Examples of the the word, honey , in a Sentence Context

The word ( honey ), is the 6063 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Brazieri Angus,1869 – Brazier’s abalone – synonym: Halitosis calculus,the, honey ,abalone ** Halitosis brazier f. Hargreaves (Cox,1869) – synonym: Halitosis
  2. Wasps and ants, and are known for their role in pollination and for producing, honey ,and beeswax. Bees are a monophyletic lineage within the super family Avoided
  3. Such as hornets. The queen initiates a nest on her own (unlike queens of, honey ,bees and stingless bees which start nests via swarms in the company of a large
  4. The season is short, but the working days are long for honey bees to produce, honey ,from clover and fire weed. Hybrid canola also requires bee pollination, and some
  5. Very little; a statue of the god was made out of amaranth (Cuautla) seeds and, honey , and at the end of the month, it was cut into small pieces so everybody could
  6. Bandaging with raw meat, white linen, sutures,nets, pads and swabs soaked with, honey ,to prevent infection, while opium was used to relieve pain. Garlic and onions
  7. The most complex social behavior among the bees. The European (or Western), honey , bee,APIs mellower, is the best known bee species and one of the best known of
  8. The basic starch source, the early European beers might contain fruits, honey , numerous types of plants, spices and other substances such as narcotic herbs.
  9. larva's food is supplied gradually as it develops. This system is also seen in, honey ,bees and some bumblebees. Highly social bees live in colonies. Each colony
  10. Ants. The Mexican Indians eat the replete workers, or living honey -pots, of the, honey ,ant (Myrmecocystus). And because of the adaptive nature of ant colonies
  11. America, but called by the misnomer 'acacia' in Europe, hence this liquid, honey ,which practically doesn't crystallize does not come from true acacias. Gum
  12. Black tea, small tapioca pearls (粉圓),condensed milk, and syrup (糖漿) or, honey , Many variations were created, the most common of which is served cold rather
  13. Gum and M&Ms Pretzel. Honey labeled under the term 'Acacia Honey' is a type of, honey ,produced by bees from a false acacia known as black locust in North America
  14. Forswear all the vanities and pleasures of life and live on locusts and wild, honey ,". Speer made himself widely available to historians and other enquirers. He
  15. Heavily impacted by colony collapse disorder, causing nationwide shortages of, honey ,bees and increasing the price of insect pollination. To alleviate almond
  16. Domesticated European honey bee. Contract pollination has overtaken the role of, honey ,production for beekeepers in many countries. Monoculture and the massive
  17. Bee species is the European honey bee, which,as its name suggests, produces, honey , as do a few other types of bee. Human management of this species is known as
  18. Most of which is accomplished by bees, especially the domesticated European, honey ,bee. Contract pollination has overtaken the role of honey production for
  19. Any tea ingredients. Some small cafés offer sweetener substitutes such as, honey , agave, stevia,and aspartame upon special request. The oldest known bubble tea
  20. That had sharply criticized Darwin’s comments in the Origin on how hexagonal, honey ,bee cells could have evolved through natural selection. Another notable defense
  21. Domestic sunflower),and some species of Solid ago (goldenrod) are major ", honey ,plants" for beekeepers. Solid ago produces relatively high protein pollen
  22. From 1972 to 2006,there was a dramatic reduction in the number of feral, honey ,bees in the US, which are now almost absent. At the same time there was a
  23. Cures sore throats, and there are many modern proprietary medicines which use, honey ,as an ingredient. Etymology The concept of an immortality drink is attested in
  24. Of the losses. In 2009 some reports from the US suggested that 1/3 of the, honey ,bee colonies did not survive the winter, though normal winter losses are known
  25. Deer Huntress where she was offered cakes shaped like stags, made from dough, honey ,and sesame-seeds. *Day 6 of 16 of Munition (tenth month) a celebration of
  26. Asserts. W. H. Roster thinks that both nectar and ambrosia were kinds of, honey , in which case their power of conferring immortality would be due to the
  27. Bees, both by direct poisoning and by contamination of their food supply. A, honey ,bee queen may lay 2000 eggs per day during spring buildup, but she also must
  28. Two of the spies, tell that the land is abundant and is" flowing with milk and, honey ,"; the other spies say that it is inhabited by giants, and the Israelites
  29. Abdomen on others, and modified into specialized pollen baskets on the legs of, honey ,bees and their relatives. Many bees are opportunistic foragers, and will gather
  30. The season is short, but the working days are long for honey bees to produce, honey ,from clover and fire weed. Hybrid canola also requires bee pollination, and some
  31. Caused by carelessness is like injury caused by deliberate action. Eating, honey ,is strictly outlawed, as it would amount to violence against the bees. Some
  32. Pressed, and then the liquid extracted. Mead isn't technically brewed, as the, honey ,is used entirely, as opposed to being steeped in water. Ingredients The basic
  33. Often mistaken for wasps or flies. The best-known bee species is the European, honey ,bee, which,as its name suggests, produces honey , as do a few other types of
  34. Cleansing power of honey , which is in fact antiseptic, and because fermented, honey ,(mead) preceded wine as an estrogen in the Aegean world: on some Minoan
  35. Evolution, rather than indicative of a pleomorphic condition. Found among the, honey ,bees, bumblebees,and stingless bees. Socialite, of several types, is
  36. Boiled wheat and chick peas stewed with meat. **local cream kayak eaten with, honey , with a bread pudding Elmer heyday, or with pumpkin simmered in syrup. Best
  37. Called Aachener Printed. Unlike gingerbread (), which is sweetened with, honey , Printed are sweetened with sugar. Today, a soft version is sold under the same
  38. Potatoes, and olive oil. Confectionery is popular in Andalusia. Almonds and, honey ,are common ingredients. Many enclosed convents of nuns make and sell pastries
  39. Schatz On Main. Schatz literally means" little treasure," colloquial for ", honey ," or" darling" in German. In 1998,he sold his restaurant. Planet Hollywood
  40. Its pears. Another renowned natural product of Ankara is its indigenous type of, honey ,(Ankara Ball) which is known for its light color and is mostly produced by
  41. Complex nest architecture, and perennial colonies. Honey bees The true, honey ,bees (genus APIs) have arguably the most complex social behavior among the
  42. Pre-existing),and colonies are rarely s, presumably stung to death by the, honey ,bees. It is unknown whether any survive winter in such an environment.
  43. For beekeepers. Solid ago produces relatively high protein pollen, which helps, honey ,bees overwinter. Some members of the Asteraceae are economically important as
  44. Were also domesticated from at least the Old Kingdom, and they provided both, honey ,and wax. The ancient Egyptians used donkeys and oxen as beasts of burden, and
  45. To this day, amaranth grains are toasted much like popcorn and mixed with, honey , molasses or chocolate to make a treat called Algeria, meaning " joy" in
  46. More efficient pollinators on cucumbers, the total efficiency of a colony of, honey ,bees is much greater due to greater numbers. Likewise during early spring
  47. Managed, are reasonably safe. Septic tanks have to be pumped periodically by a, honey ,wagon to eliminate non-reducing solids. Failure to pump a septic tank can cause
  48. Bees settled on his face while he lay in his cradle, leaving behind a drop of, honey , His father considered this a sign of his future eloquence and honey ed tongue.
  49. Of many bee species (both wild and domesticated) have increasingly caused, honey ,beekeepers to become migratory so that bees can be concentrated in seasonally
  50. Immortality would be due to the supposed healing and cleansing power of, honey , which is in fact antiseptic, and because fermented honey (mead) preceded

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