Examples of the the word, erosion , in a Sentence Context

The word ( erosion ), is the 6055 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Gil Timpani in Candidate, Karangasem regency. Environment Some of the worst, erosion ,has occurred in Lewis Beach, where up to 7 meters of land is lost every year.
  2. Problem for finish in aquaculture, high numbers causing widespread skin, erosion ,and hemorrhaging, gill congestion, and increased mucus production. There are
  3. And 5 % petroleum jelly. It was a good propellant but burned hot and caused an, erosion ,problem in gun barrels. The petroleum jelly served as both a lubricant and a
  4. Like conservation tillage, a farming process which helps prevent land loss to, erosion , water pollution and enhances carbon sequestration. Affordability The goal of
  5. Less quantifiable environmental reasons, such as their value in preventing, erosion , regulating the flow of water necessary for other flora and fauna. For these
  6. Kenya OVAs, are large basins of inland drainage or are the result of limestone, erosion , Most of the basins take their names from cities or towns located at their rims
  7. Crop production is hampered by traditional farming methods, recurrent drought, erosion , and disease. Most of the land under cultivation is in the eastern region. The
  8. Different regions have had different degrees of tectonic stress, uplift,and, erosion , Tectonic forces above the subduction zone along the entire west coast of South
  9. Highlight side effects from several mainstream mouthwashes that included dental, erosion ,and accidental poisoning of children. The review garnered media attention and
  10. The degrading land. Degradation can be deforestation, desertification,soil, erosion , mineral depletion, or chemical degradation (acidification and salinization).
  11. With land origins, consisting of sand, mud,and rock particles formed by, erosion , weathering, and volcanic activity on land washed to sea. These materials are
  12. Boron-10. Thus,10Be and its daughter products are used to examine natural soil, erosion , soil formation and the development of lateritic soils, and as a proxy for
  13. Damage occurs to the joint lining and cartilage which eventually results in, erosion ,of two opposing bones. Rheumatoid arthritis affects joints in the fingers
  14. Of about above sea level. The Piedmont Plateau is a lowland worn down by, erosion ,on hard crystalline rocks, then uplifted to form a plateau. The remainder of
  15. Other Essays (1878),he warned about the dangers of deforestation and soil, erosion , especially in tropical climates prone to heavy rainfall. Noting the complex
  16. Tissue where it improves softness. Land Reclamation Acacia can be planted for, erosion ,control, especially after mining or construction damage. Ecological invasion
  17. The provocative images are commonly explained as being the result of, erosion , and later adjustments, or re-writing over the original inscriptions that left
  18. Ecological equilibrium. Furthermore, the persistent nature of dioxins, erosion ,caused by loss of protective tree cover, and loss of seeding forest stock
  19. Local language, Telugu,is known as Burma. The Belem caves were formed due to, erosion ,in limestone deposits in the area by the weakly acidic water of the Chitravati
  20. About. This is a limestone belt with parallel hard rock ridges left standing by, erosion ,to form mountains. Although the general direction of the mountains, ridges,and
  21. Ancient Pueblo homeland suffered from periods of drought, and wind and water, erosion , Summer rains could be undependable and often arrived as destructive
  22. In those countries and lead to their eventual impoverishment due to soil, erosion , In Island Life, Wallace again talked about deforestation and also the impact
  23. Common mode of production because of increased profits and a reduction of soil, erosion , Across the province, the once common grain elevator is slowly being lost as
  24. With the liberalization of the Eastern Bloc's authoritarian systems and the, erosion ,of political power in the pro-Soviet governments in nearby Poland and Hungary.
  25. By many natives. * Each year, arable land is lost to desertification and, erosion ,from human industrial activities. Improper irrigation of farm land can wick the
  26. The table below describes land use in Burundi. Environment Current issues Soil, erosion ,is an issue for Burundi, and is as a result of overgrazing and the expansion of
  27. Cf. Little Ice Age),prolonged periods of drought, cyclical periods of topsoil, erosion , environmental degradation, de-forestation, hostility from new arrivals
  28. By waves. *Sea caves are made when certain rock beds are more susceptible to, erosion ,than the surrounding rock beds because of different areas of weakness. These
  29. Both rain-fed and irrigated agriculture. Overgrazing has contributed to soil, erosion ,on some parts of the plateau. During the summers, frequent dust storms blow a
  30. Arcs generated by subduction zones or hotspots, but may also be the result of, erosion , deposition and land elevation. The five largest modern countries that are
  31. Terrain Mountain ranges affect climate, the network of rivers, soils and their, erosion , bioregions, and even human economies insofar as they rely on natural resources
  32. Are important ecologically, as they provide vegetative cover that prevents soil, erosion ,during winter and early spring when no other cover exists, and they provide
  33. Pines, and yellow pines, each favoring different elevations. Wind and water, erosion ,have created steep-walled canyons, and sculpted windows and bridges out of the
  34. Groundwater is retrieved through drilling deep boreholes, which leads to the, erosion ,of the land. Surface water is very scarce in Botswana and less than 5 % of the
  35. Every year, combined with the effects of deforestation, soil degradation and, erosion , The cyclones of 1970 and 1991 were particularly devastating. A cyclone that
  36. Polls, historian Barry Schwartz wrote in 2009 that Lincoln's image suffered ", erosion , fading prestige, benign ridicule," in the late 20th century. Donald in his
  37. Are facing structural oversupply, which has caused worldwide strong price, erosion ,over the last five years ", making the business" persistently unprofitable ".
  38. Coastal landforms The following articles describe some coastal landforms: Cliff, erosion ,* Much of the sediment deposited along a coast is the result of erosion of a
  39. In large amounts can affect global climate. Additionally, they prevent soil, erosion ,and are influential in the water cycle. A good understanding of plants is
  40. In food production, the ongoing civil war, overpopulation,and soil, erosion ,have contributed to the contraction of the subsistence economy by 25 % in
  41. To study the role of transport, deposition,sediment storage, burial times, and, erosion , on 105 to 106 year time scales. Cosmogenic 26Al was first applied in studies of
  42. Britain, anthropology had a great intellectual impact, it " contributed to the, erosion ,of Christianity, the growth of cultural relativism, an awareness of the
  43. Ekes out a living as subsistence farmers, living with problems of climate, soil, erosion , and rudimentary technology. The staple crops are pearl millet, sorghum,maize
  44. Bay and the Caspian Sea). The Baltic Sea occupies a basin formed by glacial, erosion ,during the last few Ice Ages. Dimensions The Baltic Sea is about 1600 km (1000
  45. Influenced by the size and shape of the coastline. Tides do not typically cause, erosion ,by themselves; however, tidal bores can erode as the waves surge up river
  46. Common mode of production because of increased profits and a reduction of soil, erosion , Across the province, the once common grain elevator is slowly being lost as
  47. Sea level rises, waves and various weather phenomena, have resulted in the, erosion , accretion and reshaping of coasts as well as flooding and creation of
  48. Nitroglycerine and 5 % petroleum jelly. While cordite MD solved the gun barrel, erosion ,issue, it did nothing to improve its storage properties which were poor.
  49. Agriculture is more intense and developed, there are serious problems of soil, erosion , station and sedimentation of streams and rivers, and pollution with
  50. Cliff erosion * Much of the sediment deposited along a coast is the result of, erosion ,of a surrounding Cliff, or bluff. Sea Cliffs retreat landward because of the

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