Examples of the the word, gaze , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gaze ), is the 6046 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. More than object itself ', the point from which the object itself returns the, gaze , Sure the picture is in my eye, but I am also in the picture. " Notes Paralysis
  2. Themselves into their ecstatic trances by each maintaining a steady fixed, gaze ,at the tip of his own nose; it is obvious that there is no need for an exoteric
  3. Hair turned into snakes, her lower body was transformed also, and meeting her, gaze ,would turn any living man to stone. In the earliest of myths there is but one
  4. See even people he dislikes in a redeeming light, and which also permits him to, gaze ,far down into the labyrinths of the human soul. " In his acceptance speech for
  5. Circle producing first a parabola then a hyperbola on the image plane. As the, gaze ,continues to rise the asymptotes of the hyperbola, if realized concretely
  6. If the circle is drawn on the ground and the viewer gradually transfers, gaze ,from straight down at the circle up towards the horizon, the lens plane
  7. Us would not be happy to lift the veil behind which is hidden the future; to, gaze ,at the coming developments of our science and at the secrets of its development
  8. Ephraim Katz," His characters derive added authenticity from his squinty, gaze , the result of the loss of an eye ..." Early films Despite his stage success
  9. Ontological shift in the object itself. Or—to put it in Japanese—the subject's, gaze ,is always-already inscribed into the perceived object itself, in the guise of
  10. Head down to Beale Street, the heart of Memphis's thriving blues scene, and, gaze , longingly at the wild, flashy clothes in the windows of Lanky Brothers. By his
  11. Words; by the perpetual pout of her closed lips, the black depths of her fixed, gaze ,turned slowly upon me as if in contemptuous provocation. " Politics Conrad in
  12. And lowered about the horizon, the X shape moves oppositely, lowering as the, gaze ,is raised and vice versa but always with the visible portion being on the
  13. Sees himself as a child, in the House of Lung barrow, playing under the watchful, gaze ,of his father. The Infinity Doctors implies that the" womb-born" did not
  14. Feminist perspective, bell hooks put forth the notion of the“ oppositional, gaze ,” encouraging black women not to accept stereotypical representations in film
  15. Of Christianization, what is now Denmark fell under the sweeping missionary, gaze , with a group of monks including Ansgar sent back to Jutland with the baptized
  16. Stopping at the horizon, with the center of the X being on the horizon when the, gaze ,is horizontal. All of the above was for the case when the circle faces the
  17. Companion Roman who finds she has to turn away from the vampire's intense, gaze , *There is a Japanese lesbian' magazine named after Camilla, as Camilla "
  18. Threatening, even frightening, and it struck me like a blow. The Tsar's, gaze , The look of a man who stood above all others, but who carried a monstrous
  19. To readjust to the gravity and may have problems standing up, focusing their, gaze , walking and turning. Importantly, those body motor disturbances after changing
  20. Concentrated his sculpting on the human head, focusing on the sitter's, gaze , He preferred models he was close to, his brother and the artist Isabel
  21. Of the underlying verb sign while inhaling, dropping the jaw, and directing eye, gaze ,toward the verb's object (if any),but subsequent movements and postures are
  22. Most ESP cheats show info through walls. * Barrel hack depicts an enemy's, gaze ,as a visible line. * Anti-flash and anti-smoke remove the effects of the
  23. Was for the case when the circle faces the viewer, with only the viewer's, gaze ,varying. When the circle starts to face away from the viewer is lens
  24. Films are put together, many feminist film critics have pointed to the" male, gaze ," that predominates in classical Hollywood filmmaking. Bud Botcher
  25. According to the art historian Christopher John Murray, directs " the viewer's, gaze ,towards their metaphysical dimension ". Friedrich was born in the Swedish
  26. The Emerald Isle Ireland. I breathe, and lo! The chattel slave becomes a man. I, gaze ,around in vain for one who will question my equal humanity, claim me as his
  27. His trademark phrase was" FIRE! FIRE! " Which he would render with a maniacal, gaze ,in his eye. (He also used to smoke before the controversy. ) One episode
  28. As I have so repeatedly proved by causing them to maintain a steady fixed, gaze ,at any point, concentrating their whole mental energies on the idea of the
  29. Is commonly used in the scientific community. Other alumni have turned their, gaze ,to the universe. C. Gordon Fullerton (BS 1957,MS 1958) piloted the third
  30. Feature in the Northern Hemisphere turns counter-clockwise, and,fixing our, gaze ,on that location, any other location in that hemisphere will rotate around it
  31. On Beowulf: He would come silently into the room, fix the audience with his, gaze , and suddenly begin to declaim in a resounding voice the opening lines of the
  32. Against staring at youth because of their beauty:" Be careful, do not, gaze ,at beardless youth, for they have eyes more tempting than the houris. " Modern
  33. In the evening: And ask of it in the morning.: On that very hill from afar: I, gaze , wondering: If he sees it to-day, : Or asks of it to-morrow.: Sadness I feel at
  34. The anal drive (the anus and the feces),the comic drive (the eyes and the, gaze ,) and the innovatory drive (the ears and the voice). The first two relate to
  35. And invisible parts of the tangents combining in a single X shape. As the, gaze ,is raised and lowered about the horizon, the X shape moves oppositely, lowering
  36. Problem. Does the life world contextualize and thus compromise the, gaze ,of the pure ego, or does the phenomenological method nonetheless raise the ego
  37. But false, anecdote tells that one of the Bernini's river gods defers his, gaze ,in disapproval of the facade of Sent'Agnes in Alone (designed by the talented
  38. Converging at the horizon when the gaze is horizontal. Further elevation of the, gaze ,into the sky then brings the point of convergence of the asymptotes towards the
  39. That, identifying with the male observer rather than the female object of the, gaze , B. Ruby Rich argues that women’s relationships with film is instead
  40. It is Cheri who wears silk pajamas and Léa's pearls, and who is the object of, gaze , And in the end Léa demonstrates all the survival skills which Colette
  41. Distortion, namely as a scaled-down circle. When the viewer turns attention or, gaze ,away from the center of the circle the image plane then cuts the cone in an
  42. And right, swinging towards each other and converging at the horizon when the, gaze ,is horizontal. Further elevation of the gaze into the sky then brings the point
  43. Gaze direction) was given to the interpreter. However, the Russian’s, gaze ,direction was at the American. Therefore, the Russian could carefully and
  44. American counterpart. While the interpreter spoke, the American’s attention (, gaze ,direction) was given to the interpreter. However, the Russian’s gaze direction
  45. Across class, racial,and ethnic groups throughout the world ". Key themes The, gaze ,and the female spectator In considering the way that films are put together
  46. Harmony in the work, and yet do not allow the spectators to rest their, gaze ,upon any one of them for a length of time. ” Conclusion The Hagia Sophia
  47. The eagle partially overlays the Moon, suggesting its exploration by man. The, gaze ,of Apollo and the direction of the eagle's motion is meant to imply man's
  48. The camera lens. However, it has also been argued that there exists a" reverse, gaze ," through which indigenous photographers can position the tourist photographer
  49. Sons of King Sahara. Livid at being disturbed, Kapila sears them with his angry, gaze , reduces them to ashes, and dispatches them to the netherworld. Only the waters
  50. The chin) while inhaling through the mouth, dropping of the jaw, directing eye, gaze ,toward the verb's object. The posture is then held rather than moved toward

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