Examples of the the word, penguin , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Often huddle together to keep warm and rotate positions to make sure that each, penguin ,gets a turn in the center of the heat pack. They can drink salt water because
  2. Deep, and are often passed over as mates. Distribution and habitat Although all, penguin ,species are native to the Southern Hemisphere, they are not found only in cold
  3. Loss in water is much greater than in air). The Emperor Penguin (the largest, penguin ,) has the largest body mass of all penguin s, which further reduces relative
  4. The cartoon series Chilly Willy helped perpetuate this myth, as the title, penguin ,would interact with northern-hemisphere species such as polar bears and
  5. Found only in cold climates, such as Antarctica. In fact, only a few species of, penguin ,actually live so far south. At least 10 species live in the temperate zone; one
  6. Foursome),a World War II" Pre-Atomic" Submarine made to resemble a, penguin , and their three pirate henchmen (Bluebeard, Morgan and Quench),and Batman
  7. Penguins, and the" Bear" is merely a brown penguin ; the" Dinosaur" a green, penguin , The comic strips are filled with visible corrections: some words are crossed
  8. To be discovered eventually. Given that neither the relationships of the, penguin ,subfamilies to each other nor the placement of the penguin s in the avian
  9. Database* ()' ( (canary (is-a bird) (color yellow) (size small) ) (, penguin ,(is-a bird) (movement swim) ) (bird (is-a vertebrate) (has-part wings)
  10. Says he is unrelated to the hippopotamus *Headcheese, a French Canadian female, penguin , with whom Pokey has something of a love/hate relationship *Gustavo, a potato
  11. Couples. A children's book, And Tango Makes Three, was written about one such, penguin ,family in the New York Zoo. Psycho is a 1960 American psychological thriller
  12. Are: *Mr. Nutty, an alcoholic British snowman and capitalist *A young female, penguin , variously identified as" Small Child" or" Little Girl," who is apparently
  13. Indicated with a diaeresis mark on the vowel. In the Spanish word penguin s (, penguin ,), the letter u is pronounced, although normally it is silent in the digraph GU
  14. Town, a village in New South Wales, Australia In fiction: *Alfred, a fictional, penguin ,in the comic strip Big et Puce *Alfred J. SWAK, a Dutch animated television
  15. York-Bilbao. In Steve Bell's Guardian cartoon strip, one of the characters a, penguin ,annexes and claims Rockfall as the" People's Republic of Rockfall ". In music
  16. About 2.7 million years ago. Description Like all penguin s, the little, penguin ,'s wings have developed into flippers used for swimming. The Little Penguin
  17. On with amusement. ** In 8 Ball Bunny (1950) Bugs decides to take a baby, penguin ,back to the South Pole. At intervals," Fred C. Dobbs" ( Bogart's character
  18. Euphemisms for male masturbation such as" bashing the bishop "," petting the, penguin ,"," jacking off "," waxing the dolphin "," slamming the ham" or" banging
  19. Later that year AOL initiated privacy research and extended the animated, penguin ,campaign to the United Kingdom. * AOL closed one of its three Northern Virginia
  20. Two species of resident land birds. The seabirds include: northern rockhopper, penguin ,(Educates Moseley),Atlantic yellow-nosed albatross (Thalassarche
  21. Dienemum and Nematodes sulfate, the only Subantarctic orchids; the royal, penguin ,; and the Antipodean albatross. Alpine tundra does not contain trees
  22. See also Flightless Cormorant). The basal fossils The oldest known fossil, penguin ,species is Riemann wandering, which lived in the early Paleocene epoch of New
  23. A series of Noah's Ark animals march past in twos consisting of tiger, penguin , snake, elephant,flamingo, butterfly,tortoise, giraffe and frog.
  24. Sheepdogs to protect the penguin colony has deterred the foxes and enabled the, penguin ,population to rebound. This is in addition to the support from groups of
  25. Found only in cold climates, such as Antarctica. In fact, only a few species of, penguin ,live so far south. Several species are found in the temperate zone, and one
  26. The island. *The Bugs Bunny cartoon" 8 Ball Bunny" ' saw Bugs and a showbiz, penguin ,called Playboy stranded on Martinique. *"Martinique Blue" was a popular color
  27. Still unclear whether the Royal Penguin is merely a color morph of the Macaroni, penguin , The status of the Rockhopper penguin s is also unclear. Updated after Marbles (
  28. Of Meniscus to South America and eventually beyond. Inside this group, penguin ,relationships are far less clear. Depending on the analysis and dataset, a
  29. Prehistoric forms still leaf much to be desired. Some seminal articles about, penguin ,prehistory have been published since 2005,the evolution of the living genera
  30. Snowflake, a gorilla from a zoo in Barcelona; Snowdrop, a Bristol Zoo, penguin ,; and an albino buffalo known as Maria Ska which is Sioux for White Cloud, in
  31. Fat ", from its perceived appearance. This etymology would be improbable if ", penguin ," were found to have been originally applied to the great auk, as some sources
  32. Is an online comic strip created in 1998. It chronicles the adventures of a, penguin ,named Pokey and a large cast of other characters. Pokey comics are drawn
  33. In a climate decidedly warmer than today. Etymology The etymology of the word ", penguin ," is highly disputed. The English word is not apparently of French, nor of
  34. Comics, he was an ordinary man, Burton created a freak of nature resembling a, penguin ,with webbed, flipper-like fingers, a hooked, beak-like nose, and a penguin -like
  35. About this, and several other authors have noted that there are fossil, penguin ,species that contradict this hypothesis and that ocean currents and upwellings
  36. Value temporarily shot up to roughly $20 million. His personal mascot is a, penguin ,nicknamed Tux, which has been widely adopted by the Linux community as the
  37. Which has led to a large repertoire of visual as well as vocal displays in all, penguin ,species. Agonistic displays are those intended to confront or drive off, or
  38. About 1.1 m (3 ft 7 in) tall and weigh 35 kg (75 lb) or more. The smallest, penguin ,species is the Little Blue Penguin (Eudyptula minor),also known as the Fairy
  39. Spend about half of their lives on land and half in the oceans. Although all, penguin ,species are native to the Southern Hemisphere, they are not found only in cold
  40. Techniques, Making Frog and Toad. Another example is" Ping" ( 1986) about a, penguin ,who lives with his family in an igloo. In the 1990s Trey Parker and Matt Stone
  41. Narration. The Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) is the smallest species of, penguin , The penguin , which usually grows to between 30 and 33 cm tall (12 to 13
  42. Contrary, subantarctic regions harbored high diversity, and at least one giant, penguin ,occurred in a region not quite 2,000 km south of the equator 35 MYA, in a
  43. Tide by a tidal sand bridge. The deployment of Mamma sheepdogs to protect the, penguin ,colony has deterred the foxes and enabled the penguin population to rebound.
  44. The Little Penguin (Eudyptula minor) is the smallest species of penguin . The, penguin , which usually grows to between 30 and 33 cm tall (12 to 13 inches),is found
  45. Involved people spray-painting on sidewalks a peace symbol, a heart, and a, penguin ,(Linux mascot),to represent" Peace, Love,and Linux. " However due to
  46. Up at the Phillip Island Nature Park to allow visitors to view the nightly ", penguin ,parade ". Lights and concrete stands have been erected to allow visitors to see
  47. As an orca or a leopard seal) has difficulty distinguishing between a white, penguin ,belly and the reflective water surface. The dark plumage on their backs
  48. Are not chickens, but ordinary penguin s, and the" Bear" is merely a brown, penguin ,; the" Dinosaur" a green penguin . The comic strips are filled with visible
  49. And represents a showcase of evolutionary biogeography; though as, penguin ,bones of any one species vary much in size and few good specimens are known
  50. Of direct (i.e., fossil ) evidence is that by the end of the Cretaceous,the, penguin ,lineage must have been evolutionarily well distinct, though much less so

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