Examples of the the word, herbal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( herbal ), is the 7208 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Has a long history and has been facilitated by various methods including, herbal ,abortifacients, the use of sharpened tools, physical trauma, and other
  2. Also use the salt and the minerals from the Dead Sea to create cosmetics and, herbal ,sachets. In 2009,1.2 million foreign tourists visited on the Israeli side. The
  3. Is used in liniments for bruises and sprains. Bay leaf has been used as an, herbal ,remedy for headaches. It contains compounds, called parthenolides, which have
  4. The alternative treatments he and his team have studied, including acupuncture, herbal ,medicine, homeopathy,and reflexology, are,according to The Economist,"
  5. But is considered alternative within the medical community as a whole, and some, herbal ,therapies are mainstream in Europe, but are alternative in the United States.
  6. Of cats, typically resulting in temporary euphoria. Cat mints are also used in, herbal ,medicine for their mild sedative effect on humans. The genus is native to
  7. Harvest rewinds (Apparatus linear is),which are small seeds used to make a, herbal ,tea. The plant disperses its seeds widely, making manual collection difficult.
  8. Medical care that incorporates strategies such as acupuncture, reiki and, herbal ,remedies. " The Australian comedian Tim Min chin, in his nine-minute beat poem "
  9. For health reasons are excluded); this study included yoga, meditation, herbal , treatments and the Atkins diet as CAM. Another study suggests a similar figure
  10. Remains an important crop for legal local use in a mildly stimulating, herbal ,tea, and,both controversially and illegally, for the production of cocaine.
  11. Example, a 2007 Cochrane review found promising evidence for the use of Chinese, herbal ,medicine in relieving painful menstruation, compared to conventional medicine
  12. Medicine all collide, such as in cases where synthetic drugs are legal but the, herbal ,sources of the same active chemical are banned. In other cases, controversy
  13. Medicine, aloe vera again being the most commonly used version of aloe in, herbal ,medicine. Also included are Aloe Perry (found in northeastern Africa) and
  14. To treat sexual function. There are many products advertised as ", herbal ,Viagra" or" natural" sexual enhancement products, but there are no clinical
  15. Referred to as Coca tea) is used in coca-leaf producing countries much as any, herbal ,medicinal infusion would elsewhere in the world. The free and legal
  16. It includes details of more than 150 single and compound formulations of both, herbal ,and animal origin. The book provides an insight into understanding the
  17. German: Gold water of Dancing) or Goldwasser () is a traditional German, herbal ,liqueur produced in what is today Gdańsk, Poland,and Schwab, Germany,and
  18. Therapy, oxygen and ozone therapies, insulin potentiating therapy. Some, herbal ,remedies can cause dangerous interactions with chemotherapy drugs, radiation
  19. The International Bitterness Units scale. Hops contribute floral, citrus,and, herbal ,aromas and flavors to beer. They also have an antibiotic effect that favors
  20. Industrial distillation, distillation of herbs for perfumery and medicinal (, herbal ,distillate),and food processing. The latter two are distinctively different
  21. The International Bitterness Units scale. Hops contribute floral, citrus,and, herbal ,aromas and flavors to beer. Hops have an antibiotic effect that favors the
  22. Guidance does not request for the evidences of these traits. However, for the, herbal ,substances in pharmacopoeia monographs, the detailed information should be
  23. Wounding the Aloe plant are used externally to relieve skin discomforts. As an, herbal ,medicine, aloe vera juice is commonly used internally to relieve digestive
  24. Schools ". Common topics included chiropractic, acupuncture,homeopathy, herbal ,therapies, and mind-body techniques. In three separate research surveys that
  25. The Danish Medicines Act. In the Danish Medicines Act there exist four types of, herbal ,and dietary supplements: Herbal medicinal products, Strong vitamin and mineral
  26. To finish. Supper is usually lighter and sometimes consists only of coffee or, herbal ,tea with bread. In the highland region, pork,chicken, beef,and cut (guinea
  27. Such use can be problematic in households with children. Recently, the use of, herbal ,mouthwashes such as Persia is increasing, due to the perceived discoloration
  28. The earliest foundations of Ayurveda were built on a synthesis of traditional, herbal ,practices together with a massive addition of theoretical conceptualizations
  29. Look back on a tradition of more than 2000 years, including various forms of, herbal ,medicine, acupuncture,massage therapy, and dietary therapy. These practices
  30. As well as Malta, a Latin American soft drink. Medicinal Hops are also used in, herbal ,medicine in a way similar to valerian, as a treatment for anxiety, restlessness
  31. Large amounts of pollen from 8 plant species,7 of which are used now as, herbal ,remedies Characterization There is no clear and consistent definition for
  32. Herbal St. John's Wort is by far the most widely-used and well-studied, herbal ,antidepressant. A number of other herbs have been used traditionally to treat
  33. People in Western culture have had an increasing trend towards the use of, herbal ,supplements, foods for a specific group of person (such as dieters, women,or
  34. Drunk by farmers. In addition to the rice wine, various fruit wines and, herbal ,wines exist in Korean cuisine. Acacia, maesil plum, Chinese quince, cherry
  35. S landmass bears thick jungle. The medicinal need, widely used in rural Indian, herbal ,remedies, is a key Indian tree. The luxuriant papal fig tree, shown on the
  36. Is used internally to treat a variety of digestive conditions. The use of this, herbal ,medicine was popularized in the 1950s in many Western countries. The gel's
  37. Microbial toxins, radionuclides,and microbial contamination present in, herbal ,substances should be monitored, although the guidance does not request for the
  38. Approaches often are primarily acupuncture, and do not incorporate Chinese, herbal ,medicine. The term“ acupuncture” is sometimes used to refer to insertion of
  39. As it has been said, naked in aspect. Their scanty vegetation is almost wholly, herbal ,; shrubs are only occasional; trees almost non-existent. Labial, composite and
  40. Of slings and sling stones, tool manufacture, burial rituals, and preparation of, herbal ,medicines by Sushant. Master craftsmen and women specialize in weaving
  41. Injection is the injection of various substances (such as drugs, vitamins or, herbal ,extracts into acupuncture point. *Cosmetic acupuncture is the use of
  42. And flowers can result in two products; an essential oil as well as a watery, herbal ,distillate. The essential oils are often used in perfumery and aromatherapy
  43. Limited. Of the 299 species of Aloe, only a few were used traditionally as a, herbal ,medicine, aloe vera again being the most commonly used version of aloe in
  44. Flavor, though hops are also used for various purposes in other beverages and, herbal ,medicine. Hops were cultivated continuously around the 8th or 9th century AD in
  45. Of the bay leaf is more noticeable than its taste. When dried, the fragrance is, herbal , slightly floral, and somewhat similar to oregano and thyme. Myrcene, which is
  46. And Waterpik dental water jets and shower heads since 1962. Celestial Seasonings, herbal ,teas have been made in Boulder since 1969. Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory
  47. Of this event remain: Ashoka also claims that he encouraged the development of, herbal ,medicine, for human and nonhuman animals, in their territories: The Greeks in
  48. For unapproved uses (off-label). Ciprofloxacin interacts with other drugs, herbal ,and natural supplements, and thyroid medications. As of 2011 the FDA has added
  49. Research Society, popularized modern panegyrics including the manufacture of, herbal ,tinctures and products. The courses, books,organizations, and conferences
  50. Crescendo of stimulation is known as a" rush ". Coca leaf infusions Coca, herbal ,infusion (also referred to as Coca tea) is used in coca-leaf producing

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