Examples of the the word, kindness , in a Sentence Context

The word ( kindness ), is the 7842 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In Sephardi, Chasidus in Ashkenazi, meaning " piety" ( literally" loving, kindness ,", IPA:, ),is a branch of Orthodox Judaism that promotes spirituality and joy
  2. Helped by extended families and supportive religious leaders who listen with, kindness ,and respect, which can often contrast with usual practice in psychiatric
  3. Us, or helped us without my returning to him (his favor) except Abu Bakr. The, kindness ,that he has shown us, only Allah will reward him for that on the Day of
  4. Placed under the guardianship of his uncle who showed him great affection and, kindness , Thomas was himself a gentleman of His Majesty's chapel, and arranged for
  5. 1965)," women in Kurosawa have become not only unreal and incapable of, kindness , but totally bereft of autonomy, whether physical, intellectual,or emotional
  6. Enough majority in any town? " Huck likes Walks' daughters, who treat him with, kindness ,and courtesy, so he tries to thwart the grifters' plans by stealing back the
  7. During the festival of the Persian victories. They were treated with, kindness ,and magnificence; but as the statues of the emperor Constantius had been
  8. He was especially loved by MIT students for his willingness to teach and his, kindness ,:" The trick to education," he said," is to teach people in such a way that
  9. Book" a national benefit, and to every man and woman who reads it a personal, kindness ,". Some historians claim the book significantly redefined the" spirit" and
  10. Tenet of the Indian religions (Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism). AHIMA means, kindness ,and non-violence towards all living things including non-human animals; it
  11. Record that the final blow, with the back of an axe, was delivered as an act of, kindness ,by a Christian convert known as" Thrum. " Ælfheah was buried in St Paul's
  12. The wealthiest of his pupils received their lessons for free, a tribute to the, kindness ,Weissmann had shown Salary as a penniless orphan. Salary was committed to
  13. God to the maximum. As the Qur'an says: God forgave Jonah out of His mercy and, kindness ,for the man, and because he knew that Jonah was, at heart, one of the best of
  14. May the merit of my practice, adorn Buddhas' Pure Lands, requite the fourfold, kindness ,from above, and relieve the suffering of the three life-journeys below.
  15. S main theme of redemptive history. Heed, sometimes translated as" loving, kindness ,", also implies loyalty. The theme of heed is woven throughout Ruth, beginning
  16. Hesed to their family members throughout the story. These are not acts of, kindness ,with an expectation of measure for measure. Rather, they are acts of heed that
  17. Are heroics. One is reminded of Dickens: what counts are the honesty, constancy, kindness , and patience of ordinary people. " Dick made no secret that much of his ideas
  18. In late Middle English; from Latin. A contraction of gratis, meaning 'as a, kindness ,', which in turn stems from the root gratis meaning 'grace' or ' kindness '. It
  19. But that you treat the said Captain Cook and his people with all civility and, kindness ,... as common friends to mankind. Unknown to Franklin, Cook had met his death a
  20. Church; but quite in contrast with Innocent III he sought these achievements by, kindness ,and indulgence rather than by force and severity. Fifth Crusade The Fifth
  21. If a person feels guilty when he harms another, or even fails to reciprocate, kindness , he is more likely not to harm others or become too selfish. In this way, he
  22. Together. " ~Eric Offer:" No one has yet realized the wealth of sympathy,the, kindness ,and generosity hidden in the soul of a child. The effort of every true
  23. To enjoy in the world to come; they are: honoring parents, loving deeds of, kindness , and making peace between one person and another. But the study of the Torah is
  24. That the best hope for mankind lies in our looking for mates based on the, kindness ,of their hearts rather than good looks or wealth. He illustrates this with a
  25. Weakness, a category in which he groups such emotions as compassion, mercy and, kindness , and place the mutants in tank-like" Mark III travel machines" partly based
  26. Is the motive behind all of his acts until he is at last defeated by a show of, kindness ,to the Christ child in a weak moment. I Brændingen is a camouflaged portrait of
  27. Came to our land, in her wandering after the rape of More, and,being moved to, kindness ,towards our ancestors by services which may not be told save to her initiates
  28. This is followed by several lyric prayers that expound upon God's mercy and, kindness , and give thanks for the survival of the Jewish people through a history of
  29. The artist was now considered qualified to appear before a public tribunal. The, kindness ,of some monks supplied him with his first workshop, which was the vacant cell
  30. Primarily because of the Qur'an's description of John's chastity and, kindness , Sufi's have frequently applied commentaries on John's passages on the Qur'an
  31. And considerate. Phlegmatic temperaments are characterized by dependability, kindness , and affection. Galen’s principal interest was in human anatomy, but Roman law
  32. LEV Nikolaievich Pushkin, is attributed more to his honesty, trustfulness, kindness , and humility, than to a lack of intellectual ability. Nietzsche claimed, in
  33. Ark (ark. Com),a website empowering people to spread acts of random, kindness , Agriculture * Chicken ark, a mobile shelter for domestic chickens Narratives *
  34. Immanent Divine presence in everything gave new value to prayer and deeds of, kindness , alongside Rabbinic supremacy of study, and replaced historical mystical (
  35. In our midst, and we have been accustomed from childhood to look upon them with, kindness , " However, it also called for the restoration of white political rule, arguing
  36. Numerous expressions embedded in our languages, for example" the milk of human, kindness ,". In ancient Greek mythology, the goddess Hera spilled her breast milk after
  37. Many would agree with the Dalai Lama that Buddhism as a religion is, kindness ,toward others. Still, the very notion of altruism is modified in such a
  38. Are civil, and,like the barbarians unto the holy apostle, have shown me much, kindness ,; and there are a sort of chosen people in the land, for they have some Kirk
  39. In philosophical context, love is a virtue representing all human, kindness , compassion, and affection. Love is central to many religions, as in the
  40. Clear that he was a good-looking, engaging young man, whose easy humor and, kindness ,towards the Bronte sisters made a considerable impression. It is such a
  41. One is offended ... I find myself regarded and treated at every turn with the, kindness ,and deference paid to white people. When I go to church, I am met by no
  42. Of murdering a preacher on a mission to convert the Fathers. Louis's piety and, kindness ,towards the poor was much celebrated. He went on two crusades, in his mid-30s
  43. 1737 (new style),when he left the house to return to Sweden. Illness and the, kindness ,of Dutch friends obliged him to stay some months longer in Holland. In May 1738
  44. Taking the name of Paul VI. John XXIII's personal warmth, good humor and, kindness ,captured the world's affections in a way his predecessor, for all his learning
  45. Elated at the election, for Honors III was himself a Roman and by his extreme, kindness ,had endeared himself to the hearts of all. Like his famous predecessor Innocent
  46. Other crucial values in the Torah is pursuit of justice, compassion,peace, kindness , hard work, prosperity,humility, and education. The" Slam ABA" thought is
  47. And notoriously thin-skinned (though prone to acts of extraordinary, kindness ,), while Sullivan eschewed conflict. In addition, Gilbert imbued his libretto
  48. The constraints that they are responsible for treating all their wives with, kindness ,and dignity as well as for providing for their material needs equally. Many
  49. Of her loyalty to her mother-in-law. Ruth tells her mother-in-law of Boaz's, kindness , and she gleans in his field through the remainder of the harvest season. Boat
  50. The world stands on three things: on Torah, on worship, and on acts of loving, kindness , " This concept further explains the Jewish mentality towards the meaning of it

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