Examples of the the word, glue , in a Sentence Context

The word ( glue ), is the 6051 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The primary use of asphalt is in road construction, where it is used as the, glue ,or binder mixed with aggregate particles to create asphalt concrete. Its other
  2. Of the board of directors ", but the 82-year–old matriarch has been called the, glue ,that holds the franchise together. Mrs. McCaskey's reign as the owner of the
  3. Which is used in the plywood industry. Animal glue remains the preferred, glue ,of the luthier. Casein based glue s are made by precipitating casein from milk
  4. The door of a compartment that was just about to leave the station. Joiner's, glue ,was boiling on the stove. The illustrations were hurriedly wiped dry, fixed
  5. Of their ease of use and the wide range of common materials they can join. A, glue ,gun (shown at right) is one method of applying hot adhesives. The glue gun
  6. Mth Already 11 On This Day in Canada ---- An adhesive, or, glue , is a mixture in a liquid or semi-liquid state that adheres or bonds items
  7. Were used as glue to decorate parchments with gold leaf. The first actual, glue ,factory was founded in Holland in the early 18th century. In the 1750s,the
  8. Men accused of being gay in Iraq, including the blocking of men's anuses with, glue ,and then giving the men laxatives. In South Africa, same-sex unions are often
  9. A protein deficiency. From the Greek for glue , kolla, the word collagen means ", glue ,producer" and refers to the early process of boiling the skin and sinews of
  10. Pass through its barrel onto the material, where it solidifies. Thermoplastic, glue ,may have been invented around 1940 by Procter & Gamble as a solution to
  11. Generated reduced k-algebras. The gluing is along Paris topology; one can, glue ,within the category of locally ringed spaces, but also, using the Honda
  12. Spine of each signature, parallel to the spine direction. In the binding line, glue ,is forced into these“ notches” right to the center of the signature, so that
  13. Investigation, the National Transportation Safety Board found that epoxy, glue ,used to hold the roof in place during construction was not appropriate for
  14. Collection of pages. The grinding leaves fibers which will grip onto the, glue ,which is then spread onto the spine of the book. Covers then meet up with the
  15. A glue gun (shown at right) is one method of applying hot adhesives. The, glue ,gun melts the solid adhesive then allows the liquid to pass through its barrel
  16. Skins and isinglass, and casein, were introduced as alternative materials for, glue ,manufacture. Modern glue s have improved flexibility, toughness,curing rate
  17. The scroll as an accordion. The next step was then to cut the folios, sew and, glue ,them at their centers, making it easier to use the papyrus or vellum
  18. Starch (detain),natural resins or from animals e.g. casein or animal, glue , They are often referred to as bioadhesives. One example is a simple paste made
  19. A mixture of ingredients (typically polymers) dissolved in a solvent. White, glue , contact adhesives and rubber cements are members of the drying adhesive family
  20. Photomontage The Dadaists - the" monsters" ( mechanics) - used scissors and, glue ,rather than paintbrushes and paints to express their views of modern life
  21. Glue, since some repairs call for the removal of the top. Theoretically, hide, glue , is weaker than the body's wood, so as the top or back shrinks side-to-side
  22. Dr. Carl Flaubert injected chemicals into women's uteri in an effort to, glue ,them shut. Bayer, then a subsidiary of IG Carbon, bought prisoners to use as
  23. In the late 19th century in Switzerland, casein was first used as a wood, glue , Today, it is seen to be used to glue grocery bags. Types Adhesives are
  24. Mickie suggested that the sociological institutions of the art world were the, glue ,binding art and sensibility into unities. Marshall McLuhan suggested that art
  25. Allowing for disassembly when needed. Tops may be glue d on with diluted, glue , since some repairs call for the removal of the top. Theoretically, hide glue
  26. Into groups and given a quantity of wood sticks, a distance to span, and, glue , and then asked to construct a bridge that will be tested to destruction by the
  27. Because the adhesive needs time to cure. The earliest known date for a simple, glue ,is 200,000 BC and for a compound glue 70,000 BC. History The oldest known
  28. In Holland in the early 18th century. In the 1750s,the English introduced fish, glue , As the modern world evolved, several other patented materials, such as bones
  29. The technicians easy access to the fuselage interior. While the casein-based, glue ,in the plywood dried, carpenters cut a Sawtooth joint into their edges while
  30. Weaker than the body's wood, so as the top or back shrinks side-to-side,the, glue ,holding it will let go, avoiding a crack in the plate. Bow Traditionally, bows
  31. With inventing carpentry" and with it the saw, axe,plumb-line, drill, glue , and isinglass ". Ananias, in travelling around Greece, attributed to
  32. Ago, and Native Americans used it in bows about 1,500 years ago. The oldest, glue ,in the world, carbon-dated as more than 8,000 years old, was found to be
  33. Process of boiling the skin and sinews of horses and other animals to obtain, glue , Collagen adhesive was used by Egyptians about 4,000 years ago, and Native
  34. The earliest known date for a simple glue is 200,000 BC and for a compound, glue ,70,000 BC. History The oldest known adhesive, dated to approximately 200,000 BC
  35. Animal products such as horse teeth. During the times of Babylonia, tar-like, glue , was used for gluing statues. The Egyptians made much use of animal glue s to
  36. The bridge can carry, a test that emphasizes economy of materials and efficient, glue ,joints (see balsa wood bridge). A bridge's economic efficiency will be sited
  37. Arthritis etc.) rather than just a protein deficiency. From the Greek for, glue , koala, the word collagen means" glue producer" and refers to the early
  38. Protein component of blood),which is used in the plywood industry. Animal, glue ,remains the preferred glue of the luthier. Casein based glue s are made by
  39. It was thought these were as a result of wing structure failures. The casein, glue , it was said, cracked when exposed to extreme heat. This caused the upper
  40. And something'll grow out of that. I used to cut these little letters out and, glue ,them on. They just look good all lined up like teeth ... sometimes they become
  41. Casein was first used as a wood glue . Today, it is seen to be used to, glue ,grocery bags. Types Adhesives are typically organized by the method of adhesion
  42. Seams in their birchbark canoes. In medieval Europe, egg whites were used as, glue ,to decorate parchments with gold leaf. The first actual glue factory was
  43. Used to make useful articles for millennia. Gelatin-resorcinol-formaldehyde, glue ,(and with formaldehyde replaced by less-toxic pentane dial and ethane dial) has
  44. Attached near the rock (rear) end of the arrow with thin double-sided tape, glue , or, traditionally,sinew. Three Fletcher is the most common configuration in
  45. The instrument's sound. Glue Cellos are constructed and repaired using hide, glue , which is strong but reversible, allowing for disassembly when needed. Tops may
  46. Processing disorder as a result of experiencing Otis media with effusion (, glue ,ear, sticky ear, grommets ) and other severe ear conditions. * Specific
  47. Between molecules. A fourth means involves the moisture-aided diffusion of the, glue ,into the substrate, followed by hardening. Failure of the adhesive joint There
  48. Are placed into the bins on the gathering line. Tipping involves spreading some, glue ,along the spine edge of the folded endpaper and pressing the endpaper against
  49. Other workers installed the controls and cabling on the inside wall. When the, glue ,was completely dried, the two halves were glue d and screwed together. The
  50. The system clock timings are derived from the video frequency, which simplifies, glue ,logic and allows the Amiga 1000 to make do with a single crystal. The chipset

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