Examples of the the word, mutant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( mutant ), is the 9166 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Diseases, and more frequently in heterozygous form in" carriers" for the, mutant ,allele. It is now appreciated that most or all gene loci are highly polymorphic
  2. A mutant and unsettled by it, though she calms when he reveals himself to be a, mutant ,as well. They eventually move to the United States, living on Xavier's family
  3. Is domination over humanity. When anthropologist Bolivar Track resurfaces the ", mutant ,problem ", Xavier counters him in a televised debate, however,he appears
  4. Character of James Patterson's series of Alex Cross novels * Alex Summers,a, mutant ,also known as Havoc and brother to Scott Summers in X-Men *Alec Harrison
  5. Mutation expert, Karl Los, as well as Moira MacTaggert again, who built a, mutant ,research station on Muir Island. Apparently, Charles had gotten over Moira in
  6. S" Betrayal Now outed as a mutant , Xavier makes speeches to the public about, mutant ,tolerance. He also founds the X-Corporation, or X-Corp (not to be confused
  7. Kurt Marko comforts and marries the grieving Sharon. When Xavier's telepathic, mutant ,powers emerge, he discovers Kurt cares only about his mother's money. After
  8. Together. Amelia is troubled to find Charles studying mutation, as she is a, mutant ,and unsettled by it, though she calms when he reveals himself to be a mutant as
  9. A common genetic mutation causes an absence of glucoside amygdala, and this, mutant ,was grown by early farmers," at first unintentionally in the garbage heaps
  10. In the picture are four days old. At the top is a wild-type embryo, below is a, mutant , The mutant lacks black pigment in its melanocytes because it fails to
  11. But after viewing the X-Mansion's large graveyard dedicated to post-M-Day, mutant ,deaths, The Hulk concludes the mutant s have suffered enough, and leaves the
  12. With offices all over the world. The purpose of the X-Corp is to watch over, mutant ,rights and help mutant s in need. As a result of being outed, the school no
  13. A variety of means for cross-time travel, ranging from high-tech capsules to, mutant ,powers. Harry Turtledove has launched the Cross time Traffic series for
  14. Helping him (even though she killed his dear friend, Moira MacTaggert). The, mutant ,Sage was recruited at the same point as the original X-Men, however,Xavier
  15. Shi'AR technology, and restructures the X-Men into two teams. While holding a, mutant ,rights speech, Xavier is nearly assassinated by Strife in the guise of Cable
  16. Marko with their powers. X-Corporation and" Xorn's" Betrayal Now outed as a, mutant , Xavier makes speeches to the public about mutant tolerance. He also founds the
  17. Messiah Complex While using Cerebra and talking to Beast, Charles detects a new, mutant ,so powerful it fries Cerebra's system. He asks Cyclops to send out a team to
  18. Through folic acid" depletion" and resultant high levels of folic acid in the, mutant ,lymphocytes that characterize CLL. Chloramphenicol stops the body's production
  19. Community turns to for advice on mutant s. Despite this, his status as a, mutant ,himself and leader of the X-Men only became public during the 2001 story" E Is
  20. Manchu is an artificial life form with organic parts in Runaways. *Cable,a, mutant ,from the future in Marvel Comics. Roughly a third of his body is a "
  21. Hides the fact that it is a school for mutant s, and it opens its doors for more, mutant ,(and even human) students to come in. A student named Quentin Quire and
  22. Xavier faces are his old friend, Magneto,who has grown into an advocate of, mutant ,superiority since their last encounter and who believes the only solution to
  23. Was historically regarded as dominant, common,and" normal ", in contrast to ", mutant ," alleles regarded as recessive, rare,and frequently deleterious. It was
  24. Garden, with the engraved message" He died so Kenosha could live ". After, mutant ,Layla Miller restores the memories of some X-Men and Avengers, they head
  25. On time in the mutant cells were also expressed at different levels in the, mutant ,and wild type cells. These findings suggest that while the transcriptional
  26. Manic-depressive hero remains a remarkably rich creation. And Danny DeVito's, mutant ,Penguin - a balloon-bellied Richard III with a kingdom of sewer freaks - is as
  27. America is captured by the Jackal and forcibly mutated into a giant spider, mutant , whom the Jackal calls" Spider-King. " As Spider-King, Steve Rogers is
  28. Mutations in genes involved in histamine synthesis i.e. it is an autotrophic, mutant , so that they require histamine for growth. The variable being tested is the
  29. Superiority since their last encounter and who believes the only solution to, mutant ,persecution is domination over humanity. When anthropologist Bolivar Track
  30. And tried to assassinate Charles on a trip to Mumbai. During this period,a, mutant ,named Born joins the X-Men. Born uses his healing power to restore Xavier's
  31. Is needed to produce the dark pigment melanin and Burmese cats have a, mutant ,form that is only active at low temperatures,resulting appearing only
  32. Israel that she was pregnant with his son, who would become the mentally ill, mutant ,known as Legion. They separated on good terms. American nurse Amelia Soft
  33. Later known as Storm),who is a pickpocket, and the Shadow King, a powerful, mutant ,who is posing as Egyptian crime lord Small Farouk. Xavier defeats the Shadow
  34. Regenerative abilities as well as increased reflexes. *Cyberspace is a group of, mutant ,cyborgs in Image Comics. *Many of the members of Section 9 in the Ghost in the
  35. mother's womb, orders a group of rogue Sentinels to destroy the independent, mutant ,nation of Kenosha. Magneto, who is Genosha's leader, appears to die along with
  36. Since the inception of the X-Men, he has created and maintained a network of, mutant ,espionage agents to work in dealings that are too dubious for the public eye of
  37. Charles became romantically interested in Teri Martin, the mother of a young, mutant ,girl he was trying to help, after the Z'NOX incident, but he decided that he
  38. Legacy of the shield among other comics characters includes the time-traveling, mutant ,superhero Cable telling Captain America that his shield still exists in one of
  39. Fallings-out with allies and students. He often acts as a public advocate for, mutant ,rights and is the authority most of the Marvel superhero community turns to for
  40. Cerebra's system. He asks Cyclops to send out a team to find out about the, mutant , Once the team have come back empty-handed, he argues with Scott for not
  41. CDK-cyclin machinery. Some genes that continued to be expressed on time in the, mutant ,cells were also expressed at different levels in the mutant and wild type cells
  42. Is paraplegic, although his body houses one of the world's most powerful, mutant ,minds. As a high-level telepath, Xavier can read, control and influence human
  43. Her father, causes a large majority mutant to lose their powers, leaving the, mutant ,race on the brink of extinction and causing the lost powers to become an energy
  44. However,833 of the genes assayed changed behavior between the wild type and, mutant ,cells, indicating that these genes are likely directly or indirectly regulated
  45. Brynner. Character Xavier’s goals are to promote the peaceful affirmation of, mutant ,rights, to mediate the co-existence of mutant s and humans, to protect mutant s
  46. Before centrioles can be synthesized later in a de Nova fashion. Additionally, mutant ,flies lacking centrioles can develop almost normally, although the adult flies
  47. Version of Venom, but he escapes captivity by vomiting out the now-hatched, mutant ,spiders. Ultimately he is recaptured and put into suspended animation, while
  48. Are four days old. At the top is a wild-type embryo, below is a mutant . The, mutant ,lacks black pigment in its melanocytes because it fails to synthesize melanin
  49. Kiki Club (1997,school life and horror, Hobby Japan),Genome Seed (2004, mutant , action,Shinkigensha) and Taipei no Ken RPG (2007,SciFi-jidaigeki, based on
  50. Student. In Ultimate X-Men #58,he defuses a hostage situation by hiring the, mutant ,bank robbers for a mission in which the X-Men cannot be implicated, and making

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