Examples of the the word, basement , in a Sentence Context

The word ( basement ), is the 6049 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Stereotypical. The street may be used as a store; a tank is installed in the, basement ,to collect water for domestic use, and a long corridor on the right side leads
  2. Constructed at the same time as the basement , thereby removing time-consuming, basement ,construction period from the critical path. *Wind loading is another major
  3. In the 18th century; frame house, apartment,tenement house, shack,walkout, basement ,). Ever since the American Revolution, a great number of terms connected with
  4. Previously. In the region of location of the 38 Motorized Rifle Brigade in a, basement ,18 armed SS-men (sic) were found, who refused to surrender, the Germans found
  5. Crematorium II, originally designed as a mortuary, with morgues in the, basement ,and ground-level furnaces, was converted into a killing factory by placing a
  6. Walls. In order to reduce large shear reversals in the core walls in the, basement , and at the top of the tower base level, the first floor, basement levels 1
  7. In the 3rd century AD to honor Asclepius, the God of Medicine. Today, only the, basement ,and first floors remain. It is situated in the Plus quarter. Column of Julian
  8. Stand, and were forced during the day to work with the other prisoners. In the, basement ,were located the" starvation cells "; prisoners incarcerated here were given
  9. On guitar, and Watt on bass. During the early 2000s,Growl spent time in his, basement ,studio writing and recording a number of songs for a" metal" project. Over
  10. The original ABC was eventually dismantled, when the University converted the, basement ,to classrooms, and all of its pieces except for one memory drum were discarded.
  11. Strength. If a small heater is available for the coldest nights, a slab or, basement ,cistern can inexpensively provide the required thermal mass. Passives
  12. S revamp of Vampire, a villainous vampire named Le Fans inhabits the, basement ,of a Seattle nightclub named Camilla. Anime *In the anime Hell sing, a succubus
  13. Method. It allows the superstructure to be constructed at the same time as the, basement , thereby removing time-consuming basement construction period from the critical
  14. These atrocities were published on numerous occasions in Pravda and Cheney (hot, basement , cold basement , scull measuring etc.). The Chemists were also supplemented by
  15. To repair some of the damage that was done during the manuscripts' stay in the, basement , introducing a number of errors into the text. When Lucius Cornelius Sulla
  16. One of the main characters of Millville, Chloe Sullivan, worked in the, basement ,of the Planet (seasons 5-7). Her cousin Lois Lane continues to work there, as
  17. Would take you to the lower first floor (i.e. the floor below ground,the, basement ,), which may also be numbered" −1" ( minus one). American (AME) apartment
  18. On 600 Russian POWs and 250 Polish inmates by gathering them in the, basement ,of Block 11 and gassing them with Zyklon B, a highly lethal cyanide-based
  19. Were published on numerous occasions in Pravda and Cheney (hot basement , cold, basement , scull measuring etc.). The Chemists were also supplemented by the militarized
  20. Officer and US citizen Dr. Anton Casimir Digger established a secret lab in the, basement ,of his sister's home in Chevy Chase, Maryland,that produced Flanders which
  21. Soviet Union had collapsed, oil was costing $40 a barrel, sugar prices were at, basement ,levels, so why did we not rationalize the industry? " Recovery Due to the
  22. Thin external columns. The building has an area of 7,000 m2 and three floors:, basement , landing and second floor. The auditorium, kitchen,laundry, medical center
  23. In the basement , and at the top of the tower base level, the first floor, basement ,levels 1 and 2 and the 5th and 6th floors, the floor slabs and beams are
  24. Engineer needed to start work The diaphragm wall design allowed for the, basement ,to be constructed by the top-down method. It allows the superstructure to be
  25. His power. Capone had some problems at Alcatraz. While working in the prison, basement , he got into an argument with an inmate who was standing in line waiting for a
  26. Continued Vertov's agitprop bent. " The Kino-Pravda group began its work in a, basement ,in the center of Moscow" Vetrov explained. He called it damp and dark. There
  27. He was truly happy. The sled, thought to be junk, is burned and destroyed in a, basement ,furnace by Xanadu's departing staff. Cast and characters Major characters
  28. Goths, gangsters,and casuals in all night soul and ska dances, punk concerts, basement ,shows and fighting on the terraces by casuals. The hippie counterculture was
  29. Kipling visited Medicine Hat he described it as the city" with all hell for a, basement ,". Basic statistics * In 2003,Alberta produced of conventional light, medium
  30. Control sound levels during broadcasts. The current studios are located in the, basement ,of Balding House (near to BBC Broadcasting House) which is on Great Portland
  31. The ABC was built by Dr. Standoff and graduate student Clifford Berry in the, basement ,of the physics building at Iowa State College during 1939–42. The initial funds
  32. It has 136,000 items on display, with many more hundreds of thousands in its, basement ,storerooms. Khan al-Khalil Khan al-Khalil is an ancient bazaar, or
  33. Escape pod. Snake tracks the President's life-monitor bracelet signal to the, basement ,of a theater, only to find it on the wrist of an old man (George" Buck "
  34. Chernobyl power-plant after the explosion. These formations were found in the, basement ,below Reactor #4 during an investigation into missing reactor fuel. Cyan (or;
  35. Over a last-place team, and I kept them there. ” They did indeed end up in the, basement ,with a 17–57–6 record for only 40 points. This was the same year that the Wings
  36. Confused with isolating tissues formed by layers of cells, such as mucous and, basement ,membranes. Function Membranes in cells typically define enclosed spaces or
  37. Conclusion of the experiments, were infamously hanged from wall hooks in the, basement ,of the Bullenhuser Dame school in Hamburg. Jewish skeleton collection The
  38. To you about something new and exciting in physics. ” which was done in the, basement ,of Pupil Hall; the members of the team were Herbert L. Anderson, Eugene T.
  39. Knocks Taken unconscious and has him taken to the medley in the mansion's, basement , As Shaw prepares to deliver a killing blow to Xavier, Wolverine recovers and
  40. Food nor water until they were dead. In the, basement ,were the" dark cells "; these cells had only a very tiny window, and a solid
  41. To the steel scheme and the wind shear is taken out from the core at the lowest, basement ,level and transferred to the perimeter diaphragm walls. In order to reduce
  42. Of some 1000 m, constitutes an exception to the uninterrupted territory of, basement ,rocks covered by layers of horizontally bedded sediments forming a massive
  43. Six-year-old beauty queen Content Ramsey is found beaten and strangled in the, basement ,of her family's home in Boulder, Colorado. * 1996 – Start of the largest
  44. The auditorium, kitchen,laundry, medical center, and the administration are at, basement ,level. The rooms used by the presidency for official receptions are on the
  45. Sponges as they have: cells bound by inter-cell connections and carpet-like, basement ,membranes; muscles; nervous systems; and some have sensory organs. Cnidarians
  46. Met there, and it became the foremost outlet for black metal records. In its, basement , Gareth founded an independent record label named Deathlike Silence
  47. About 2 meters (6.5 ft) below ground level. In the original brief, a 6 story, basement ,is required, therefore a diaphragm wall design came out. *The keyword to this
  48. Techniques, alternative toilet and sewage systems, thermal massing designs, basement ,battery systems, efficient windowing, and the array of other design tactics
  49. A Nightmare on Elm Street series of slasher films, which hangs in the cabin's, basement ,and tool shed. This was, at least partially, a reference to a scene in the
  50. In the Rockies from the 1950s by checking out the model railroad clubs in the, basement , The Denver Society of Model Railroaders opens its display on the last Friday

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