Examples of the the word, scrooge , in a Sentence Context

The word ( scrooge ), is the 9171 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Greedy former business partner, appears and scares Scrooge out of his wits when, scrooge ,thinks Marley has come back to haunt him. Scrooge commends him for his
  2. Ara (South American parrot),Arab, archer,arquebusier, astronomie, avare (, scrooge ,), aveugle (blind person). The Distributional Hypothesis in linguistics is
  3. But this comfort is only temporary, the shame and remorse start to torment, scrooge , and his guilt and sadness grow up to the point where he loses his interest in
  4. Excitement of this castle is that in the years 1515 to 1518 was Castellano so, scrooge ,man that he fired all the staff and was all alone in the castle. His name was
  5. Within his pile. When both Scrooge and Flint heart have finished his piles, scrooge ,uses a big spear to blow up Flintheart's balloon, ending the hoax. Scrooge now
  6. He's then almost run over by Daffy Duck's gas guzzling Hummer. Daffy is the, scrooge ,like owner of the Lucky Duck Superstore (a Walmart like megastore),and he
  7. Boy, taking a young child to poker games, etc.) * Either being a miser (", scrooge ,") in totality or selectively allowing children's needs to go unmet (e.g.
  8. His pear-trees to children passing by. But he knows his son and heir to be a, scrooge ,; so when on Rib beck feels his end near, he asks that a pear be put into his
  9. Kim Chip, Gerald Anderson, Matt Evans; Plot: Santa (Ai-Ai),a modern day, scrooge , and Donate’s (Thong) bitter lady boss. Hardworking Donate is not the lone
  10. To the titular character in Don Quixote de la Manchu by Cervantes),a, scrooge ,(from the main character in Dickens's A Christmas Carol),or a Pollyanna (
  11. Is just a money pit and that they might soon be broke. She tends to act like a, scrooge ,in general when it comes to money, and she sees it as quite important, in one
  12. Rama Ran),for Ahmad, but Ramana's father Venkatapathy is a puranam-reciting, scrooge ,who demands a large dowry, which Deanna promises to pay. Govindaiah meanwhile
  13. Of the United States. A miser, cheapskate,snipe-snout, penny pitcher, piker, scrooge , skinflint or tightwad is a person who is reluctant to spend money, sometimes

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