Examples of the the word, http , in a Sentence Context

The word ( http ), is the 6043 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Http, you are using this library; writing java. Servlet. * would include also, http , and any other sublibraries of servlet. This is not the case in namespaces
  2. Cities such as Daegu and Susan (~1.5 hrs each depending on traffic). Their, http , : //포항터미날. Kr/main/main. Asp website is only in Korean and only accessible in
  3. _ = trap SIG_IGN SIGPIPE; /* fetch a file from a HTTP server (port 80) */, http , HOST NAME = close FD | | BSR REPLY where FD: Int = socket AF_NET SOCK_STREAM
  4. Not have to be dereferenceable at all. For example, a URI that begins with ", http , : " and is used as the subject of an RDF statement does not necessarily have to
  5. Representation. In a URL a colon follows the initial scheme name (like, http , ),and separates a port number from the hostname or IP address.
  6. For a VNC remote control session. If the port number is omitted for an, http , : URL, the browser will connect on port 80,the default HTTP port. The default
  7. At one point, attempted and failed to head this off by adding an extra, http , transport to DCE/RPC called can_HTTP (Network Computing Architecture
  8. With" HTTPS: //" and use port 443 by default, where HTTP URLs begin with ", http , : //" and use port 80 by default. HTTP is unsecured and is subject to
  9. Tools for connecting to Dolls. SQL, Java, NET, C++, FORTRAN,CUBA, OpenCL and, http , based systems *Using both" free-form linguistic input" ( a natural language
  10. Defeats the security provided by HTTPS by changing the HTTPS: link into an, http , : link, taking advantage of the fact that few Internet users actually type "
  11. Are most often discussed without adding the WWW to the domain (or the. Com),HTTP, and HTTPS specifiers The scheme specifiers (HTTP: // or HTTPS: //) in URIs
  12. The Sacramento Choral Society & Orchestra, the Sacramento Youth Symphony,the, http , : //%5B http ://master singers.org%20Link%20label%5D Sacramento Master Singers, the
  13. And secured HTTP traffic to share the same well known port (in this case, http , : at 80 rather than HTTPS: at 443). * RFC 2818:“ HTTP Over TLS ”
  14. How the URL will be interpreted. The most commonly used kind of URI starts with, http , : and identifies a resource to be retrieved over the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  15. As an important provider of Web technology ICT Standards, notably XML, http , HTML, CSS and WAS, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) follows a process
  16. A browser. Furthermore, there are open public servers that listen on standard, http , ( port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) ports, and hence allow connections from
  17. These worker processes run in. IIS 6.0 also contained a new kernel HTTP stack (, http , Sys) with a stricter HTTP request parser and response cache for both static
  18. Href attribute of the tag and for bookmarks. The URI scheme, such as, http , :,file:, or ftp:, specifies the protocol and required form for the rest of the
  19. News: URIs are passed to the user's default newsgroup reader. In the case of, http , HTTPS, file,and others, once the resource has been retrieved the web browser
  20. Blue favicon box to the left of the URL bar (in addition to the switch from ", http ," to" HTTPS" in the URL itself). Which site The user is expected to confirm
  21. By filters, but these may most often be bypassed by using HTTPS: // in place of, http , : // since content filtering software is not able to interpret content under
  22. The Since when any kind of error processing requests occurs, in the Varnish, http , accelerator and in the VirtualBox virtualization platform. Description When a
  23. Creating movie DVDs: - Formatting DVDs and DVD+Rows: - CDDB support via, http , CDDB and local CDDB directory.: - Sophisticated pattern system to
  24. A CORBA product may optionally support the ", http , : "," ftp:" and" file:" formats. The semantics of these is that they provide
  25. Structure against which the relative link is based, and that the ftp, http , and file URL schemes are examples of some that can be considered hierarchical
  26. Be placed on any appropriate communication protocol for file retrieval, such as, http , or ftp, and reading software would use the information to present a neat
  27. Overseas coming from over 70 countries. These included British, Macedonians,HTTP, : //%5B%5BPortuguese%20Australian|Portuguese%5D%5D,Portuguese Greeks, Bosnians
  28. Oboes & bassoon, strings and b. c. in B flat major* Modern edition by W. Each, http , : // WWW. Imslp. Org FWD K: B 7 \ Suite for 2 oboes & bassoon in B flat
  29. URIs)—or, more specifically, Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)—using the, http , or HTTPS URI schemes. URIs and the HyperText Markup Language (HTML),form a
  30. Battalion of the Home Guard was known as the Factory Battalion, and had the, http , : //%20 http ://www.croydononline.org/history/places/purleyway.asp specific task
  31. Those age 65 or over. Community: Aerial photo: http ://maps.google.com/maps? Q, http , : %2F%2Ftools. Wikimedia.
  32. Hops reported by a tool such as traceroute for a proxies protocol such as, http , ( port 80) with that for a non proxies protocol such as SMTP (port 25).
  33. Signal) is ignored */ def _ = trap SIG_IGN SIGPIPE; /* fetch a file from an, http , server (port 80) */ HTTP HOST NAME = close FD | | BSR REPLY where FD: Int =
  34. Content-Type specifies the Internet media type of the data conveyed by the, http , message,while Content-Length indicates its length in bytes. The HTTP/1.1
  35. Lines, Kalimpong News is the only regularly updated daily Internet news (, http , : // kalimpongonlinenews. Blogspot. Com) which collects and presents local and
  36. http ://www.newsday.co.tt/news/0,146066.html, http ,: http ://www.guardian.co.tt/
  37. Sites secured by public key certificates are still more secure than unsecured, http , : // websites. A trapeze is a short horizontal bar hung by ropes or metal
  38. Java. Util. Import java. Io. import Java. Servlet. Import Java. Servlet., http , Import Java. Servlet. Jsp. Import Java. Servlet. Jsp. Tagext. Import com.
  39. In HTML 2.0; invalid in HTML 4.0.;: This element related to the original Next, http , server,and was not used once the web had spread to other systems.: next id
  40. Header field names, including also fields defined for MIME, netnews, and,HTTP, and referencing relevant RFCs. Common header fields for email include: * To:
  41. Fn change_languid KGL&prefLang en_US&prefBackUrl, http , : %2F%2Frex. Kb. dk%2Fprimo_library%2Flibweb%2Faction%2Fsearch. Do? Dscnt
  42. First glance, it differs semantically. So, if you write in Java. Servlet., http , you are using this library; writing java. Servlet. * would include also HTTP
  43. Is coached by Chris Mes eke. The Lady Cobras basketball coach is Chris Jungle., http , : //%20www. Flcobras. Com The school website is WWW. Flcobras. Com Demographics
  44. This mode uses the file: ///path access scheme. # WebDAV/Delta-V (over, http , or HTTPS) using the mod_DAV_SVN module for Apache 2. This mode uses the
  45. Oyster-tecture is faring less well. The Department of Environmental Protection, http ,
  46. Form http -equiv" foo" content "/IN"> bar"> can be used as alternatives to, http , headers. For example, http -equiv" expires" content" Wed,21 June 2006
  47. To the domain (or the. Com) HTTP and HTTPS specifiers The scheme specifiers (, http , : // or HTTPS: //) in URIs refer to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol and to HTTP
  48. 2channel. Users will often attempt to bypass this system by removing the h from, http , in URLs, encouraging others to copy and paste the link, thus avoiding the
  49. In a non-"service:" URL the schema name is the service type (for instance ", http ," in" http ://www.wikipedia.org" ). The attributes of the printer could look
  50. To implement on legacy systems. A workable solution is to use a telnet or, http , proxy server to sit between users and the mainframe to implement secure access

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