Examples of the the word, astronomical , in a Sentence Context

The word ( astronomical ), is the 9169 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Possible for amateurs to see them. Societies There is many amateur, astronomical ,societies around the world that serve as a meeting point for those interested
  2. Value in SI units and the Gaussian gravitational constant k is fixed in the, astronomical ,system of units, measuring the light time per unit distance is exactly
  3. MDA). Lasers originally developed for the SDI plan are currently in use for, astronomical ,observations. Used to ionize gas in the upper atmosphere, they provide
  4. Comprises almost 10,145 members from 70 different countries who are involved in, astronomical ,research at the PhD level and beyond. While the number of professional
  5. However, the use of AU to refer to the astronomical unit is widespread. The, astronomical ,constant whose value is one astronomical unit is referred to as unit distance
  6. Also a strong opposition effect. A =\left (\franc \right) ^2,where A is the, astronomical ,albedo’D is the diameter in kilometers, and H is the absolute magnitude.
  7. Very large reflecting telescopes and demonstrated that photography could record, astronomical ,features invisible to the human eye. * Robert E. Cox (1917–1989) who
  8. Astronomical unit is widespread. The astronomical constant whose value is one, astronomical ,unit is referred to as unit distance and given the symbol A. Definition The AU
  9. Of the 19th century, mostly by use of the filer micrometer. Autographs using, astronomical ,photographic plates sped the process in the early 20th century. Automated
  10. Value of the astronomical unit in meters) can be expressed in terms of other, astronomical ,constants:: A^3 = \franc where G is the Newtonian gravitational constant, M☉ is
  11. He rejected the idea of" music of the spheres" as ridiculous: movement of, astronomical ,bodies, he supposed, is incapable of generating sound. He also wrote
  12. Constant (k) takes the value when the units of measurement are the, astronomical ,units of length, mass and time. An equivalent definition is the radius of an
  13. Reasoning was bound to be dismissed for a long time) that, given " current, astronomical ,demonstrations" that" the size of the sun is greater than that of the earth
  14. Hypothesis, that the Moon was created through a" giant impact" of a large, astronomical ,body with the Earth. Program costs and cancellation When President Kennedy
  15. Communities. The Astronomical Society of the Pacific is the largest general, astronomical ,society in the world, comprising both professional and amateur astronomers as
  16. He employs only minimal hypotheses regarding the properties that characterize, astronomical ,motions, as he attempts to eliminate from his planetary model the cosmological
  17. Twelve who walked on the Moon are the only people ever to have set foot on an, astronomical ,object other than the Earth. Of the twenty-four lunar astronauts taking part in
  18. Of measuring distances within the solar system. The 1976 definition of the, astronomical ,unit is incomplete, in particular because it does not specify the frame of
  19. Based on a comparison of JPL and IAA–RAS Epimenides. Usage By definition,the, astronomical ,unit is dependent on the heliocentric gravitational constant, that is the
  20. To processed images) and analyzing it. Many astronomers work entirely from, astronomical ,survey or space observatory data. Others work with radio telescopes like the
  21. Credit as co-founder of this movement. *Isaac Roberts, early experimenter in, astronomical ,photography. *Wrote Refer (1911–2002),pioneer of radio astronomy
  22. Positions for an ephemeral, which explains why Epimenides are calculated in, astronomical ,units and not in SI units. The calculation of Epimenides also requires a
  23. Of the speed of light in AU/d (CAU) also determines the value of the, astronomical ,unit in meters (A):: A = 86\,400 \franc. The best current (2009) estimate of
  24. Radian is the (derived) unit of angular measurement in the SI system. *The, astronomical ,hour angle is 1/24 of a turn. Since this system is amenable to measuring
  25. Have the same chemistry and spectrometry as normal-matter galaxies, and their, astronomical ,objects would be observationally identical, making them difficult to
  26. Remained in place for the calculation of Epimenides until 1964. The name ", astronomical ,unit" appears first to have been used in 1903. The discovery of the near-Earth
  27. For Hundred,Charlemagne's cousin) *De Curse et Salt Lunar ac Dissent, astronomical ,treatise.; Hagiography *Vita II Elastic Episcopal Atrebatensis. Revision of the
  28. Steadily expanding outward from the Sun. This has led to calls to abandon the, astronomical ,unit as a unit of measurement. There have also been calls to redefine the
  29. The question of the filling area of the Riemannian circle remains open. An, astronomical ,unit (abbreviated as AU, au,a. u., or UA) is a unit of length equal to about
  30. Of the sun. Since it was thought that position on sea was best determined by, astronomical ,observations, the Bureau had developed into an organization resembling an
  31. Position of an astronomical object) can be identified using any of several, astronomical ,coordinate systems, where the references vary according to the particular
  32. And Canaan were called in Akkadian. It is probable that the first collection of, astronomical ,observations and terrestrial omens was made for a library established by Sargon
  33. Scheduling software, and software to perform various calculations pertaining to, astronomical ,phenomena. Amateur astronomers often like to keep records of their observations
  34. He proposed the either drag hypothesis to explain a lack of variation in, astronomical ,observations. His use of two plane mirrors of metal, forming with each other an
  35. Model the cosmological hypotheses that cannot be observed from the Earth. Other, astronomical ,works Alien distinguished astrology from astronomy, and he refuted the study
  36. Unit as a unit of measurement. There have also been calls to redefine the, astronomical ,unit in terms of a fixed number of meters. As the speed of light has an exact
  37. The Bureau had developed into an organization resembling an academy of, astronomical ,sciences. In November 1839 Cauchy was elected to the Bureau, and discovered
  38. Setups, amateur astronomers can measure the light spectrum emitted from, astronomical ,objects, which can yield high-quality scientific data if the measurements are
  39. In this period. Chapman and other structures constructed originally along, astronomical ,alignments, and thought to have served important ceremonial purposes to the
  40. A given point on the celestial sphere (that is, the apparent position of an, astronomical ,object) can be identified using any of several astronomical coordinate systems
  41. Applied this in a submarine. Tycho Brahe (1546–1601),better known for his, astronomical ,and astrological investigations, was also an alchemist. He had a laboratory
  42. Experts suggest that they can be linked—especially the Great North Road—to, astronomical ,observations, solstice marking, and agricultural cycles. This religious
  43. 1969. This synchronization was inevitably imperfect, depending as it did on the, astronomical ,realization of UT2. At the time,UT2 as published by various observatories
  44. All over the Earth's surface, and for Terrestrial Time, which is used for, astronomical ,calculations. Since 2008-12-31 when the last leap second was added, TAI has
  45. Last 1,500 years. This has cooled it down to approximately 1 K, as deduced by, astronomical ,observation, which is the lowest natural temperature ever recorded. * In May
  46. With one another. Developments The unit distance A (the value of the, astronomical ,unit in meters) can be expressed in terms of other astronomical constants:: A^3
  47. Been aligned to capture the solar and lunar cycles, requiring generations of, astronomical ,observations and centuries of skillfully coordinated construction. Great Houses
  48. Constant) were incorporated into the first international system of, astronomical ,constants in 1896,which remained in place for the calculation of Epimenides
  49. Estimate of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) for the value of the, astronomical ,unit in meters is A = m, based on a comparison of JPL and IAA–RAS Epimenides.
  50. Mean atomic unit or even arbitrary unit; however, the use of AU to refer to the, astronomical ,unit is widespread. The astronomical constant whose value is one astronomical

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