Examples of the the word, boast , in a Sentence Context

The word ( boast ), is the 6053 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That law and constitution, though he may retain his affection for its head, can, boast , but an imperfect and spurious species of loyalty (R v O'Connell (1844) 7 ILL
  2. In the plot to assassinate Malcolm X. In a 1993 speech, Farrakhan seemed to, boast ,of the assassination: Was Malcolm your traitor or ours? And if we dealt with
  3. From the country's location along major east-west trade routes. Syrian cities, boast ,both traditional industries such as weaving and dried-fruit packing and modern
  4. Of them inexpensive Chinese made cycles, known locally as" Jakarta’s, which, boast , better fuel economy but fewer safety features than more expensive Japanese or
  5. North side. While the Roman Catholic population is not as large, the city does, boast ,the province's only Roman Catholic university - Saint Thomas University.
  6. Statistics Players Current roster Pro Football Hall of Famers The Steelers, boast ,the third most" primary" inductees into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. They
  7. Not from yourselves, it is the gift of God, not by works, so that no one can, boast , The Augustinian, Thomist, Lutheran,and Calvinist theological traditions all
  8. And a purported eighteen of the top twenty. Seventeen venues in Indiana today, boast ,a capacity of over 6,000,the largest being the New Castle Field house, seating
  9. Made in the northeastern portion of Luzon and the mountains of Mindanao, boast ,rain forests that provide refuge for numerous upland tribal groups. The rain
  10. Sundays before Great Lent). This is fast-free to remind the faithful not to, boast ,like the Pharisee that he fasts for two days out of the week). When certain
  11. You. They say – a foreigner – he can't even speak English properly. … Also, I, boast , An Englishman he says often," A fellow who thinks as much of himself as that
  12. Reversed upon her death, and by the end of the 19th century Madagascar could, boast ,the most developed and modern school system in pre-colonial Sub-Saharan Africa.
  13. Militarists, minus the last sentence, where it was interpreted in America as a, boast ,that Japan would conquer the entire continental United States. The Naval
  14. Language. Again, in 1529,he writes“ An epistle against those who falsely, boast ,they are Evangelicals” to Vulturous Neocons (). Here Erasmus complains
  15. Of the famous Thomas Gray poem" Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard ". The, boast ,of heraldry, the pomp of pow'r, And all that beauty, all that wealth
  16. Was in Thessalonica. Doom killed me, not the liar Pinned. No longer let him, boast , I had a fellow gladiator, Polyneikes, who killed Pinned and avenged me.
  17. Average. Argentines enjoy a variety of alcoholic beverages and Argentina can, boast ,a varied array of elaborations, whether industrial or artisanal. Besides beer
  18. Daniel Bailey (100 m,200 m) and James Gray man (high jump). Antigua can, boast ,of some excellent tennis players, most notably Brian Philip #1 and Roberto
  19. Thou that abhorrent idols, dost thou commit sacrilege? Thou that makes thy, boast ,of the law, through breaking the law dishonest thou God? For the name of God
  20. Leaders in Singapore come from peasant backgrounds, while modern peasants, boast ,about their great ancestry. Computing Meritocracy Online Although formal
  21. Against me, but whether it be against me or for me, I know, and it is not vain, boast ,to say so, for even my enemies will admit that I am no boast er, that there does
  22. It is the gift of God; 9not as a result of works, that no one should, boast , " (New American Standard Bible; 1973). People are justified by belief in the
  23. Using an inhaler in New York to help his breathing. Thomas had liked to, boast ,of his addiction to drinking, saying " An alcoholic is someone you don't like
  24. Lending this area an old world character and charm. The Twin Cities can also, boast ,of authentic French, Irish,Italian and Russian restaurants. Spanish tapas
  25. Traditions. High School Hysteria Homegrown Talent Indiana high schools, boast ,a tradition of producing top caliber basketball players. Through the 2009-2010
  26. Third of the population. Countries such as Gabon, Seychelles,and South Africa, boast ,almost 100 % penetration. Only five countries—Burundi, Djibouti,Eritrea
  27. Is a contemporary witness of this period, kings of this period were inclined to, boast ,and make exaggerated claims; so it is not likely that Hazel actually did the
  28. Period, Artemis sent a wild boar to kill Adonis as punishment for his hubris tic, boast ,that he was a better hunter than she. In other versions, Artemis killed Adonis
  29. And home theater PCs designed for quiet and energy-efficient operation, boast ,fan-less designs. This typically requires the use of a low-power CPU, as well
  30. That not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should, boast , For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God
  31. He wrote," Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not, boast , it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily
  32. Passover differently from Jews in another city. The reference to the Jewish ", boast ,", and,indeed, the strident anti-Jewish tone of the whole passage, suggests
  33. And destruction of the German trade union movement. By 3 May, he was able to, boast ,in his diary:" We are the masters of Germany. " On 10 May, he supervised an
  34. S success bore out this break with tradition. As emperor, Augustus would later, boast ,that" he had found the city of brick but left it of marble ", thanks in part
  35. The ICH bin an Berliner phrase:" Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest, boast ,is ICH bin an Berliner! " The crowd is quiet while Weber translates and
  36. Oats are all typical crops, and most of the villages and towns in this region, boast ,both a water tower and a grain elevator. As well as the farming of crops
  37. University is the most notable, with national and conference championships to, boast , Smaller schools such as the University of Notre Dame, Indiana State University
  38. The early era of wave table synthesis, soundcard companies would also sometimes, boast ,about the card's polyphony capabilities in terms of MIDI synthesis. In this
  39. The trails are used by residents for walking, biking,and jogging and, boast ,several scenic vistas along the Saint John and Nashua rivers as well as a mix
  40. 1. Ultimately, it would be A Shot in the Dark, three years later, which would, boast ,the longest run. Adapted by Harry Kurtz and directed by Harold Furman, it
  41. That not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should, boast , For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God
  42. S capital and Spain's first capital in the New World. Santo Domingo can, boast ,of many firsts in the Americas, including the first university, cathedral,and
  43. Which will be almost an inch larger than the DSI and slightly thicker. It will, boast ,two 4.25" LCD screens 93 % larger than the current DS Lite. * Mi2 (2009) -
  44. Guarded the trade in tea plants. Remarkably, in 1833,Java already could, boast ,a half million tea plants. During his stay at Decimal, he sent three shipments
  45. do observance of this ordinance to future ages by a truer order ... For their, boast ,is absurd indeed, that it is not in our power without instruction from them to
  46. And Bering islands; and the now extinct Actual dialect. The Pribilof Islands, boast ,the highest number of active speakers of Aleutian. Most of the Native elders
  47. A miracleand Cora and her council eagerly anticipate tourist dollars as they, boast ,of the water's curative powers. (" Miracle Song" ) It is soon revealed to
  48. Years of university. The system has been successful in that pupils in the ROC, boast ,some of the highest test scores in the world, especially in mathematics and
  49. International Airport is one of the largest projects in Qatar today and will, boast ,a capacity of 50 m passengers upon completion in 2015. Finally, port
  50. Roster Pro Football Hall of Famers In the Pro Football Hall of Fame, the Giants, boast ,the second-most enshrined members with twenty-seven. Tim Mara and Mel Han were

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