Examples of the the word, dubious , in a Sentence Context

The word ( dubious ), is the 9167 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Helping can be traced back to 70 BC, but this information is highly, dubious , The people were mentioned as Bellinger (which may mean" the people of the
  2. Side of enlightenment. Both were optimists who believed in progress but were, dubious ,about grand schemes that claimed to know all the answers. For Smith
  3. Not yet been implemented. ghostwriters Populations, clinical experience, and, dubious , diagnoses IBM applies to groups of people, but this does not preclude clinicians
  4. 46:: According to Clarín, two consequences were feared. First, those who were, dubious ,feared a possible regionalization of the conflict. Second, as a consequence
  5. As a valid species of Allosaurus, it may be a more basal tetanus, or simply a, dubious ,theropod. Later researchers suggested that the bone was pathologic, showing an
  6. Current knowledge of what exactly the exoteric writings were like is scant and, dubious , though many of them may have been in dialogue form. (Fragments of some of
  7. Of Dina Port that the Lithuanian Jews rather than the Galician Jews had the, dubious ,distinction of being the first victims of the Final Solution. See generally The
  8. Ruling were that the legality of the draft and of the NFL's reserve clause was, dubious , Furthermore, the Court delineated a disparity in American professional sports
  9. Up the moribund Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. Both actions were of, dubious ,constitutional legality. Later years Francis was a devoted family man, and a
  10. Determinist Daniel Bennett argues that the no-free-will conclusion is based on, dubious ,assumptions about the location of consciousness. Tibet, says Bennett, tells
  11. Would have been a better flyer than the juvenile Munich specimen was, dubious , This, they reasoned, would require even thicker ranches, evidence for which
  12. To the nation's economic problems, Velasco aggravated them by financing the, dubious ,schemes of his associates. Inflation continued unabated, as did its negative
  13. First Division at the expense of local rivals Tottenham Hotspur, by reportedly, dubious ,means. Arsenal appointed Herbert Chapman as manager in 1925. Having already won
  14. 2nd Baron Baltimore, Proprietor of Maryland, the Duke passed his somewhat, dubious ,ownership on to William Penn in 1682. Penn strongly desired access to the sea
  15. A blunder,"!? " An interesting move that may not be best, or "?! " a, dubious ,move, but not easily refuted. For example, one variant of a simple trap known
  16. Of reports reached Miami. US intelligence received countless reports, many of, dubious ,quality or even laughable, and most of which could be dismissed as describing
  17. His known powers of concentration were required when Jack Charlton gave away a, dubious ,free kick 30 yards from goal. Banks duly organized a defensive wall and got
  18. A popular overthrow of the interim leader Gen. Robert GUI who had claimed a, dubious ,victory in presidential elections; Gen. GUI himself had assumed power on 25
  19. To verify its accuracy. Attempting to do so, Williams contests, reveals the, dubious ,nature of categorical 'Gnosticism ', and he concludes that the term needs
  20. A display of both nationalism and anti-Italian feeling, while other peoples of, dubious ,loyalty (e.g. the Sultan of AFSSA),were watched by Imperial garrisons.
  21. Richards also had the tendency to recklessly spend money on individuals with, dubious ,baseball skills. This became a major problem as bidding wars between the
  22. A network of mutant espionage agents to work in dealings that are too, dubious ,for the public eye of the X-Men, even entrapping Mystique into helping him (
  23. A meeting of the party's Central Committee in Paris. Khamenei and Zingier were, dubious ,about the idea, but were willing to give it a try under pressure from "
  24. Of Boethius' Consolation of Philosophy as Bonce Short poems of, dubious ,authorship *The Equator of the Planets – A rough translation of a Latin work
  25. Of the Indian diaspora in the US and the UK regularly stock tapes and DVDs of, dubious ,provenance, while consumer copying adds to the problem. The availability of
  26. She believed that" at that time the Department of Education, itself,was a, dubious ,venture. " Four individuals (Ellen Wells, John W. Carr, Judge Susan Kirchner
  27. Over 45,000. However, the official attendances can be considered somewhat, dubious ,in this era as many fans would get in by climbing over the fence from Bishops
  28. By biographer Christopher Sandford," The record dashed such high hopes with, dubious ,choices, and production that spelled the end—for fifteen years—of Bowie's
  29. West of the Connecticut River, to which New Hampshire had always laid somewhat, dubious ,claim. Many of these grants were sold at relatively low prices to land
  30. The late nineteenth century, boxing or prizefighting was primarily a sport of, dubious ,legitimacy. Outlawed in England and much of the United States, prizefights were
  31. Anemia. It was used in other forms of treatments, but its efficiency has been, dubious , Its role in cancer treatments has been debated. U. S. Food and Drug
  32. Quotes. *White Sun of the Desert (1970),a classic" Eastern ", although with, dubious ,stereotyping of central Asians. It is ritually watched by cosmonauts before
  33. Was the true motive. The death of Germanic us in what can only be described as, dubious ,circumstances greatly affected Tiberius' popularity in Rome, leading to the
  34. US Steel and Republic Steel. Cleveland emerged from the recession with the, dubious ,distinction of being a prime example of the Rust Belt city. 1990s: The Comeback
  35. Of the name, this time by Poseidon (writing around 80 BCE),is also, dubious , as it only survives in a quotation by Athenians (writing around 190 CE); the
  36. The government delayed announcement of the results and then claimed a highly, dubious ,52 % victory overall and the capture of 19 of 27 municipal councils. Malabo's
  37. To change" her" to" our "; others pointed out that the theology was somewhat, dubious ,and substituted" thine" instead. Sydney G. R. Cole's wrote a completely new
  38. To study psychophysics with Hermann von Helmholtz, but Psychophysics was of, dubious ,validity, and Boas had no training in Psychology. Post-graduate studies Boas
  39. Virtually no scholars dispute that the author is a man. Except for one, dubious ,example of a third-person feminine singular verb associated with Omelet, the
  40. With a feast day of 19 April. Lankan, the first post-Conquest archbishop, was, dubious , about some saints venerated at Canterbury. He was persuaded of Ælfheah
  41. Nations and you want to give it away to some people whose claim is rather, dubious , " Mamet believes“ There is a profound and ineradicable taint of anti-Semitism
  42. Bid to host the 1976 Winter Olympics, but subsequently withdrew giving it the, dubious ,distinction of being the only city to back out after winning a bid to host the
  43. At a time when fewer than ten swimmers had managed to emulate the feat and many, dubious ,claims were being made),the Channel Swimming Association (the CSA) was
  44. Judah Merchant, as well as the vessel itself. While the passes were at best a, dubious ,defense of his capture, British admiralty and vice-admiralty courts (
  45. Alike, especially since he himself lost almost 10 % of the Bavarian vote – a, dubious ,feat in itself as Bavarians tend to consistently vote conservatively.
  46. Repetitions are shown in parentheses. If the word with the most repetitions is, dubious ,(for example, it is hyphenated, arguably should be hyphenated, is a proper
  47. Citing damage from a November 2000 earthquake, poor conservation as well as ", dubious ," restoration efforts. Parks and gardens Baku has large sections of greenery
  48. His three daughters by his fourth wife were very young and regarded as of, dubious ,legitimacy because of their father's bigamy. Because all the five children
  49. Saw the Peralta's lands quickly encroached on by squatters and diminished by, dubious ,legal proceedings. The lands of the brothers Domingo and Vicente were quickly
  50. And 1. E4 c5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. D4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 d5?! (the latter regarded as, dubious ,today). International Master John L. Watson has dubbed the line 1. C4 Nf6 2.

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