Examples of the the word, breakthrough , in a Sentence Context

The word ( breakthrough ), is the 6060 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Greening, Viv Richards and Roy Frederick's. Early First-class career 1987 was a, breakthrough ,year for Lara, when in the West Indies Youth Championships he scored 498 runs
  2. Sweet. Thus, ABBA came to life. The ABBA years (1972-1982) The foursome's, breakthrough ,came with winning the Eurovision Song Contest for Sweden with" Waterloo" on 6
  3. The refrigerated coil, which condenses the aromatic vapors. This was a, breakthrough ,in distillation technology, and he made use of it in his steam distillation
  4. What he wanted to do. The Hep Stars years (1964-1969) The Hep Stars got their, breakthrough ,in March 1965 with their massive hit" Cadillac ", eventually becoming the most
  5. Multiple simultaneous transactions financed by bank loans. One important, breakthrough ,took place around that time: the introduction of double-entry bookkeeping
  6. Andaman, Sabah in the early '80s identified four fast-growing hardwoods and a, breakthrough ,on seed collection and handling of Acacia magnum and Melina arboreal, a fast
  7. Means" strike concentrated, not dispersed). Pursuit Having achieved a, breakthrough ,into the enemy's rear areas, German forces attempted to paralyze the enemy's
  8. She was a member of the sorority Kappa Alpha Theta. 1982 saw the release of her, breakthrough ,album Age to Age. The album contains the signature track," El Saddam" (
  9. Politics of competition. Philips Interactive Media lead the way in producing, breakthrough ,titles, including the first interactive coloring book, Sesame Street Disc and
  10. Cooperation, technical assistance and environmental remediation of dioxin. A, breakthrough ,in the diplomatic stalemate on this issue occurred as a result of United States
  11. Thickly armored, powerfully gunned, but barely mobile tanks intended for the, breakthrough ,role against fortified lines, particularly in support of infantry formations).
  12. Doctrine to be a myth. Others continue to use the word to describe the style of, breakthrough ,warfare practiced by the Axis powers of this period, even if it were not a
  13. First book on bridge engineering was written by Hubert Gautier in 1716. A major, breakthrough ,in bridge technology came with the erection of the Iron Bridge in Coalbrookdale
  14. The Haber-Bosch method for synthesizing ammonium nitrate represented a major, breakthrough ,and allowed crop yields to overcome previous constraints. In the past century
  15. A break, in a slightly subdued voice. " For the writer William Boyd,Chekhov's, breakthrough ,was to abandon what William Gerhard called the" event plot" for something
  16. In the new style. It was a moment ripe for a breakthrough . Many consider this, breakthrough ,to have been made by C. P. E. Bach, Gluck, and several others. Indeed, C. P. E.
  17. Possible. By local success at the Schwerpunkt, a small force achieved a, breakthrough ,and gained advantages by fighting in the enemy's rear. It is summarized by
  18. Along with the Spanish version of" Chiquita ", this signalled the group's, breakthrough ,in Latin America. ABBA Or: Grades Exits was released in 1999. Final album
  19. January 2004,he said that“ a meeting like this doesn't signify in itself a, breakthrough ,”, and called for“ a theological dialogue that asks the tough questions, such
  20. Theory, topology,category theory and complex analysis. His first (premises), breakthrough , in algebraic geometry was the Grothendieck–Hirzebruch–Riemann–Rock theorem, a
  21. Daggers and Hero marketed towards western audiences. The film also provided the, breakthrough ,role for Zhang Ziyi's career, who noted that: The film also ranks at No.497 on
  22. Jayne Mansfield as Mansfield's husband, Mickey Habitat. Schwarzenegger's, breakthrough ,film was the sword-and-sorcery epic Conan the Barbarian in 1982,which was a
  23. Security depends (in part) upon the difficulty of integer factorization — a, breakthrough ,in factoring would impact the security of RSA. In 1980,one could factor a
  24. In his small repair shop in Val court, Quebec. Bombardier's technological, breakthrough ,in the design of bush vehicles came in the mid-1930s when he developed a drive
  25. Theory of how to compose in the new style. It was a moment ripe for a, breakthrough , Many consider this breakthrough to have been made by C. P. E. Bach, Gluck, and
  26. And Hot Dance Club Play). Nevertheless, Arrival finally became a true, breakthrough ,release for ABBA on the US album market where it peaked at number 20 on the
  27. In total. 2005 The United Kingdom general election 2005 was considered a major, breakthrough ,by the BNP, as they picked up 192,746 votes in the 119 constituencies they
  28. 12 sonatas for two violins and basso continue, in a conventional style. A real, breakthrough ,as a composer came with his first collection of 12 concerti for one, two,and
  29. Loss of 22 tanks. Although flame tanks cleared many cave defenses, there was no, breakthrough , and the XXIV Corps lost 720 men KIA, WIA and MIA. The losses might have been
  30. Through the comparatively unguarded sector of the Ardennes and achieved a, breakthrough ,at the Battle of Sedan with air support. The group raced to the coast of the
  31. Attempted to obtain warships from Britain. Northern technology achieved another, breakthrough ,on April 10–11, 1862,when a joint Army-Navy expedition reduced a major masonry
  32. Verdun) or unintentionally (Somme) attrition battles. *A battle of, breakthrough ,aims to pierce the enemy's defenses, thereby exposing the vulnerable flanks
  33. De Palma's position as a bankable filmmaker. After the success of his 1968, breakthrough , De Palma and his producing partner (Charles Hirsch) were given the
  34. This view became increasingly popular around the time of their international, breakthrough ,album, Razorblade Romance, stemming from the amount of lyrics revolving around
  35. Being promoted as the single in the UK. Released in October 1987,it became a, breakthrough ,hit for Eric B & Hakim outside the U. S., reaching #15 in the UK and the top 20
  36. For several months when she continued to strip to support herself. Hole and, breakthrough ,: 1989-1995 In 1989,Love boarded a bus from Alaska heading to Los
  37. It was only the band's second single not to reach the top 10 since their 1962, breakthrough , In December, they would score an unexpected number two hit (number three in
  38. To press forward the technique of building ideas in music. His next important, breakthrough ,was in the Opus 33 string quartets (1781),where the melodic and the harmonic
  39. Leaking over time than bottles. Cans were initially viewed as a technological, breakthrough ,for maintaining the quality of a beer, then became commonly associated with
  40. Associates and later by Vivaldi. Shortly thereafter, Blizzard shipped their, breakthrough ,hit. Blizzard went on to create several successful PC games, including the
  41. Cuisine in the introduction to The Wolfgang Puck Cookbook: Another major, breakthrough , whose originators were once thought to be crazy, is the mixing of ethnic
  42. Parts of Europe and also in South Africa. However, Stig Anderson felt the true, breakthrough ,could only come with a UK or US hit. Official naming In early 1973,Sting
  43. Polish, Hungarian and Czechoslovak presidents was hailed at the time as a major, breakthrough ,in Central European cooperation, but the Visegrád Group became a vehicle for
  44. Then Green Parties do in most other jurisdictions in Canada. However, after a, breakthrough ,election in 2001 (12.39 %),the party's vote share has declined (2005 –
  45. Commanded the most powerful armored division on the Sinai front which made a, breakthrough ,in the Kusseima-Abu-Ageila fortified area (see Battle of Abu-Ageila). In 1969
  46. Upon the Americans advancing up the forward slope. A tank assault to achieve, breakthrough ,by outflanking Aka Ridge, failed to link up with its infantry support
  47. Of German tanks attacking on relatively narrow fronts. These were expected to, breakthrough ,a thin screen of anti-tank guns, hence the decision that the main anti-tank
  48. Weather is therefore an inadequate explanation for the failure to exploit the, breakthrough , but nevertheless the Battle of El Altman had been a great success. Over
  49. With the Chaos name already existed. Shortly thereafter, Blizzard shipped their, breakthrough ,hit. Blizzard has changed hands several times since then: Davidson was acquired
  50. Of defense in great depth, extensive minefields, and tenacious defense of, breakthrough ,shoulders. In this way they depleted German combat power even as German forces

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