Examples of the the word, abdominal , in a Sentence Context

The word ( abdominal ), is the 9164 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The petiole forms a narrow waist between their melanoma (thorax plus the first, abdominal ,segment, which is fused to it) and master (abdomen less the abdominal
  2. Elbowed antennae, metapleural glands, and a strong constriction of their second, abdominal ,segment into a node-like petiole. The head, mesosoma and melanoma or master are
  3. General surgery, despite its name, is a surgical specialty that focuses on, abdominal ,organs, e. g., intestines including esophagus, stomach,small bowel, colon
  4. And chorea (involuntary muscle movements),impaired color vision, exanthema, abdominal ,pain, malaise,drug fever, dysaesthesia and eosinophilic. Pseudotumor cerebra
  5. Allergic reaction that rarely can affect the bowel wall and secondarily cause, abdominal ,pain can occur. This" anaphylactic" reaction is very rare as well. Some
  6. Smooth muscle is derived from mesoderm. In fact the smooth muscle within the, abdominal ,aorta is derived from mesoderm, and the coronary arteries, which arise just
  7. Fat" is located within the abdominal wall (i.e., beneath the wall of, abdominal ,muscle) whereas" subcutaneous fat" is located beneath the skin (and
  8. A monitor in the operating room. The surgeon manipulates instruments within the, abdominal ,cavity to perform procedures such as cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal)
  9. S syndrome, temporal lobe epilepsy, limbic epilepsy, status epileptics, abdominal ,epilepsy, massive bilateral myoclonus, catamenial epilepsy, Jacksonian seizure
  10. Cause death. Early symptoms of ingestion include nausea, vomiting,diarrhea, abdominal ,pain, wild hallucinations, delirium,and severe headache. Depending on the
  11. Of a crawfish by separating the abdomen of the crustacean and sucking out the, abdominal ,fat/juices. Often, newcomers to the crawfish boil or those unfamiliar with the
  12. Own tissues instead of a foreign implant. TRAM flap procedures may weaken the, abdominal ,wall and torso strength, but are tolerated well in most patients. To prevent
  13. 1955,Albert Einstein experienced internal bleeding caused by the rupture of an, abdominal ,aortic aneurysm, which had previously been reinforced surgically by Dr. Rudolph
  14. Described below. *Exploratory laparotomy -- This refers to the opening of the, abdominal ,cavity for direct examination of its contents, for example, to locate a source
  15. Consecutive letters of the alphabet are hi and no. Others are ab (short for, abdominal ,), de (arguably foreign),def (slang word meaning excellent),EF (the name
  16. Methods, such as sublimation. He found that replacement of testes back into the, abdominal ,cavity of the same bird or another castrated bird resulted in normal
  17. ETAS) from 1908 for almost 20 years, until his death in Copenhagen after an, abdominal ,operation. He was an associate of the British Institution of Electrical
  18. Genus Candela (Cicindelidae) have ears on the dorsal surface of the first, abdominal ,segment beneath the wing; two tribes in the subfamily Dynasties (Scarabaeidae
  19. On gunshot wounds, acute osteomyelitis, the theory of strangulated hernia, and, abdominal , surgery. His new ideas on the thyroid gland were initially controversial but
  20. Interest in perforator flap techniques such as the DIED flap which preserves, abdominal ,muscle function long-term. These patients tend to return to full activity after
  21. Patients. To prevent muscle weakness and incisional hernias, the portion of, abdominal ,wall exposed by reflection of the rectus abdominis muscle may be strengthened
  22. Covers surgical procedures that involve opening the abdomen. Surgery of each, abdominal ,organ is dealt with separately in connection with the description of that organ
  23. Sometimes the appendix is prophylactically removed incidental to another, abdominal ,procedure. *Laparoscopy -- A minimally invasive approach to abdominal surgery
  24. Fat that is located in the abdominal area beneath the skin but above the, abdominal ,muscle wall). Visceral fat was recently discovered to be a significant
  25. Recent study by Poland et al. (2008) on carbon nanotubes introduced into the, abdominal ,cavity of mice led the authors to suggest comparisons to" asbestos-like
  26. Of that organ (see stomach, kidney,liver, etc.) Diseases affecting the, abdominal ,cavity are dealt with generally under their own names (e.g. appendicitis).
  27. Breasts) require sacrifice of both rectus muscles and tend to have permanent, abdominal ,strength loss. For this reason, many plastic surgeons now frown upon bilateral
  28. Narrowly avoided a subsequent heart attack, and was then diagnosed with an, abdominal ,aortic aneurysm, from which he died in March 2008. Early life and inspiration
  29. Chaulmoogra oil),fevers, strangulated hernias (surgery),necrosis, abdominal ,tumors and chronic constipation and nicotine poisoning, while also attempting
  30. Tissue determines its metabolic profile:" visceral fat" is located within the, abdominal ,wall (i.e., beneath the wall of abdominal muscle) whereas" subcutaneous fat
  31. Can be formed by one or two nodes (the second alone, or the second and third, abdominal ,segments). Like other insects, ants have an exoskeleton, an external covering
  32. To the traditional" open" cholecystectomy. Complications of, abdominal ,surgery include * illus, or more commonly Paralytic illus (short-term
  33. Was one of the more sickly presidents, suffering from chronic headaches, abdominal ,pains, and a hacking cough, caused by a musket ball in his lung that was never
  34. The last such ruling abbess was Sofia Albertina, Princess of Sweden. The term, abdominal ,surgery broadly covers surgical procedures that involve opening the abdomen.
  35. Beetles (Trinidad). In these beetles, the testes are tubular and the first, abdominal ,sternum (a plate of the exoskeleton) is divided by the hind come (the basal
  36. Another abdominal procedure. *Laparoscopy -- A minimally invasive approach to, abdominal ,surgery where rigid tubes are inserted through small incisions into the
  37. Is rounded little fan later, the pectoral fins have medium development, and, abdominal , located in the middle of the body, are very small. Pigmented and translucent
  38. Fat" is located beneath the skin (and includes fat that is located in the, abdominal ,area beneath the skin but above the abdominal muscle wall). Visceral fat was
  39. To reconstruct small breasts without an implant. **Abdominal flaps The, abdominal ,flap for breast reconstruction is the TRAM flap (Transverse Rectus Abdominis
  40. When the French president Said Carnot was assassinated with a knife. His large, abdominal ,veins had been severed, and surgeons who treated the president felt that such
  41. Surgery where rigid tubes are inserted through small incisions into the, abdominal ,cavity. The tubes allow introduction of a small camera, surgical instruments
  42. Abdomen and transplanted onto the breast site. Both TRAM and DIED/STEP use the, abdominal ,tissue between the umbilicus and the pubis. The DIED flap and free-TRAM flap
  43. The lateral edges of the intersegment membranes between the seventh and eighth, abdominal ,segments. The gland is made of two containing chambers. The first holds
  44. The most popular dusting powder. Talc is known to be toxic if it enters the, abdominal ,cavity (i.e. via the vagina). Cornstarch is generally believed to be safe
  45. Or removal of the primary problem. *Appendectomy -- Surgical opening of the, abdominal ,cavity and removal of the appendix. Typically performed as definitive treatment
  46. First abdominal segment, which is fused to it) and master (abdomen less the, abdominal ,segments in the petiole). The petiole can be formed by one or two nodes (the
  47. Will be taught to deal with this through a combination of ‘ back slaps’ and ‘, abdominal ,thrusts ’. Once the airway has been opened, the first-aider would assess to see
  48. Under their own names (e.g. appendicitis). Types The three most common, abdominal ,surgeries are described below. *Exploratory laparotomy -- This refers to the
  49. Through the rectus muscle, and purport the advantage of less weakening of the, abdominal ,wall, though rectus abdominis muscle function may still be compromised. Other
  50. Asia, there is an ancient tradition of attempting abortion through forceful, abdominal ,massage. One of the bas-reliefs decorating the temple of Angkor Was in Cambodia

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