Examples of the the word, waters , in a Sentence Context

The word ( waters ), is the 9173 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Calicheamicin, a dangerous compound produced by bacteria present in its, waters , Several natural causes (diseases) have been suggested as the cause of
  2. Water. In the United States, arsenic is most commonly found in the ground, waters ,of the southwest. Parts of New England, Michigan,Wisconsin, Minnesota and the
  3. As the novel progresses, Danneskjöld begins to become active in American, waters , Danneskjöld's action is to restore to other creative people the money, in
  4. April 24, 1778,the first victory for any American military vessel in British, waters , France's formal entry into the war meant that British naval superiority was
  5. Reported figures. Aquaculture was operating in China circa 2500 BC. When the, waters ,subsided after river floods, some fishes, mainly carp, were trapped in lakes.
  6. River Hebrew (a river significant in Lesbian mythology since it was down its, waters ,that the head of Orpheus was believed to have floated singing, eventually
  7. At the Battle of Haul. His victory was decisive: Ottomans and Mameluke left the, waters ,of the Indian Ocean, easing the Portuguese rule for over 100 years. In August
  8. Alaska is larger than all but 18 sovereign countries. Counting territorial, waters , Alaska is larger than the combined area of the next three largest states:
  9. Policies was Aquas. Further downriver from that confluence the darkly colored, waters ,of the Rio Negro meet the sandy colored Rio Policies, and for over these waters
  10. The mixing rates. The physics behind this method is as follows: oceanic, waters ,contain homogeneously dispersed 235U. Its decay product,231Pa,gradually
  11. Of political control over the Aegean space, including the size of territorial, waters , air control and the delimitation of economic rights to the continental shelf.
  12. Sunday in April, there is an ice fishing competition in the frozen estuaries, waters ,of the Andy River's mouth. This festival is locally known as Forest. The
  13. Discovered other oceans, the term" ocean" itself was synonymous with the, waters ,beyond the Strait of Gibraltar that we now know as the Atlantic. The early
  14. However in practice they proved to be too large to maneuver well in the close, waters ,of estuaries and rivers, the only places in which a 'naval' battle could occur
  15. Luce were dedicated a number of important commercial port cities of the Greek, waters ,: McMillan in Yessenia (Stephan us Byzantines),Achilles in Laconic (
  16. Waters of the Rio Negro meet the sandy colored Rio Policies, and for over these, waters ,run side by side without mixing. After the confluence of Rio Primacy and
  17. In the Peruvian Andes, roughly west of Lake Titicaca and southeast of Lima. The, waters ,from Nevada Miami flow into the Quebradas Carhuasanta and Apache ta, which flow
  18. Near the head waters of the Many Any River, flows southwest receiving the, waters ,of the Salon and Europol Rivers, turns east and passes Markov and the old
  19. Sea to the west and the Arctic Ocean to the north. Alaska's territorial, waters ,touch Russia's territorial waters in the Bering Strait, as the Russian Big
  20. Dispersed far and wide, and in every place alike serve the earth and the deep, waters , " The Iliad (attributed by the ancient Greeks to Homer) mentions two
  21. Birth as an archaic reflex of Indo-European myth. Aphrodite rising out of the, waters ,after Cronus defeats Uranus as a my theme would then be directly cognate to the
  22. By seeds and spores. Spores are everywhere in all parts of the Earth: the, waters ,fresh and marine, the atmosphere, free-floating and in precipitation or mixed
  23. To Agni. The Rigged often says that Agni arises from water or dwells in the, waters , He may have originally been the same as Adam Napa, who is also sometimes
  24. Under a dome of fifteen high. Owes its name to the endless echoes repeats. Its, waters ,are having fishes without eyes. " So says the" Guide to America ", describing
  25. More than the regulated fishery, and allegedly illegal fishing in Antarctic, waters ,in 1998 resulted in the seizure (by France and Australia) of at least eight
  26. 4,000 ft). He also built a railroad and dredged a channel to navigable, waters , However, after a time the mines did not require his full-time year-round
  27. Ocean to the north. Alaska's territorial waters touch Russia's territorial, waters ,in the Bering Strait, as the Russian Big Diomedes Island and Alaskan Little
  28. Convenient radioactive isotope in modeling the slow vertical mixing of oceanic, waters , The associated processes cannot be studied with the required accuracy by
  29. Animals *the discharge or disposal of pollutants into Antarctica or Antarctic, waters ,*the importation into the U. S. of certain items from Antarctica Violation of
  30. Banks, the Nova Scotia shelf, Georges Bank off Cape Cod, the Bahama Banks,the, waters ,around Iceland, the Irish Sea, the Dagger Bank of the North Sea, and the
  31. And Alabama rivers unite near the southwest corner of the state, their, waters , discharging into Mobile Bay by the Mobile and Tenses rivers. The Black Warrior
  32. By sea ice. Ocean currents influence climate by transporting warm and cold, waters ,to other regions. The winds that are cooled or warmed when blowing over these
  33. With" foam" genuine, identifying the myth of Aphrodite rising out of the, waters ,after Cronus defeats Uranus as a my theme of Proto-Indo-European age. According
  34. Service have found a way to rear saltwater fish using RAS in low-salinity, waters , Although saltwater fish are raised in offshore cages or caught with nets in
  35. Ocean consists of four major water masses. The North and South Atlantic central, waters ,make up the surface. The sub-Antarctic intermediate water extends to depths of.
  36. Water in Azerbaijan, was formed by damming the Kurt in western Azerbaijan. The, waters ,of the reservoir provide hydroelectric power and irrigation of the Kura-Aras
  37. Of a chest wound. Minus Marcellus (XXII.8) attributes the healing to, waters ,(aqua) on the island. Worship of Achilles in modern times: The McMillan in
  38. And largely south of the Antarctic Circle. It is surrounded by the southern, waters ,of the World Ocean – alternatively (depending on source),it is washed by the
  39. Occurs. Climate is influenced by the temperatures of the surface, waters ,and water currents as well as winds. Because of the ocean's great heat
  40. With the river god Salamander who became angry that Achilles was choking his, waters ,with all the men he killed. The god tried to drown Achilles but was stopped by
  41. This program was designed to prevent drinking of bacteria-contaminated surface, waters , but failed to test for arsenic in the groundwater. Many other countries and
  42. The cultivation of marine organisms in seawater, usually in sheltered coastal, waters , In particular, the farming of marine fish is an example of agriculture, and so
  43. sea's maximum depth is, east of Crete. The Aegean Islands are found within its, waters , with the following islands delimiting the sea on the south (generally from
  44. The Atlantic hosts the world's richest fishing resources, especially in the, waters ,covering the shelves. The major fish are cod, haddock,hake, herring,and
  45. To the south. It belonged to North Jutland County. Geography Surroundings The, waters ,in the Clifford splitting the municipality are called Larger to the east and
  46. Been structurally modified to promote greater speed under sail. The island's, waters ,and striking underwater sites are occasionally visited by scuba divers, though
  47. And striped agate. In the formation of an ordinary agate, it is probable that, waters ,containing silica in solution—derived, perhaps,from the decomposition of some
  48. Thun. Name CODE /> Near the west end of Lake Thun, the river receives the, waters ,of the Wander, which has just been joined by the Somme. On flowing out of the
  49. Undertaking such studies. " Locations. Seaweeds grow mostly in shallow marine, waters , under; however some have been recorded to a depth of. The various sorts of
  50. Nominees for New7Wonders of Nature. The main water sources are the surface, waters , However, only 24 of the 8,350 rivers are greater than in length. Landscape

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