Examples of the the word, abound , in a Sentence Context

The word ( abound ), is the 9174 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Virtually all buildings and machinery that Gases drew: although these objects, abound ,in straight lines in real life, for buildings, this could be accomplished in
  2. Introducing an age where iniquity, promiscuity,atheism, and materialism, abound , Muslim believes that God appointed Promised Messiah and Mahdi for the
  3. Tons of milk. Fishing Although the waters surrounding the Dominican Republic, abound ,with fish, the fishing industry is comparatively undeveloped, and fish for
  4. Is the belief that children choose to be born. Many other curious notions, abound ,in Erewhon. In the chapter," Musical Banks ", Butler compares the practice of
  5. Ducks. Smaller birds (robins, jays,grosbeaks, chickadees,and so on. ) also, abound , Healthy populations of many sorts of fish are found in the waters (including
  6. Efforts by many who disliked Hoover and the FBI, such uncorroborated accounts, abound , Later years and death While she officially retired the day Hoover died, she
  7. Levels of sexual contact without invitation. Baseball-related euphemisms also, abound ,for the" equipment ";" Bat and balls" are a common reference to the male
  8. Of the trunk, numerous transverse linear reliefs, in which sensory endings, abound , The dorsal fin, well behind, is very high, short,and is at the same level as
  9. The Galatians believers to stand fast in the faith as it is in Jesus, and to, abound ,in the fruit of the Spirit. Chapter 4 then concludes with a summary of the
  10. Stores (known as" abarroterías" or more colloquially as" hangars" ), abound ,in all neighborhoods, including many finer residential neighborhoods. These are
  11. And non-motorized, are enjoyed in many places. Sea kayaking opportunities, abound ,on the British Columbia coast with its fjords. Whitewater rafting and kayaking
  12. South of the museum marks the approximate spot where he was born. Tributes also, abound ,in post-industrial Middlesbrough, and include a primary school, shopping square
  13. The guitar as Spain's national instrument. Modern Spanish folk artists, abound ,(Mil i Maria, Russian Red, et al.) modernizing whilst respecting the
  14. Reports of meteorites falling on and killing both humans and other animals, abound , but none have been well documented. The first known modern case of a human hit
  15. Album; it was met with largely negative reviews from critics. Rumors began to, abound ,that Aftermath was facing financial difficulties. Aftermath Entertainment also
  16. New Testament of the Bible would say that although God’s grace and forgiveness, abound ,in situations, there are consequences which result from bad decisions. Even
  17. Schoolhouses, and other institutions which bear the name of Agassiz (which, abound ,in Massachusetts). Opinions on these events are often torn, given his
  18. Or the Hebrew Bible. In the Agenda and Talmud Jewish legends about Elijah, abound ,in the agenda, which is found throughout various collections of rabbinic
  19. Height has been perennially described as at least 6'4" ( 193 cm),but claims, abound ,that he was shorter. However,Wayne's high school athletic records indicate he
  20. Otters, badgers,gray squirrels, weasels,stoats, hares and deer. Rumors, abound ,of large wild cats such as cougars roaming wild on the moor, but little
  21. This phenomenon. Examples and applications Examples and applications of groups, abound , A starting point is the group Z of integers with addition as group operation
  22. Grindcore, characterized by the" metronome-precision drumming and riffing that, abound , as well as vocal screams and growls" by All music reviewer Greg Plato.
  23. In the mythic God time. Humans are the dominant race, but other sentient beings, abound , Some, such as the mystic dragnets, are unique to Glorantha. Familiar
  24. Am). However, gentle breezes of 12–16 kilometers per hour (8–10 mph), abound , throughout the year and give Barbados a warm climate which is moderately
  25. To cultivation, olive (Flea European) and almond (Prunes ducks) trees also, abound , The dominant understory is composed of thorny and aromatic woody species, such
  26. KMT and communists were still common during the war, and documented claims, abound ,of Communist attacks upon the KMT forces and vice versa. In these incidents, it
  27. Magical traditions, and modern magical and esoteric writings. Opinions, abound ,on Abraham, who in recent centuries has been claimed to be both an Egyptian god
  28. Is the essential feature of the 353-year leap cycle (). Religious questions, abound ,about how such a system might be implemented and administered throughout the
  29. Dutch law, inherited from the 17th century Netherlands. Heraldic societies, abound ,in Africa, Asia,Australasia, the Americas and Europe. Heraldry aficionados
  30. Best in the world. Often more than one deli can be found in a town. Diners also, abound ,on Long Island; many are Greek- and German-owned, and many, depending on the
  31. In the eastern palace of Xerxes and spread to the rest of the city. Theories, abound ,whether this was the result of a drunken accident, or a deliberate act of
  32. First Epistle of John Translations English translations of Augustine's work, abound , One of the best translations of Augustine into English currently available is
  33. To diesel fuel for vehicles, power generators, and ships. Coconut trees, abound ,in the Pacific's tropical islands. Copra, the meat of the coconut, yields
  34. Side of the law and ethos, their nemesis the opposite. It is here that theories, abound ,on Star Wars's philosophy of the Jedi were based on that of Xia and the
  35. The references to The Spirit of God, Ruach Hardest, The Holy Spirit of YHWH, abound , however it has rejected any idea of The Eternal God as being either Dual or
  36. Continue to live on subsistence farming in rural villages. Health problems, abound , springing from poor water quality and prevalence of infectious diseases. The
  37. The Bavarian Workers' and Soldiers' Council. ) Autobiographical elements also, abound ,; test prints of graphic designs; bus tickets; ephemera given by friends. Later
  38. Of the northern deserts and steppes. The rivers in the tropical zone, abound ,with hippopotamus and crocodiles, the former entirely confined to Africa. The
  39. Group with a more elastic demand. Examples of third degree price discrimination, abound , Airlines charge higher prices to business travelers than to vacation travelers
  40. Preservation has been a part of the Village ethos. Preservation success stories, abound ,in the neighborhood, which was land marked in 1969 by the New York City
  41. Heal so that any continuing loss becomes difficult to quantify. Other examples, abound , Although entering into a mediation to settle the entire dispute may seem
  42. See Hesse's Damian, and Jung's Seven Sermons to the Dead. ) Opinions, abound ,on Abraham, who in recent centuries has been claimed to be both an Egyptian god
  43. Among the select. Examples from the Egyptians and every other Western religion, abound , Euphemisms for God and Jesus, such as gosh and gee, are used by Christians to
  44. By Cairo, a cultural center, though musical innovation and regional styles, abound ,from Morocco to Saudi Arabia. Beirut has, in recent years, also become a major
  45. Spilling over into other works. In the early 20th century, numerous examples, abound ,of heroes and heroines of pulp novels, paperbacks and comics depicted wielding
  46. Of the population tend to still use the older units. Also, local variations, abound ,in which units are round metric quantities or not. In Canada, for example
  47. Of a horse being struck and killed by a stone of the New Concord fall also, abound , Throughout history, many first and second-hand reports of meteorites falling
  48. Have secured a permanent place in literary romance. While chivalric romances, abound , particularly notable literary portrayals of knighthood include Geoffrey
  49. Language article deals with this topic much more fully. ) Similar examples, abound , Macedonian, although mutually intelligible with Bulgarian, certain dialects of
  50. Is dominated by association football (soccer). Amateur football clubs, abound , organized along ethnic lines or under corporate sponsors. The Cameroon

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