Examples of the the word, abolish , in a Sentence Context

The word ( abolish ), is the 6061 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Convention was drafting a new United States Constitution, which would, abolish ,the old Congress. Northwest Territory Under the Northwest Ordinance of 1787
  2. With those who would abolish capital punishment. " Those who would like to, abolish ,it should be given the answer: 'First remove murder from the world, and then
  3. Famous Speech on Economic Reform of 11 February 1780. However, he managed to, abolish ,134 offices in the royal household and civil administration. The third
  4. Had been killed and 159 seriously injured that season. There were moves to, abolish ,the game. But President Theodore Roosevelt personally intervened and demanded
  5. Also organized as a division of the Propaganda Ministry, Goebbels was able to, abolish ,film criticism in 1936 and replace it with Filmbeobachtung (film observation)
  6. Britain implemented the Borne Convention in the Copyright Act 1911 it had to, abolish ,its system of registration at Stationers' Hall. Key directives include the
  7. Fought in one or the other armies. Starting in 1777,northern states started to, abolish ,slavery, beginning with Vermont, which ended it under its new state
  8. Countries including Taiwan and there is a small but growing movement to, abolish ,the death penalty altogether. This trend has been followed by some African and
  9. Schools; land reform to give right of access to the countryside, a bill to, abolish ,the feudal system of land tenure; and a bill to establish National Parks in
  10. And prosperity. They sought to empower the commercial class politically and to, abolish ,royal charters, monopolies,and the protectionist policies of mercantilism so
  11. Beyond all doubt ". Other key BNP policies on crime include: *The BNP will, abolish ,political correctness from the police service in favor of real crime fighting.
  12. A large part of his 1864 presidential campaign on a constitutional amendment to, abolish ,slavery uniformly throughout the United States. Lincoln's campaign was
  13. A lower infection risk, are much less prone to phlebitis or extravasation, and, abolish , the need for repeated insertion of peripheral cannula. Harmful and lethal
  14. The efforts of some individuals or groups, for different reasons, to alter or, abolish ,age-of-consent laws. These efforts advocate five main positions: * A change in
  15. Labourer exchanging with fellow-labourers... What Anarchistic-Socialism aims to, abolish ,is usury... it wants to deprive capital of its reward. " Tucker first favored a
  16. The South, proclaiming once again that he had no intention, or inclination, to, abolish , slavery in the Southern states: The President ended his address with an appeal
  17. The people have the right of resistance as a last resort against any attempt to, abolish ,the constitutional order. Article 79,Section 3 states that these articles
  18. The King. A body within the Puritan movement in the Church of England sought to, abolish ,the office of bishop and remake the Church of England along Presbyterian lines.
  19. Captive. *1712 – February 29 is followed by February 30 in Sweden, in a move to, abolish ,the Swedish calendar for a return to the Old style. *1720 – Queen Ulrike
  20. Re–establishing public security. " Schopenhauer disagreed with those who would, abolish ,capital punishment. " Those who would like to abolish it should be given the
  21. Collaboration with abolitionist Congressman Joshua R. Giddings, wrote a bill to, abolish ,slavery in the District of Columbia with compensation for the owners
  22. During these years in support of the King, as they thought Great Britain might, abolish ,slavery in the colonies. Tens of thousands used the turmoil of war to escape
  23. By 1884,making Cuba the second-to-last country in the Western Hemisphere to, abolish ,slavery, with Brazil being the last. Instead of blacks, slave traders looked
  24. Europe observer states who practice the death penalty, the U. S. and Japan, to, abolish , it or lose their observer status. In addition to banning capital punishment for
  25. Inexpensive folk vocals imported from Punjab, Punjabi folk music was able to, abolish ,bhangra music. Pioneering DJs instrumental in the destruction of bhangra were
  26. The 1930s. The possibility of annexation Black unrest and British pressure to, abolish ,slavery motivated many Creoles to advocate Cuba's annexation by the United
  27. In Nova Travis received an ultimatum from the HVO which included demands to, abolish ,existing Bosnia and Herzegovina institutions, establish the authority of the
  28. By 1860 the largest slaveholder owned only 16 slaves. Although attempts to, abolish ,slavery failed by narrow margins in the legislature, in practical terms, the
  29. Other entertainment venues. The Bergen County legislature recently wanted to, abolish ,them, but residents who live near Garden State Plaza objected. New York Alcohol
  30. Of all executions since the practice was reinstated). The latest country to, abolish ,the death penalty for all crimes was Gabon, in February 2010. Human rights
  31. Conditions and substrate concentration. Conditions that denature the protein, abolish ,enzyme activity, such as high temperatures, extremes of pH or high salt
  32. Michigan statute that established rules for solemnization of marriages did not, abolish ,pre-existing common-law marriage, because the statute did not affirmatively
  33. New Jersey the last in 1804—long before the British Parliament acted in 1833 to, abolish ,slavery in its colonies. Events * 69 – After the First Battle of Bedriacum
  34. Of venality, until popes, especially Benedict XIV and Pius VII, gradually, abolish , that. Pope Leo XIII (Moth Program,4 July 1898) most solemnly decreed the
  35. VII, with French help and the approval of the Quintuple Alliance, managed to, abolish ,constitutional rule in Spain yet again and re-establish absolutism. As a result
  36. Not content to retrench the abuses that may be in these things, but must needs, abolish ,them entirely ... Look around on this ‘ Evangelical’ generation, and observe
  37. More tenaciously maintained. Even Luther's influence was not sufficient to, abolish ,its celebration in Saxony during his lifetime; and, though its ecclesiastical
  38. The Northern states (states north of the Mason-Dixon line) had passed laws to, abolish ,slavery gradually. Congress in 1807 banned the international slave trade.
  39. Not due to investment. Since 1971,when the Nixon administration decided to, abolish ,fixed exchange rates,America's Current Account accumulated trade deficits
  40. Extent, overcame the obstinacy of the Jews, he was unable to force them to, abolish ,the laws which permitted them to live in accordance with their ancient customs.
  41. Thought that" God is just," warning of eventual" supernatural influence" to, abolish ,the scourge of slavery. The decline of deism is generally considered to
  42. Close of the Second World War the British government announced its intention to, abolish ,the penal settlement. The government proposed to employ former inmates in an
  43. Militant society, just to name a few. According to Harder, Stirner wants to ", abolish ,not only the state but also society as an institution responsible for its
  44. A Commonwealth of Britain Bill several times between 1991 and 2001,intended to, abolish ,the monarchy and establish a British republic. It never reached second reading.
  45. Promoted it with the increased humanitarian efforts, such as the movement to, abolish ,the slave trade. But sensibility also paralyzed those who had too much of it;
  46. A decision Sun would later regret). Over the next few years, Yuan proceeded to, abolish ,the national and provincial assemblies, and declared himself emperor in late
  47. S campaign was bolstered by separate votes in both Maryland and Missouri to, abolish ,slavery in those states. Maryland's new constitution abolish ing slavery took
  48. To cause legislative efforts to improve the judicial process rather than to, abolish ,the death penalty. A Gallup International poll from 2000 said that" Worldwide
  49. In 1911,there were many calls, such as the May Fourth Movement, to completely, abolish ,the old imperial institutions and practices of China. There have been attempts
  50. Of entrenchment of the constitution to impose the will of the government or, abolish ,all civil rights, as they could in theory do, but the distinction between

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