Examples of the the word, competency , in a Sentence Context

The word ( competency ), is the 6062 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To elicit desired responses through such devices as behavioral objectives, competency ,-based education, and skill development and training. Cognitivism The earliest
  2. Or an integrated M.Eng. degree, a minimum of 4 years post graduate on the job, competency ,development, and a peer reviewed project report in the candidates specialty
  3. It further stated that a person under the death penalty is entitled to a, competency ,evaluation and to an evidentiary hearing in court on the question of his
  4. Are not mutually exclusive. Various adaptations of job-analytic methods include, competency ,modeling, which examines large groups of duties and tasks related to a common
  5. Benefices, Pope John XXII instituted the rules of chancery to determine the, competency ,and mode of procedure of the Chancery. Afterwards the establishment of the
  6. France has considerable minorities of their population with a high degree of, competency ,in Spanish. Spain In Spain and in some parts of the Spanish-speaking world, but
  7. Educated midwives to their regulatory body if they can demonstrate, competency ,through a Prior Learning and Experience Assessment (PLEA) process. The legal
  8. Or legal guardian. Informed consent in this instance goes to the argument of, competency ,on the part of the minor. An example would be the showing of an R rated movie
  9. Support battalion is to provide support to boost numbers in combat and issue, competency ,training in order to allow for the readiness of the force. The 1st Engineer
  10. Expertise without developing and maintaining an entirely unique and complex, competency ,in house is the leading reason why supply chain specialization is gaining
  11. AOJ) program, the United States has helped support the independence and, competency ,of Haiti's judicial branch through the training of hundreds of Haitian judges
  12. And medical institutions will find it easier to assess the proficiency and, competency ,of individuals. The classroom of the future will also form the basis of a
  13. Evaluation and to an evidentiary hearing in court on the question of his, competency ,to be executed. In Wainwright v. Greenfield, the Court ruled that it was
  14. Recognised. Registration at the Certified Massage Therapist level denotes, competency ,in the practice of relaxation massage. Registration at the Remedial massage
  15. Until the Second Vatican Council of 1962-65 all priests were expected to have, competency ,in it, and it was studied in Catholic schools. It is today still the official
  16. Conclude that Defendant was attempting to criticize Plaintiff's reputation or, competency ,as an astronomer. One does not seriously attack the expertise of a scientist
  17. In their names, or local authorities; these may only be taken in areas of, competency ,and within the scope delineated by primary legislation. There are also more and
  18. Change for continuous flexibility, value and success. This is delivered through, competency ,networks composed of best-of-breed supply chain domain expertise to understand
  19. Mediators generally believe it essential that mediators have thorough training, competency , and continuing education. The term" mediation" also sometimes occurs
  20. Out of several neutrals who have all achieved certain level of professional, competency , See http://www.imimediation.org/decision-tree. Preparing for mediation People
  21. Principle in allocating people within hierarchies is that of true (or proven), competency , or ability. This important Western concept of meritocracy could be read as an
  22. It easy to gain passive competency in each other's languages and even spoken, competency , Like Scottish Gaelic and modern Irish, Manx is derived from older forms of
  23. The truth is, at close range, the spread of shot is not very large at all, and, competency , in aiming is still required. A typical self-defense load of buckshot contains
  24. These, though the speakers of the three languages find it easy to gain passive, competency ,in each other's languages and even spoken competency . Like Scottish Gaelic and
  25. Fill out a survey form concerning the languages that they spoke with sufficient, competency ," to be able to have a Some results showing the distribution of major
  26. Priests of the Latin liturgical rites are required by canon law to have, competency ,in the language, although most do not. Use of Latin in the Mass, largely
  27. Popularity of teaching and learning of knowledge and the enhancing of technical, competency ,outside the classroom environment. In educational tourism, the main focus of
  28. Clock correction of sorts — the authority to enact that change falls within the, competency ,of contemporary, local episcopal authority. Implicit acceptance of this line of
  29. On the road at the time. This severely hampered sales despite the model's high, competency ,and long standard equipment list. Porsche discontinued the GTS model that year
  30. And other such practices which require a high degree of knowledge and, competency ,to safely oversee. From a sociological point of view, Danielle Lineman has
  31. And training are significantly more complex as a pilot must demonstrate, competency ,in conducting an entire cross-country flight in IMC conditions, while
  32. Is the difference between competency and criminal responsibility. *The issue of, competency ,is whether a defendant is able to adequately assist his attorney in preparing a
  33. United States is a voluntary process. While medical licensure sets the minimum, competency ,requirements to diagnose and treat patients, it is not specialty specific.
  34. The country code for Belgium is BE. Services Mail regulation is a national, competency , Postal service in Belgium is in many cases performed by Belgian Post Group, a
  35. Actuaries and actuarial science, and to protect the public interest in ensuring, competency ,and ethical standards. However, calculations remained cumbersome, and actuarial
  36. Relationships can both be correlated with firm performance. As logistics, competency ,becomes a more critical factor in creating and maintaining competitive
  37. To affusion or sprinkling). Other tenets of Baptist churches include soul, competency ,(liberty),salvation through faith alone, scripture alone as the rule of
  38. Who participated in sports. Another key reform measure was a call for teacher, competency ,testing, which was strongly opposed by the teachers unions in Texas. Perot
  39. Fellow generals and the Southern press. The fight also revealed the increased, competency ,of the Union cavalry, and foreshadowed the decline of the formerly invincible
  40. Of practice, disciplinary issues, quality assurance and maintenance of, competency , There are an estimated 49,000 chiropractors in the U. S. (2008),2,500 in
  41. Ability to give informed consent will be governed by a general requirement of, competency , In common law jurisdictions, adults are presumed competent to consent. This
  42. Superlative forms: **"Nerissa: 'superfluity comes sooner by white hairs, but, competency , lives longer. " **"Valdosta well deserved its name, for in that climate of
  43. Of relaxation massage. Registration at the Remedial massage therapist denotes, competency ,in the practice of remedial or orthopedic massage. Both levels of registration
  44. To try and identify and set common criteria and standards regarding mediation, competency , and to set a pattern of conduct (e.g., adhering to codes of ethics and
  45. Mental Illness An important distinction to be made is the difference between, competency ,and criminal responsibility. *The issue of competency is whether a defendant is
  46. Other with the gift of himself. The encyclical opens with an assertion of the, competency ,of the magisterium of the Catholic Church to decide questions of morality. It
  47. Dismiss. In United States v. Pinion, malingering or feigning illness during a, competency ,evaluation was held to be obstruction of justice and led to an enhanced
  48. An extensive network of telephone cables. Telephone regulation is a national, competency , The country code for Belgium is 32 and the international call prefix is 00. A
  49. Performance of its duties to the nation, at least to use all the means with the, competency ,to guard against and for fend it. " On 2 December 1823,US President James
  50. In a dispute. International professional organizations continue to debate what, competency ,means. When to use mediation Not all disputes lend themselves well to mediation

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