Examples of the the word, ballet , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ballet ), is the 9172 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Ballet, in Minsk, was awarded the Benoit de la Dance Prize in 1996 as the top, ballet ,company in the world. Performances The Belarusian government sponsors annual
  2. Flute-viola-harp and violin sonatas). The last orchestral work by Debussy,the, ballet ,Ex (1912) written for Sergei Diaghilev's Ballets Rushes, contains some of
  3. Up Cookies, Fay tries to get the key away from the guards in an extended, ballet ,sequence. (“ The Cookie Chase” ) As it ends, Fay is captured, and Dr. Desmond
  4. Best-known sex-symbols of the 1960s. In her early life, Bardot was an aspiring, ballet ,dancer. She started her acting career in 1952 and, after appearing in 16 films
  5. Wallop, American novelist and playwright (b. 1920) *1986 – Erik Bruin, Danish, ballet , dancer,choreographer (b. 1928) *1988 – Jim Jordan, American actor (Fibber
  6. In the same year as Ex and premiered only two weeks later by the same, ballet ,company. Decades later, composers such as Pierre Boulez and Jean Baroque
  7. Damnation. The opera with its dark overture, lavish choral writing, many, ballet , scenes,and electrifying finale depicting a glimpse of hellish torture kept the
  8. His hosts, Robert and Mabel Schiller. He described the piece as a" rhapsodic, ballet ," because it was written freely and is more modern than his previous works.
  9. Winter' by Vivaldi * http://www.youtube.com/watch? V=bj62I8Ttg_U Video of, ballet ,to music by Antonio Vivaldi * http://www.schrank-zwei.de Information about the
  10. Loses much of Arlecchino's character in pantomime, as he becomes more of a, ballet ,character, to a large extent stripped of dialogue and subversive content.
  11. Boris Williams, British musician (The Cure) *1958 – Valery Saratov, Russian, ballet , dancer * 1958 – Brian Paddock, British former deputy assistant commissioner and
  12. The world, in multiple languages. Her stories have been retold in song, film, ballet , and animation. Biography Early life Potter’s family on both sides was from the
  13. Of planes on the flight deck, which itself resembles a well-choreographed, ballet ,". The captain of the ship spends most of his time one level below Primary on
  14. Peoples, American football player (d. 2010) *1945 – Suzanne Farrell, American, ballet , dancer *1945 – Kevin Ayers, English singer-songwriter *1946 – Massed Bargain
  15. II decided to end the performance of Italian opera, French spoken drama, and, ballet , Instead, the two court owned theaters would be reopened under new management
  16. Costume by members of the Royal Ballet and the Royal Opera House orchestra. The, ballet ,of the same name has been performed by other dance companies around the world.
  17. Best describes an impression of Alexander III: After a performance of the, ballet ,'Tsar Kendall' at the Margins Theatre, I first caught sight of the Emperor.
  18. By composers who desire a certain effect. Stravinsky calls for this in his, ballet ,Petrus and Mahler calls for this in his Titan Symphony. However, the modern
  19. Education Turkish State Opera and Ballet, the national directorate of opera and, ballet ,companies of Turkey, has its headquarters in Ankara, and serves the city with
  20. Of a Victorian Genius. 2008,UK. Adaptations and fictionalizations In 1971 a, ballet ,film, The Tales of Beatrix Potter, directed by Reginald Mills was released. Set
  21. By members of the Academic. Eventually, the first definite cleavage between, ballet ,and ballroom came when professional dancers appeared in the ballet s, and the
  22. Of Europe ". Although an enthusiastic amateur musician and patron of the, ballet , he was seen as lacking refinement and elegance. Indeed, he rather relished the
  23. Since the 20th century, through transcription. From French came 芭蕾 (Bali ", ballet ,"),香槟 (Jiangxi," champagne" ), via Italian 咖啡 (safe" cafe" ). The
  24. 1924 – Al Balding, Canadian golfer (d. 2006) * 1924 – Size Jeannie, French, ballet , dancer and actress *1925 – Ned Austin, American character actor (d. 2007) *
  25. My life,I've done everything. There are only three things I haven't been - a, ballet ,dancer, a jockey and a politician. Given that the first two jobs are out of the
  26. Lessons to complete her education, whereas Brigitte decided to concentrate on a, ballet ,career. In 1947 Bar dot was accepted to the Conservatoire de Paris, and for
  27. Bulk and in decibels) opera singer. *Tumbelova, Serge Trouser in, Chuckusafiva:, ballet ,dancers. *"Thunderbolt" Footie: handsome, socially celebrated boxer (who can
  28. XIV, and it is here that we see the first clear stylistic ancestor of classical, ballet , The same basic technique was used both at social events, and as theatrical
  29. Of the oldest ballet troupes in Europe. It is home to the Bougainville style of, ballet , Copenhagen has a significant jazz scene that has existed for many years. It
  30. Ladies" ) with a libretto by Giovanni Ga stone Bothering a dancer in the court, ballet , and a brother of the famous composer. The modest success of this opera would
  31. Diplomat and Prime Minister (b. 1838) *1929 – Sergei Diaghilev, Russian, ballet , impresario (b. 1872) *1936 – Federico García Lorna, Spanish author (b. 1898
  32. From the old Lester E. Palmer Auditorium. Ballet Austin is the fourth largest, ballet ,academy in the country. Each year Ballet Austin's twenty member professional
  33. The Ann Arbor Civic Ballet (established in 1954 as Michigan's first chartered, ballet ,company),The Ark, and Performance Network Theatre, which operates a downtown
  34. Of these is the Wales Millennium Center, which hosts performances of opera, ballet , dance, comedy and musicals, and (as of autumn 2008) is home to the BBC
  35. I forced him to stop the expeditions, and he returned to composing, writing the, ballet ,The Wooden Prince in 1914–16 and the String Quartet No. 2 in 1915–17,both
  36. A busy schedule of plays in addition to being home to the city's opera and, ballet ,companies. Basel is home to the largest orchestra in Switzerland, the
  37. Street, where it still operates today. Dance Arts Project has always offered, ballet , children’s creative movement and modern dance. Recently, the school added
  38. Characteristics of specific operatic genres. Don Chisciotte was a mix of, ballet ,and opera bought, and the lead female roles in L'more innocent were designed
  39. Name from medieval French dance songs or" ballads" ( from which we also get, ballet ,), as did the alternative rival form that became the French Ballad. In theme
  40. Of the World competition) has regular performances of classical music and, ballet ,as well as music of other genres. The largest of Cardiff's theaters is the New
  41. Of the Hungarian Unitarian Church (Hughes 1999–2007). Bartok wrote another, ballet , The Miraculous Mandarin influenced by Igor Stravinsky, Arnold Schoenberg, as
  42. The opera is set during the First Crusade, and it features a dramatic mix of, ballet , aria, ensemble and choral writing combining theatricality, scenic splendor and
  43. Lads) Anonymous Antonietta # IL Ball Dell ingrate (Entrance and Final, ballet ,of the Ungrateful Women) ## The Ballet of the Ungrateful Women was originally
  44. Al ball e ball: Volcano IL Cain (Introduction to the ballet , and, ballet , ) Sonnet by Octavio Puccini Madrigals of Love # Altai anti DI Mate e DI SUA
  45. Accepted to the Conservatoire de Paris, and for three years she attended the, ballet ,classes of Russian choreographer Boris Kneaded. (One of her classmates was
  46. Scarves, Greek songwriter (b. 1880) *1950 – Václav Nijinsky, Polish-born, ballet , dancer (b. 1890) *1958 – Ethel Turner, Australian author (b. 1872) *1968 –
  47. Developed Look Ma,I'm Dancing '! (1948),a stage musical about the world of, ballet ,that ran for 188 performances on Broadway, and starred Nancy Walker and Harold
  48. Wood, American actor and sound editor * 1972 – Jennifer Alexander, Canadian, ballet , dancer (d. 2007) *1973 – Adnan Sami, British-born Pakistani music composer
  49. Scenes. # Introduction all ball e ball: Volcano IL Cain (Introduction to the, ballet , and ballet ) Sonnet by Octavio Puccini Madrigals of Love # Altai anti DI
  50. Danish Ballet. Founded in 1748 along with the theater, it is one of the oldest, ballet ,troupes in Europe. It is home to the Bougainville style of ballet . Copenhagen

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