Examples of the the word, suspicious , in a Sentence Context

The word ( suspicious ), is the 6048 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Popularity as it was criticized (among other things) for its involvement in, suspicious ,privatization deals of the early 1990s. In 1995,the opposition surprisingly
  2. Streets. Complicating matters further, Domina returns from her trip early, suspicious ,that her husband Senex is" up to something low. " She disguises herself in
  3. Cases where supporters of vaccination had used questionable statistics. Always, suspicious ,of authority, Wallace became convinced that reductions in the incidence of
  4. And that he," Locus," will set out in search of her. Displeased and, suspicious , Miles insists that his soldiers accompany Pseudos, but the wily slave is
  5. War) became the most influential of the remaining army leaders. Mao, too,was, suspicious ,that Deng would destroy the positive reputation of the Cultural Revolution
  6. Of Arkansas, though some on the more liberal side of the party remained, suspicious , Many Democrats who had supported Ronald Reagan and Bush in previous elections
  7. Became emotionally and physically distant. Before long he became jealous and, suspicious , She, meanwhile,was becoming more engaged with the political turmoil around
  8. Was of a rank high enough to give the necessary political support. Benji was, suspicious ,that Team might be so ambitious as to attempt to take the throne, and felt the
  9. Of the corporation led to the wealthy supporters of the corporate form becoming, suspicious ,of all unincorporated legal entities, which in turn led to the modern concept
  10. In clinical poisoning situations or to aid in the medico legal investigation of, suspicious ,deaths. Blood or plasma DMT levels in recreational users of the drug are
  11. Daughter, Sandy (Laura Dean). She tells him details about the ear case and a, suspicious ,woman, Dorothy Valleys (Isabella Rosellini) who may be connected to the case
  12. He did not reveal his true identity. He was welcomed by Aegean, who was, suspicious ,about the stranger who came to Athens. Medea tried to have Theseus killed by
  13. Usually patrols the casino and responds to calls for assistance and reports of, suspicious ,or definite criminal activity. A specialized surveillance department operates
  14. One, but refuses to divulge which group is which. The town council becomes, suspicious ,of this and try to force the truth out, but Hap good questions them until they
  15. Relationship with the United States Chiang did not like the Americans, and was, suspicious ,of their motives. When he suspected that the American OSS (forerunner of the
  16. N and *ŋ are in fact *d and *g. Even a symmetrical system can be topologically, suspicious , For example, the traditional Proto-Indo-European plosive inventory is: An
  17. Was fined £5.25 million in the UK after it made more than $7 million worth of ", suspicious ," payments to overseas firms and individuals. The UK's Financial Services
  18. He was, at first, almost stupefied, and then aloof, cold,depressed, extremely, suspicious , impatient of the slightest crossing, and subject to violent outbursts of
  19. As a depressive type of mood disorder in which the person may become, suspicious ,and develop certain types of phobias. Nazi medicine Though the threads which
  20. 25 million by federal banking regulators for allegedly failing to report, suspicious ,transactions made to the Equatorial Guinea accounts, but that didn't happen
  21. That their disheveled appearance was entirely innocent, but he is still, suspicious , He instantly dislikes Fredrik and returns to his wife, Countess Charlotte.
  22. Enthusiasts to contact police if they believe something they see or hear is, suspicious , Extraordinary rendition Following the events of 9/11 information collected by
  23. Her. Artemis who was with her companions at Retrench, went to Orpheus, but, suspicious , of his motives, she covered her face with mud so the river god would not
  24. Irish-born physician John Bodkin Adams is arrested in connection with the, suspicious ,deaths of more than 160 patients. Eventually he is convicted only of minor
  25. Touching an official. Late in the game, a blocked field-goal was reversed by a, suspicious ,penalty and Dallas scored the winning touchdown two plays later. This
  26. The officer was shot dead by a sniper as he and a colleague investigated ", suspicious ,activity" at a house nearby when a window was smashed by youths causing the
  27. Never ran more efficiently than under Domitian, whose exacting standards and, suspicious ,nature maintained historically low corruption among provincial governors and
  28. Article 2: # a duty to refrain from unlawful killing, # a duty to investigate, suspicious ,deaths and, # in certain circumstances, a positive duty to prevent foreseeable
  29. When all of a sudden there is a concern about the welfare of our workers, it is, suspicious , " On the other hand, there have been notable protests against certain
  30. Selected because they did not provide adequate identification and were deemed, suspicious ,by the airline check-in agent. Hangout, Mihdhar, and Away al-Hazmi did not
  31. Secretary has been described by historian Kenneth O. Morgan as" wary and, suspicious , but not automatically hostile ". In an early" good-will" gesture that was
  32. Then and the name" The Red-Blue Blur" is coined. When Jimmy Olsen becomes, suspicious , Clark decides to reserve his usual red-and-blue for saving people. He carries
  33. And Turkey would end in less than six weeks, and already hostile towards and, suspicious ,of Soviet intentions, because of their reluctance to withdraw from Iran, the
  34. At Texas State University–San Marcos determined from DNA samples that the, suspicious ,animal was a coyote. The coyote, however,had grayish-blue, mostly hairless
  35. A vapor lock in the fuel tanker truck's pumping mechanism, and Cooper became, suspicious , At approximately 8:00 pm a warning light flashed in the cockpit, indicating
  36. 28 June and discovered that the French were not there. After a meeting with the, suspicious ,Ottoman commander Say yid Muhammad Khayyam, Nelson ordered the British fleet
  37. A reading altogether peculiar to one or another ancient document is, suspicious ,; as also is any, even if supported by a class of documents, which seems to
  38. Poisoning or stabbing her, but felt these methods were too difficult and, suspicious , so he settled on building a self-sinking boat. Though aware of the plot
  39. Administration in a foster home after his elementary school teachers noticed, suspicious ,scars and injuries. He and his 7-year-old sister, who was also placed in City
  40. Of Riggs Bank, blamed a lack of an internal system to monitor and identify such, suspicious ,activity. It is an assertion that Senator Kevin found ridiculous. " First of
  41. He said. Senators were angered that bank officials never reported any, suspicious ,financial transactions involving Equatorial Guinea. Lawrence Hebert, president
  42. Of fever, nausea,and vomiting. Any other symptoms that seem even remotely, suspicious ,must be taken very seriously. However, more mild allergy symptoms, such as a
  43. And carefully examined, not only with the most scrupulous, but with the most, suspicious ,attention. " The neoclassical interest in Smith's statement about" an
  44. While there, Desiree notices Fredrik; the two were lovers years before. Anne, suspicious ,and annoyed because of Desiree's amorous glances, demands that Fredrik bring
  45. Paul later figures that the training taught by Himmelstoß made them" hard, suspicious , pitiless, and tough" but most importantly it taught them comradeship. However
  46. S Islamic Revolution. The local Ibadan police had taken notice, and became, suspicious ,of Hossein Takbali-zadeh and his accomplices, and had started following the
  47. Needs and channel resources to their most productive uses: they" are more, suspicious ,than conservatives of all but the most minimal government. " Anarcho-capitalist
  48. Staying in the castle of Countess Matilda. Henry wished to repent. The pope was, suspicious ,of the king’s motives, and did not believe he was truly repentant. Henry did
  49. First Mr. Hebert, you do not need a computer system to realize, suspicious ,activity when you have sixty pounds of cash that are being walked into the door
  50. Feasible. Aldrich's bill met much opposition from politicians. Critics were, suspicious ,of a central bank, and charged Aldrich of being biased due to his close ties to

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