrate amaranth, prostrate pig weed * Amaranths Californians –
  39. Are also possible. Promoters can cover up surface to prevent production of a, mat ,of coke, or even actively remove such mat erial (e.g. rhenium on platinum in
  40. Dictate how the performance unfolds. That is, tapping a free hand against the, mat ,or against an opponent. Occasionally, a wrestler will reach for a rope (see
  41. Judo (at a competition) as it is basically slamming your hand on the, mat ,indicating to the referee that there has been an Nippon scored. Chokes Although
  42. Representation of the syntactic analysis of the sentence" the cat sat on the, mat ,". The sentence is analyzed as being constituted by a noun phrase, a verb and a
  43. The pot sits in a shallow solution of fertilizer and water or on a capillary, mat ,saturated with nutrient solution. The various hydroponic media available, such
  44. Growth is recirculated past the bare roots of plants in a watertight thick root, mat , which develops in the bottom of the channel, has an upper surface that
  45. Fighting must be stopped if a participant is outside the designated area on the, mat ,(tatami). If the referee and judges need to discuss something during
  46. Righteousness and victory of our struggle. Kwanzaa symbols include a decorative, mat ,on which other symbols are placed, corn and other crops, a candleholder with
  47. Since candles were used to light trees until electric bulbs came about,a, mat ,(UK) or skirt (US) was often placed on the floor below the tree to protect
  48. Quilt. A nativity scene, model train, or Christmas village may be placed on the, mat ,or skirt. As Christmas presents arrive, they are generally placed underneath
  49. That it can be placed around the tree (beneath the branches) easily. A plain, mat ,of fabric or plastic may also be placed under the stand and skirt to protect
  50. After accidentally re-discovering it. He had placed layers of newspapers as a, mat ,to protect a tabletop from being scratched while he cut papers with a razor

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