Examples of the the word, strategies , in a Sentence Context

The word ( strategies ), is the 9178 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Opportunities in alternative vehicles, infrastructure,and advanced trading, strategies , With still high levels of inequality, though it has diminished in the last
  2. 3 billion years in the Precambrian. They exhibit a wide range of reproductive, strategies , from simple, asexual cell division to complex forms of sexual reproduction.
  3. Beyond those officially classified as poor, have to adopt a variety of survival, strategies , At the same time, in urban areas social inequality is most evident, and
  4. Asia and the Middle East. Brazil's soft power diplomacy involves institutional, strategies ,such as the formation of diplomatic coalitions to constrain the power of the
  5. Profits from the sales of these sets. To counter this effect, a variety of, strategies ,have been employed. Many advertisers have opted for product placement on TV
  6. But there is not a good evidence base for these practices or for more novel, strategies ,such as the use of selective dopamine agonists, sex steroids,NRI's
  7. Settlements to seize wealth and other resources, they employed very different, strategies , In their raids, the Anglo-Saxons traditionally preferred to attack head-on by
  8. They have been visually impaired for long enough, devise their own adaptive, strategies ,in all areas of personal and professional management. Epidemiology The WHO
  9. Drugs tend to lose efficacy over the course of treatment. A number of, strategies ,are used in clinical practice to try to overcome these limits and variations. "
  10. To define“ the blues” narrowly in terms of certain chord structures and lyric, strategies ,thought to have originated in West Africa, audiences originally heard the music
  11. Pathogenic bacteria resistant to current antibiotics. One of the possible, strategies ,towards this objective is the rational localization of bioactive phytochemicals
  12. Department (OED) conducts systematic and impartial assessment of policies, strategies , country programs, and projects, including their design, implementation
  13. That are pathogenic to man and animals, thus providing the basis for developing, strategies ,for intervention or prevention. BTV is the type species of the genus Arbovirus
  14. Contract. Indeed, there is a great deal of evidence that social organization, strategies ,have evolved in various species. # Others, such as Plato's character Socrates
  15. Counter that elements of luck can make for far more diverse and multi-faceted, strategies ,as concepts such as expected value and risk management must be considered. A
  16. The predictions of theories of kin selection and evolutionarily stable, strategies , Ant colonies can be studied by rearing or temporarily maintaining them in
  17. Treatment such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Efficacy limitations and, strategies ,Between 30 % and 50 % of individuals treated with a given antidepressant do not
  18. Nimzowitsch formulated the terminology still in use for various complex chess, strategies , Others had used these ideas in practice, but he was the first to present them
  19. Minister Indira Gandhi, assassinated by two Sikh bodyguards in 1984. Modern, strategies ,With the advent of gunpowder, ranged assassination (via bombs or firearms)
  20. Suggest that younger Allosaurus were faster and had different hunting, strategies ,than adults, perhaps chasing small prey as juveniles, then becoming ambush
  21. Antibacterial therapies have prompted the development of alternative, strategies ,to treat bacterial diseases. Resistance-modifying agents One strategy to
  22. Venture which exhibits comprehensive documentation of detailed plans and, strategies ,devised by people who tried to flee from the East. The Beat Use Erotic Museum
  23. Products of every size and shape. Sky-high salaries also changed many of the, strategies ,of the game. Players were rarely" sent" down to the minors if they failed to
  24. With disabilities often develop personal or community adaptations, such as, strategies ,to suppress tics in public (for example in Tourette's syndrome),or sign
  25. Medicine, which it defines as" conventional medical care that incorporates, strategies ,such as acupuncture, reiki and herbal remedies. " The Australian comedian Tim
  26. Increases the likelihood of selecting older or multiple conflicting coping, strategies , End-gaining is usually carried out because an imperative priority of
  27. Bases are military strong points and objectives that are vital for all winning, strategies , They produce military units, house the population, collect energy, and build
  28. Not voting for a more preferred candidate if their 4 candidates or more. Other, strategies ,are also available and will coincide with the optimal strategy in special
  29. If both players have good leadership and ball handling skills. Strategy The, strategies ,also evolve with the game. In the 1990s and early 2000s,teams played with more
  30. Quality of life despite profound disability. This may reflect the use of coping, strategies ,such as reevaluating what is important in life. Although traditionally thought
  31. Including the new" Progenitor Victory" ) and several additional concepts and, strategies , The idea of humans inadvertently caught up in an off-world civil war focused
  32. Digital multitrack recording and other technological advances and new marketing, strategies ,that include video clip production have increased costs, and challenge the
  33. When play is stopped. Teams also have a coach, who oversees the development and, strategies ,of the team, and other team personnel such as assistant coaches, managers
  34. Sarcocystis and Thalia, the original hosts are now intermediate. Similar, strategies ,to increase the likelihood of transmission have evolved in multiple genera.
  35. Is conducted by the units responsible for designing and implementing country, strategies , programs, projects,or technical assistance activities. It comprises several
  36. All kind of matters during his governorship, from minor issues to major, strategies , In 1557 his son published a collection his letters under the title
  37. Pitchers use the statistics of batters of opposing teams to develop pitching, strategies ,and set defensive positioning on the field. Managers and batters study opposing
  38. As verbally combative, berating managers for perceived holes in their business, strategies ,or proposals that placed the company's long-term interests at risk. He often
  39. Concepts such as" Psycho-physical Unity" and" Use" describe how thinking, strategies ,and attention work together during preparation for action. They connote the
  40. Advertisers have opted for product placement on TV shows like Survivor. Other, strategies ,include integrating advertising with internet-connected Eggs, advertising on
  41. Of the remaining scenarios follows a similar pattern of expectations and voting, strategies , In the second scenario, there is a three-way tie for first place. This happens
  42. And asexual reproduction Some species alternate between the sexual and asexual, strategies , an ability known as hetero gamy, depending on conditions. Alternation is
  43. Process information through heuristic devices such as procedures, methods or, strategies ,for solving problems. Men prefer to have available and apparent cues to
  44. Patients fail to achieve remission on a given antidepressant, and augmentation, strategies ,used in clinical practice include the use of lithium and thyroid augmentation
  45. To Islamic teachings. Brunei also aims to build confidence in the brand through, strategies ,that will both ensure the halal integrity of the products and unfaltering
  46. The child becomes more independent. The following" low" tech visual support, strategies ,can be created and used to benefit and assist the child in increasing his
  47. Which had stood since Roman times),it abolished millennia of siege-warfare, strategies ,and styles of fortification building. Artillery continued to gain prominence in
  48. Bunts, stolen bases, the hit-and-run play, and other tactics dominated the, strategies ,of the time. Despite this, there were also several superstar hitters, the most
  49. 68 parlance for Input/Output) facilities. ALGOL 60 allowed for two evaluation, strategies ,for parameter passing: the common call-by-value, and call-by-name. Call-by-name
  50. New site, a process akin to swarming in honeybees. A wide range of reproductive, strategies ,have been noted in ant species. Females of many species are known to be capable

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