Examples of the the word, movable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( movable ), is the 9165 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Absorptive chillers Portable air conditioners Portable air conditioners are, movable ,units that can be used to cool a specific region of a building or home in a
  2. In the south anchorage before the concrete was poured. He innovated the use of, movable ,safety netting beneath the construction site, which saved the lives of many
  3. For the publication of the Gutenberg Bible, the first Western book printed with, movable ,type. *1739 – Richard Palmer is identified at York Castle, by his former
  4. As well as an array of at least 30,000 byte cells initialized to zero; a, movable ,data pointer (initialized to point to the leftmost byte of the array); and
  5. Has been observed since 1857 on the weekend following Corpus Christi (a, movable ,feast) and is known for its floral carpets. It was declared a Festival of
  6. Size swimming pool containing eight 50-meter lanes, twenty-two lanes, two, movable , bulkheads,and a diving area equipped with two 1-meter and two 3-meter spring
  7. To complete the $2 million study required prior to the installation of a, movable ,median barrier. The bridge is popular with pedestrians and bicyclists as well
  8. Vast number of technologies. These included papermaking, woodblock printing and, movable ,type printing, the early lodestone and needle compass, gunpowder,toilet paper
  9. Is commonly regarded as an independent invention, Johannes Gutenberg invented, movable ,type in Europe, along with innovations in casting the type based on a matrix
  10. The radiation. Other uncommonly used designs feature dry storage by providing, movable ,shields that reduce radiation levels in areas of the irradiation chamber. One
  11. Mth Decay 12 On This Day in Canada ---- A door is a, movable ,structure used to open and close off an entrance, typically consisting of a
  12. A microphone stand, with the requirement that it be biomechanical, erotic,and, movable , The contract allowed for five aluminum microphones stands to be made, but
  13. Naval gunfire. Artillery guns are much larger than these firearms, mounted on, movable ,carriages, having bores of up to and possibly weighing many tons. Strictly
  14. Northbound. Although there has been discussion concerning the installation of a, movable ,barrier since the 1980s,only in March 2005 did the Bridge Board of Directors
  15. Their unique mechanical properties permit to use multiwalled nanotubes as main, movable ,arms in coming biomechanical devices. Retraction force that occurs to
  16. Overgrown with waterlilies and tulips. The city features three quay complexes, movable ,cranes, and railways. One of its specialities is heavy machinery. File:6 Ella
  17. Tastes and acids. To aid with navigation and sensation, cats have dozens of, movable ,vibrissae (whiskers) over their body, especially their face. These provide
  18. And the typographic book, made with individual pieces of cast metal, movable ,type on a printing press, in the technology made famous by Johann Gutenberg.
  19. Architectural works of You Hào would be little known, along with the inventor of, movable ,type printing, Bi Sheng (990-1051). Shen's contemporary SU Song (1020–1101
  20. Scratches on plaster. * Pin screen animation: makes use of a screen filled with, movable ,pins, which can be moved in or out by pressing an object onto the screen. The
  21. Bulb. More recent inventors include Frederick McKinley Jones, who invented the, movable ,refrigeration unit for food transport in trucks and trains. Lloyd Quarter man
  22. Would be a real difference, however,between a situation in which a body with, movable ,parts and originally at rest with respect to a surrounding ring was itself
  23. To Normandy in September. Afterwards, Eleanor proceeded to gather together her, movable ,possessions in England and transport them on several ships in December to
  24. Doomed to extinction. Hacker claimed that Negros have stronger and more freely, movable ,toes than any other race which is evidence that Negros are related to apes
  25. As an integral part of the cast – allowed the barrel to be fixed to a more, movable ,base, and also made raising or lowering the barrel much easier. Was one of the
  26. Controls, which was important for long patrol missions. Both air intakes have, movable ,ramps and bleed doors that are operated by the air data computer to enable
  27. In fumigant it might be written. This was especially common in old-fashioned, movable ,type printing when smaller fonts were not available. Nowadays, with
  28. From Easter, starting in 754 AUC (AD 1). That" mos gallivants" bound to a, movable ,feast was introduced in France by king Philip Augustus (1165–1180–1223)
  29. String multiple times to the same object through the use of a set-up that uses, movable ,pulleys, the tension force on a load can be multiplied. For every string that
  30. Of the doorway joinery when considered externally. A louvred door has fixed or, movable ,wooden fins (often called slats or louvers) which permit open ventilation
  31. Beginning in the 11th century, longer scrolls and books were produced using, movable ,type printing making books widely available during the Song dynasty (960–1279
  32. Translate to different subsets of this 10-color palette, such as by displaying, movable ,sprites in one subset and backgrounds, etc. in another. The grayscale (Left +
  33. In Northern Ireland, which remains part of the UK. There, Boxing Day is a, movable ,public holiday in line with the rest of the UK. In the Australian state of
  34. Considered a laborsaving technique during the early days of printing in which, movable ,type was set manually. More recently, Canadian newspapers have adopted the
  35. If he had visited a book printer in 1900. Gutenberg’s invention was the use of, movable ,metal types, assembled into words, lines,and pages and then printed by
  36. Best of any mammal, This sensitivity is further enhanced by the cat's large, movable ,outer ears (their pinnate),which both amplify sounds and help a cat sense the
  37. Holidays Notes: * Non-working holidays are not moved to another day. * If a, movable ,holiday falls on Saturday, Sunday or Monday then it is not moved to another day
  38. Is a set of color alignment magnets installed around the neck of the CRT. These, movable ,weak permanent magnets are usually mounted on the back end of the deflection
  39. Has a cable or rope attached to it. That cable/rope is threaded through the, movable ,pulley on the cable above. The coach holds the other end of the cable and lifts
  40. By the elements from aluminum (Z 13) to gold (Z 79) used as a series of, movable ,anoxic targets inside an x-ray tube. The square root of the frequency of these
  41. The top, and perhaps a threshold at the bottom. When a door has more than one, movable ,section, one of the sections may be called a leaf. See door furniture for a
  42. Over 100,000 tons of iron per year were produced. Many books were printed using, movable ,type. The imperial palace in Beijing's Forbidden City reached its current
  43. Paid highly. Movable type and incunabula The Chinese inventor Bi Sheng made, movable ,type of earthenware circa 1045,but there are no known surviving examples of
  44. Upright on the end of the key lever, held in place by the registers (the upper, movable , the lower fixed) which are two long strips of wood running in the gap from
  45. 1439,Johannes Gutenberg, a citizen of Mainz, was the first European to use, movable ,type printing and became the global inventor of the printing press, thereby
  46. The already widespread methods of woodblock printing and then Bi Sheng's, movable ,type printing by the 11th century was the impetus for the massive production of
  47. And engineers, such as Johannes Gutenberg, credited with the invention of, movable ,type printing in Europe; Hans Geiger, the creator of the Geiger counter; and
  48. Secured. It became the first of Shakespeare's plays to be presented with, movable ,flats painted with generic scenery behind the proscenium arch of Lincoln's Inn
  49. Caput, meaning " head" — also the origin of chattel and cattle in the sense of, movable ,property (only much later to refer only to livestock). Capital emerged in
  50. However, because Eiffel took safety precautions, including the use of, movable ,stagings, guard-rails and screens, only one man died. The tower was inaugurated

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