Examples of the the word, internship , in a Sentence Context

The word ( internship ), is the 6045 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Specialized training consisting of advanced education and a practicum (or, internship ,) for practical experience to earn a license to practice architecture. The
  2. And institutions. In 2007,Victoria studied French privately and held an, internship ,at the Permanent Representation of Sweden to the European Union. In June 2009
  3. Unlicensed architecture school graduate participating in defined, internship ,program; develops design or technical solutions under supervision of an
  4. Medical School, where he obtained his MB CHB in 1945. Career Barnard did his, internship ,and residency at the Groove Schulz Hospital in Cape Town, after which he worked
  5. For internship , thus delaying graduation, or to complete an unaccredited, internship , and often has many emotional and financial consequences (
  6. Scholarship gives over 100 undergraduates from around the country a 10 week, internship ,with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and a monetary
  7. His Bachelor's and MD degrees from the University of Utah, and then took an, internship ,and became a resident at Duke University Medical Center. In 2001,he joined the
  8. Requirement for degree candidates is usually satisfied by a practicum or, internship ,(usually two to three years, depending on jurisdiction). Finally, a
  9. e.g. MBBS),have passed the physician licensure exam, completed an, internship ,in medicine, and completed residency at any Philippine Academy of Ophthalmology
  10. Country, and sometimes of several countries, subject to requirements for ", internship ," or" conditional registration ". Pediatricians must undertake further
  11. In professional settings. Second- and third-year students may apply for summer, internship ,grants and receive credit for the experience. Semester programs in the United
  12. This register requires a training in clinical psychopathology and a period of, internship ,which is only open to physicians or titular of a master's degree in
  13. Positions straight from college, and rising juniors participate in a church, internship ,program to prepare them for the pastoral ministry. In 1995 there were 1,290 BYU
  14. Abroad providers, such as IES Abroad, offer semester, summer,short-term, and, internship , programs in partnership with Cape Town universities as a chance for American
  15. At a university medical school, followed by a period of supervised practice or, internship , and/or residency. This can be followed by postgraduate vocational training. A
  16. Of sustainability, as well as a hands-on component, such as research or an, internship , Buildings; Michael C. Carlos Museum The Carlos Museum houses one of the most
  17. Or a two-year part-time internship ). However, there is currently an ", internship ,crisis" as defined by the American Psychological Association, in that
  18. Law, pass the provincial bar examination, and successfully complete a legal, internship ,to be admitted to practice. Attorneys are regulated by the Quebec Law Society (
  19. Completed the eight years of pre-medical and medical education, the yearlong, internship ,(if this is not a part of the residency),three years of an internal medicine
  20. University College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, he undertook an, internship ,at Bellevue Hospital, New York, before returning to academia in 1934. He worked
  21. And PSD programs typically require students to complete a one-year clinical, internship ,in order to graduate (or a two-year part-time internship ). However, there is
  22. Fellowships and other employment settings require or prefer an APA Accredited, internship ,(http://www.appic.org/match/5_2_1_appfaq2.html#q3). The APA has been
  23. Administrative responsibilities and administering the associate expert and, internship ,programs. New York Office The New York Office is headed by an Assistant
  24. To their previous job, are company sponsored, and will not pursue a summer, internship ,because they take classes during the summer. The recently launched
  25. From Drexel's 5-year degree program typically has a total of 18 months of, internship ,with up to three different companies. The majority of Co-ops are paid
  26. Approximately 25 % of clinical psychology doctoral students do not match for, internship ,each year (http://www.apa.org/apags/issues/ internship .aspx;
  27. Including research cruises, deep-sea sample analysis, and training and, internship ,programs. This entails building a network of co-operating groups interested
  28. The entire sports business industry, not just baseball. The program includes an, internship , Members of Padres senior management regularly participate, including work with
  29. 1996. He was invited to record voice-overs for Triple J, whilst completing an, internship ,at ABC Radio News. Beat the Drum Triple J occasionally runs a competition known
  30. The resort also sponsors and operates the Walt Disney World College Program,an, internship ,program that offers American and International college students (ICP's) the
  31. From the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. She did her, internship ,at the New York City Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, and she is
  32. Companies that offer positions. Students also have the option of obtaining an, internship ,via independent search. A student graduating from Drexel's 5-year degree
  33. Now the University of Oslo),gaining his degree in 1866. He served a brief, internship ,at the National Hospital in Christiana (Oslo) and as a doctor in Often. In
  34. The option of a self-designed major, along with a multitude of study abroad and, internship ,opportunities. Mill saps employs 91 full-time faculty members. Of those,99
  35. In downtown Baton Rouge, which leverages its location downtown to establish, internship ,opportunities with local businesses as well as provide a high-tech classroom
  36. Training after medical school are required, with the first year being an, internship ,in surgery, internal medicine, pediatrics,or a general transition year.
  37. Between the words marry and merry. Stage for" apprenticeship" or ", internship ,", copybook for a notebook, dépanneur or dep for a convenience store, and
  38. Members. There is also the Walt Disney World International College Program,an, internship ,program that has college students from all over the world. Maintenance In a
  39. For U. S. clinical and counseling psychology doctoral training programs and, internship ,sites (http://www.apa.org/ed/accreditation/about/about-accreditation.aspx).
  40. Additional training after graduation from veterinary school in the form of an, internship ,and residency, and then pass a rigorous examination. Veterinarians assist in
  41. Crisis has led many students (approximately 1,000 each year) to re-apply for, internship , thus delaying graduation, or to complete an unaccredited internship , and often
  42. Of these four years consists of either a transitional or internal medicine, internship , which includes broad exposure to general adult medicine. The second through
  43. In writing. (A vicar in the LC-MS is a third year seminarian who is doing an, internship ,under a pastor. It should not be confused with the same term in Anglican and
  44. In the 9/11 attacks. Career Stage After leaving Juilliard, he had a three-year, internship ,with the Old Globe Theatre, in San Diego, in the late 1970s,before a stint in
  45. A one-year clinical internship in order to graduate (or a two-year part-time, internship ,). However, there is currently an" internship crisis" as defined by the
  46. Complete four years of college, four years of medical school, a year-long, internship ,(PGY-1) that is usually affiliated with their residency program, and five to
  47. Education to mathematics. In addition to off-campus programs, Grinnell offers, internship ,programs in such areas as urban studies, art,and marine biology for students
  48. Reform programs. School-to-work programs require students to spend time in an, internship ,or other form of career training or experience. OBE around the world Australia
  49. A subordinate, Winston Toby, improperly helped create a highly-paid year-long, internship ,for her son at UC Merced. ) Incoming President Mark Rudolf took over on June 16
  50. Paid intern with the Federal Bureau of Prisons. In October 2000,she began her, internship ,at the bureau's central office, where she was assigned to the public affairs

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