Examples of the the word, autonomy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( autonomy ), is the 6052 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Mason, and other antifederalists who were not so eager to give up the local, autonomy ,won by the revolution: Historians have given many reasons for the perceived
  2. Prevented by the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War from adopting a statute of, autonomy ,during the period of the Second Spanish Republic. Article 1 of the 1981 Statute
  3. This short Mughal rule, Mughal-appointed governors of the city soon gained, autonomy , In 1724,USAF Jay I, who was granted the title Nizam-ul-Mulk (" Governor of
  4. Dhimmis were granted limited rights including a degree of tolerance, community, autonomy , in personal matters, and protection from being killed outright. Jewish
  5. Closed" are only for those with" a desire to stop drinking ", groups have the, autonomy ,to hold and conduct meetings as they wish" except in matters affecting other
  6. The princely state of Hyderabad, acknowledging British rule in return for local, autonomy , However, Komaram Been, a tribal leader, started his fight against the
  7. Ascension of the Banzai dynasty, Afghanistan saw much of its territory and, autonomy ,ceded to British India. Ethnic Pashtun territories were divided by the 1893
  8. Weeks. In 1933 Aruba sent its first petition for Aruba's separate status and, autonomy ,to the Queen. During World War II, together with Curaçao, the then world-class
  9. That Yiddish and Hebrew were eliminated from public records and that judicial, autonomy ,was annulled. Moses Mendelssohn wrote that" Such a tolerance ... is even more
  10. With universal juridical authority as each national or regional church has full, autonomy , As the name suggests, the Anglican Communion is an association of these
  11. Facilities specializing in ASD with a high level of support and very limited, autonomy , and 12 % needed high-level hospital care. A 2005 Swedish study of 78 adults
  12. Germany, set-up a land blockade of West Berlin. * 1948 – Fare Islands receive, autonomy ,from Denmark. *1949 – Chinese Civil War: The Communist Party of China holds
  13. In the western delta, and chieftains of these settlers began increasing their, autonomy , Libyan princes took control of the delta under Shoshone I in 945 BC, founding
  14. Europe' and 'isolate the United States '. Although favoring greater Algerian, autonomy ,or even federation, though not full-scale independence, he believed that the
  15. Of Calgary, once affiliated with the University of Alberta, gained its, autonomy ,in 1966 and is now the second-largest university in Alberta. There is also
  16. Out, while those who won concessions, such as Czechs, clamored for even greater, autonomy , By playing nationalities off one against another, the government preserved the
  17. Notables in the frontier zone backfired, as the latter built up regional, autonomy , Byzantine authority survived, but in a much weakened state. Fourth Crusade
  18. On 2 July 1917,the first coalition collapsed over the question of Ukraine's, autonomy , Following July Days unrest in Petrograd and suppression of the Bolsheviks
  19. To this day. In the Middle Ages, the people of Babelsberg enjoyed a level of, autonomy ,above their lord. They elected a city council, although only a few
  20. Combined with Kansas). These affiliates maintain a certain amount of governing, autonomy ,from the national organization, and are able to work independently of each
  21. Directors through the Board's Development Effectiveness Committee. Behavioral, autonomy , avoidance of conflicts of interest, insulation from external influence, and
  22. As Ahura where the Assyrian city of Asher seems to have gained a degree of, autonomy , and temples to the native gods of Assyria were resurrected. A number of
  23. The Diet of Finland and initiated several reforms increasing Finland's, autonomy ,from Russia including establishment of its own currency, the Markka. Liberation
  24. Their designs tend to include more autonomous elements. The historic path to, autonomy ,was a concern for secure sources of heat, power,water and food. A nearly
  25. Allowed to settle within the imperial boundaries, keeping a large degree of, autonomy , In 394,Alaric served as a leader of federate under Theodosius I in the
  26. The seditious city of Zaragoza on the Upper March revolted in a bid for, autonomy , Little could ABD Brahman have known that as he set off to settle matters in
  27. Second Spanish Republic. Article 1 of the 1981 Statute of Autonomy justifies, autonomy ,based on the region's" historical identity, on the self-government that the
  28. Secure sources of heat, power,water and food. A nearly parallel path toward, autonomy ,has been to start with a concern for environmental impacts, which cause
  29. A moral obligation to obey the state when its laws conflict with individual, autonomy , One reaction against sectarianism within the anarchist milieu was" anarchism
  30. To the causes of the Czechs, Slovaks and South Slavs. Therefore, Lansing said, autonomy ,for the nationalities – the tenth of the Fourteen Points – was no longer enough
  31. Monarchy. Governments of nationalities and regions were given more, autonomy , including the Valencian region. The port of Alicante has been reinventing
  32. The Did de Andalucía, is celebrated on February 28,and commemorates the 1980, autonomy , referendum. The honorific title of Hilo Predilection de Andalucía (" Favorite
  33. Reduces the costs and impacts of networks that serve the building, because, autonomy , short-circuits the multiplying inefficiencies of collecting and transporting
  34. Nationalist movements which had previously been calling for a greater degree of, autonomy ,for various areas started pressing for full independence. As one of his
  35. S concern with sustainable and efficient design is congruent with the goal of, autonomy , and showed that it was theoretically possible. One of the three prototype
  36. And draft a Seventeen Point Agreement for Chinese sovereignty and Tibetan, autonomy , *1953 – The first U. S. experimental 3D-TV broadcast showed an episode of
  37. The Thirty Years' Peace (445 BC) Athens covenanted to restore to Regina her, autonomy , but the clause remained a dead letter. In the first winter of the
  38. And gendarmery) are created. *1936 – The United Auto Workers (UAW) gains, autonomy ,from the American Federation of Labor. *1941 – World War II: German troops
  39. i. e., a non-self-governing territory. However, it was officially granted full, autonomy ,on August 29, 2009. An area of Kashmir that was once under Pakistani control is
  40. Kyushu and AK Kyushu. The Shirvanshahs returned, maintaining a high degree of, autonomy ,as local rulers and vassals from 861 until 1539. During their persecution by
  41. Kingdom, and for some time preserved its institutions and a certain degree of, autonomy , The border of Macedonia was not moved further east; however, Philip sent a
  42. Have become not only unreal and incapable of kindness, but totally bereft of, autonomy , whether physical, intellectual,or emotional ... Women at their best may only
  43. S Independence, which would occur in a series of steps granting increasing, autonomy , In August 1985 Aruba drafted a constitution that was unanimously approved. On
  44. Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and the Nagorno-Karabakh region; the region's, autonomy ,was abolished by Azerbaijani Supreme Soviet on November 26, 1991.; Area
  45. Langley in 1867. From the outset, these were not intended to displace the, autonomy ,of the emerging provinces of the Communion, but to" discuss matters of
  46. To the North-West Legislative Assembly were added. After a long campaign for, autonomy , in 1905 the district of Alberta was enlarged and given provincial status, with
  47. Universal juridical authority, since each national or regional church has full, autonomy , As the name suggests, the Churches of the Anglican Communion are linked by
  48. Rejected the intuitiveness of spatial perception and, therefore,the, autonomy ,of vision. Without tangible notions of distance and size for correlation, sight
  49. Saint Kitts. In 1967,Britain granted Saint Kitts and Nevis full internal, autonomy , and Anguilla was also incorporated into the new unified dependency, named
  50. By centralizing power over the war economy in himself. Factories were given, autonomy , or as Speer put it," self-responsibility ", and each factory concentrated on

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