Examples of the the word, superb , in a Sentence Context

The word ( superb ), is the 6042 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The system positively. Jeff Minter described the controller itself as “, superb ,” while Chris Walsh of Argonaut Games stated that“ Polygon based games like
  2. Until he became Chancellor at Tübingen in 1590. He proved himself to be a, superb ,mathematician and earned a reputation as a skillful astrologer, casting
  3. As it is freakish. It confirms Mr. Lynch's stature as an innovator,a, superb ,technician, and someone best not encountered in a dark alley. " Sheila Benson
  4. Of Germany, with many local and regional breweries producing a wide variety of, superb ,beers. The pale lager pilferer, a style developed in the mid-19th century, is
  5. More effective than at Ellis, but at Okinawa the preliminary shelling was, superb , Frogmen performing underwater demolition at Two Jim confused the enemy by
  6. Australia's victory by 45 runs. The win hinged on Banner man’s century and a, superb ,bowling performance by Tom Kendall who took of 7 for 55 in England’s second
  7. African rates. Given its small domestic market but favorable location and a, superb ,transport and communications base, Namibia is a leading advocate of regional
  8. Was assisted by Hiragana Taliban, development engineer responsible for the, superb ,dynamics of the FC (second-generation RX-7) and the NA Roadster (IATA MX-5
  9. In 1936. His performance was called“ brilliant ”,“ compelling ”, and “, superb , ” Despite his success in an“ A movie,” Bogart received a tepid twenty-six
  10. There were also figures such as early Tang-era painter Than Fijian, who painted, superb ,landscape paintings that were well ahead of his day in portrayal of realism.
  11. Great justices. " His" remarkable intellectual and social gifts... made him a, superb ,leader and administrator. He had a photographic memory that few, if any, of his
  12. Stories, Alberti could—with his feet together—jump over a man's head, he was a, superb ,horseman, and he" learned music without a master, and yet his compositions
  13. Austin to his stock company; Campbell, a Gilbert and Sullivan veteran, provided, superb , villainy,and second bananas Bergman and Austin would remain with Chaplin for
  14. A sunny, melodic work in the Schubert vein (although its lyricism and, superb ,orchestration do much to conceal the fact that it is one of the composer's
  15. East of the Cathedral. Florence has large numbers of art-filled churches, Two, superb , collections of sculpture are in the Barbell and the Museum of the Works of the
  16. Both in the Kingdom of Northumbria. Bede's monastery had access to a, superb ,library which included works by Eugenics and Gropius among many others. He is
  17. From Proust to 'Gilligan's Island,' 'Mystery Science Theater 3000' fuses, superb , clever writing with wonderfully terrible B-grade movies ". In 1994 and 1995
  18. Of the characters copied. Although many amateur Morse operators exhibit, superb ,code copying abilities, as might be expected from the test requirement
  19. Until 2007 throughout the whole country and the network was renowned for its, superb ,coverage, In 2000 Telecom announced that they would discontinue the AMPS
  20. Ranks. In Macedonia, however,he was viewed as a bearded war veteran with, superb ,military skills and physical strength. The ancient Macedonians looked up to
  21. Despite this backbreaking workload, the job was in artistic terms a, superb ,opportunity for Haydn. The Esterhazy princes (Paul Anton, then from 1762 to 1790
  22. Graham Greene stated that" Mr. Cagney, of the bull-calf brow, is as always a, superb ,and witty actor ". The Roaring Twenties was the last film in which Cagney's
  23. Understood prokaryotes, in terms of molecular biology and cell biology. Its, superb ,genetic amenability and relatively large size have provided the powerful tools
  24. By using digital optical recording and playback to reproduce audio signals with, superb ,stereo quality. This research at Philips established the technical standard for
  25. Refused to serve the Yuan court and dedicated himself to painting. Examples of, superb ,art from this period include the rich and detailed painted murals of the Dongle
  26. Time. His most notable military victory was the battle of Brazened. With a, superb ,military machine with good weapons, excellent training, and effective field
  27. They were popularly known by this time) earned premiership favoritism after a, superb ,16 point second semi-final defeat of Melbourne, only to lose by over 10 goals
  28. Due to their state of disrepair. The west-wing housing the dance hall with a, superb ,view of the enchanting gardens, still remains today. On the first floor the
  29. Off-season acquisition, was the starting third baseman. While Makovich was a, superb ,fielder, he was a weak hitter. In May, with the team off to a slow start and
  30. Will be served grilled either hot, or chilled in a salad. They are considered a, superb ,meze, especially alongside ouzo. According to the USDA Nutrient Database (2007
  31. The eye as evolutionary biologists' " greatest challenge as an example of, superb ,'irreducible complexity' in God's creation ", specifically pointing to the
  32. Lithographs by various artists which was not successful, but included several, superb ,prints by Manet. The revival began during the 1870s,especially in France with
  33. With the traditional mouse interface. However, the highly stylized visuals, superb ,voice acting and sophisticated writing more than made up for this flaw, earning
  34. For its excellent performance, was not so much the architecture but rather, superb ,implementation. At that time (as it is now),the microchip industry was
  35. And ascension. Christian scholar Donald Guthrie claims,“ it is full of, superb ,stories and leaves the reader with a deep impression of the personality and
  36. Influenced by his ideals. Mozart, in many ways Gluck's successor, combined a, superb ,sense of drama, harmony,melody, and counterpoint to write a series of comedies
  37. Geometry. He was a competent geometer, but more importantly, he was a, superb ,commentator on the works that preceded him. Much of that work did not survive
  38. Machine 1988),and" As Stravinsky said, one never thinks of Beethoven as a, superb ,orchestrator because the quality of invention transcends mere craftsmanship. It
  39. Claudia Poor of USA Today described Cruz's performance as Lena as being ", superb , " Stephanie Zachary of Salon. Com noted in her review for the film that Cruz
  40. In standard repertory today, revealed an excellent flair for the dramatic and, superb ,musicality. Today composers such as Thomas Ages continue to export English
  41. His first appeal to a New York audience. " Donald described the speech as a ", superb ,political move for an unannounced candidate, to appear in one rival's (
  42. 1954 and remained at Rochester for the rest of his life. He was remembered as a, superb ,teacher. Whipple died in 1976 at the age of 97 and is interred in Rochester's
  43. Known as the first garden cemetery, for its distinguished inhabitants, for its, superb ,landscaping (the oldest planned landscape in the country),and as a
  44. Screenplay is contrived, it " left plenty of room for dance and all of it was, superb , … Although the movie is remembered as one of the great dance musicals, it also
  45. Going to merchants in Britain. The government spent much of its revenue on a, superb ,Royal Navy, which not only protected the British colonies but threatened the
  46. Enormous barriers as a woman in the field of science even though her work was, superb , and that it took years to overcome their bickering before appreciating
  47. To state that" The heart of the production, in both senses, is Judi Dench's, superb ,Desiree Armed ... Her husky-voiced rendering of" Send in the Clowns" is
  48. Anniversary in 2006 with a successful tour to Cork, Ireland. The village has, superb ,views over the River Severn and Newport to the south. Victoria Village Victoria
  49. In his ability, he developed and perfected his technique: now recognized as a, superb ,dribbler who could retain possession even when surrounded by two or three
  50. Of the Altarpiece remains intact in the National Gallery, London which is a, superb ,example of Frey Angelico's ability. It shows Christ in Glory, surrounded by

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