Examples of the the word, arctic , in a Sentence Context

The word ( arctic ), is the 6047 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Nanortalik Municipality in the extreme south near Cape Farewell. The climate is, arctic ,to sub arctic with cool summers and cold winters. The terrain is mostly a flat
  2. Oatesii crab hiding in a soft coral‎ from East Timor. File: Arctic Hare. JPG|An, arctic ,hare's white coloration camouflages it in the snow File: Jumping
  3. Been eradicated from many areas where humans are settled. The pelts of, arctic ,foxes with a slate blue coloration - an expression of a recessive gene - were
  4. Unsuccessful, partly due to leaders lacking experience with the difficult, arctic ,ice and weather conditions, and partly because the expedition leaders were
  5. Often dies young, population levels are not seriously impacted by trapping. The, arctic ,fox has, nonetheless,been eradicated from many areas where humans are settled.
  6. Form of hydrates under sediment on offshore continental shelves and on land in, arctic ,regions that experience permafrost such as those in Siberia (hydrates require
  7. Europe there are programs in place that allow hunting of the red fox in the, arctic ,fox's previous range. As with many other game species, the best sources of
  8. By testing the DNA of a strange-looking bear that had been shot in the Canadian, arctic , Previously, the hybrid had been produced in zoos, and was considered a "
  9. Fur also changes color when summer arrives but in winter it is white. Diet The, arctic ,fox will generally eat any small animal it can find: lemmings, hares,owls
  10. Examples of confined distribution patterns. " For example, Clathromorphum is an, arctic ,genus and is not mapped far south of there. On the other hand, scientists
  11. JPG|Church of Saint Demetrius Patron Saint of Thessaloniki Notes The, arctic ,fox (Rules lag opus, Although it has previously been assigned to its own genus
  12. In North America, the moose range includes almost all of Canada (excluding the, arctic ,), most of Alaska, northern New England and upstate New York, the upper Rocky
  13. Mount Cook up a ridge that now bears his name. * The first mountains of the, arctic ,region explored were those of Spitsbergen by Sir W. M. Conway's expeditions in
  14. Plate, but now forms part of the Eurasian Plate. Climate Jan Mayer has an, arctic ,climate, similar to Greenland and Svalbard, with a Köppen classification of ET.
  15. James Smith, USAF and Lt. Leonard A. Shack, USNR to the abandoned Soviet, arctic ,ice station NP 8,as Operation Cold feet. After parachuting from the B-17,Smith
  16. In all of Norway, Sweden and Finland is a mere 120 adult individuals. The, arctic ,fox is the only native land mammal to Iceland. It came to the isolated North
  17. Species of the World) with the majority of the other foxes. Adaptations The, arctic ,fox lives in some of the most frigid extremes on the planet. Among its
  18. Would have to be positioned at latitude 66.6 degrees north – i.e. on the, arctic ,circle). At the time of the March equinox, the Earth's orbital velocity is
  19. Lakes are affected by three prominent air systems. There is a very dry and cold, arctic ,system which comes from the North, another dry, but warm Pacific system that
  20. Affected by the Deepwater Horizon disaster. The activities of Greenpeace in the, arctic ,have mainly involved the Edinburgh-based oil and gas exploration company, Cairn
  21. Rules lagopus, there are four subspecies of this fox: *Bering Islands, arctic ,fox, Vulpes lag opus boringness *Pribilof Islands arctic fox, Vulpes lag opus
  22. Due to the large population fluctuations. However, the total population of the, arctic ,fox must be in the order of several hundred thousand animals. The world
  23. Studies on the influence of tourism on the population. The abundance of the, arctic ,fox species tends to fluctuate in a cycle along with the population of lemmings
  24. Humpback whale's strategy. They fast during their months-long migration from, arctic ,feeding areas to tropical breeding/nursing areas and back. Phobias produce
  25. Captured the struggles of the Ink Nanook and his family in the Canadian, arctic , The film is considered the first feature-length documentary, though Flaherty
  26. The frozen sea. The Arctic Fox Center in Slavic contains an exhibition on the, arctic ,fox and conducts studies on the influence of tourism on the population. The
  27. Climate with warm summers and cold winters. The province is open to cold, arctic ,weather systems from the north, which often produce freezing conditions
  28. Winter) heavy snowfalls and below freezing temperatures arrive when modified, arctic ,air reaches coastal areas for typically short periods. On the opposite extreme
  29. Fox: *Bering Islands arctic fox, Vulpes lag opus boringness *Pribilof Islands, arctic ,fox, Vulpes lag opus pribilofensis Population and distribution The arctic fox
  30. Numbers a total of 140 breeding adults. Even after local lemming peaks,the, arctic ,fox population tends to collapse back to levels dangerously close to
  31. System and a novel spacesuit prototype dubbed" Gouda. X ", culminating in an, arctic ,expedition in 2011. The Forum has a small, but highly active pool of
  32. The winter on the main square of the Local, which is transformed into an, arctic ,getaway with ice igloos, slides and a gigantic ice skating rink, said to be the
  33. As critically endangered (CR) in Norway, among these are the gray wolf,the, arctic ,fox (healthy population on Svalbard) and the pool frog. The largest predator
  34. Ice are also part of its diet. If there is an overabundance of food hunted,the, arctic ,fox will bury what the family cannot eat. When its normal prey is scarce, the
  35. To buffalo jumps, some of which may date to 12,000 years ago. Natives of, arctic ,North America (i.e. northern Canada, Alaska and indigenous Greenland) have
  36. Arctic fox, Vulpes lag opus pribilofensis Population and distribution The, arctic ,fox has a circumpolar range, meaning that it is found throughout the entire
  37. The by catch is five times larger than the shrimp caught. Also, the melting, arctic ,ice will cause sea rise which will flood costal areas. Conservation
  38. a hundred thousand animals. The world population is thus not endangered, but two, arctic ,fox subpopulations are. One is on Meany Island (Commander Islands, Russia )
  39. The E 4 is the fastest road to go from Germany/Denmark to areas north of the, arctic ,circle, including places in Norway like Trams. To go from Helsingborg to the
  40. A family of foxes can eat dozens of lemmings each day. During April and May the, arctic ,fox also preys on ringed seal pups when the young animals are confined to a
  41. Legs, and short, thick ears. Since less of its surface area is exposed to the, arctic ,cold, less heat escapes the body. Its furry paws allow it to walk on ice in
  42. The formation of climate in Azerbaijan is influenced particularly by cold, arctic ,air masses of Scandinavian anticyclone, temperate of Siberian anticyclone, and
  43. Escapes the body. Its furry paws allow it to walk on ice in search of food. The, arctic ,fox has such keen hearing that it can precisely locate the position of prey
  44. In with snow, while in the summer months it changes to brown. Reproduction The, arctic ,fox tends to be active from early September to early May. The gestation period
  45. Canadian geese conflicted with the goal of preserving that species. The, arctic ,fox is losing ground to the larger red fox. Historically, the gray wolf has
  46. There is a cold zone to (treeline),a sub arctic or alpine zone to and fully, arctic ,climate above that. Precipitation generally decreases from east to west with
  47. Fox will bury what the family cannot eat. When its normal prey is scarce,the, arctic ,fox scavenges the leftovers and even feces of larger predators, such as the
  48. Made the government of Canada interested in tracking the Inuit of Canada's, arctic , Traditionally Inuit names reflect what is important in Inuit culture:
  49. The infamous complexes were those at Kolyma, Norilsk, and Formula, all in, arctic ,or sub arctic regions. However, prisoner mortality in Novels in most periods
  50. Predators, such as the polar bear, even though the bear's prey includes the, arctic ,fox itself. Size The average length is, with a range of, in the male and, with

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