Examples of the the word, revert , in a Sentence Context

The word ( revert ), is the 9176 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Newspapers took it over. When wary Wikipedia wanted to erase Wilhelm,the, revert ,has been revert ed with regard to those newspapers. This case about Wikipedia
  2. Formula),and was the first to use power series with confidence and to, revert ,power series. He was appointed Caucasian Professor of Mathematics in 1669 on
  3. If the declaration is not included, various browsers will, revert ,to" quirks mode" for rendering. Elements HTML documents are composed entirely
  4. Occurs in Manson. These" were hyenas" are executed when discovered, but do not, revert ,back to their human form when killed. In the Near and Middle East, striped
  5. Maoists and other postmodernists is a current within China that seeks to ", revert ,China to the socialist road" – i.e., to return China to the socialist system
  6. Various countries followed by a return to" hard money ". Older economies would, revert ,to hard currency and barter when the circulating medium became excessively
  7. Disgusts Snake as he sees the President, a trembling and helpless captive, revert ,back to his self-assured personality. The President's speech commences and he
  8. Others are not accepted most commonly because the gem color is unstable and may, revert ,to the original tone. Heat can improve gemstone color or clarity. The
  9. Themes One of the major themes of the novel is the difficulty of soldiers to, revert ,to civilian life after having experienced extreme combat situations. Remarque
  10. Available on the 3D Realms website allows the user to disable the lock and, revert ,the game back to its original uncensored version. The LFLC then attempted to
  11. Syndrome embryo undergoes nondisjunction and some cells in the embryo, revert ,to the normal chromosomal arrangement. There is considerable variability in the
  12. Stand for 20 years; it was to be dismantled in 1909,when its ownership would, revert ,to the City of Paris. The City had planned to tear it down (part of the
  13. To 2008,although this was also affected by the fact that the VAT would, revert ,to 17.5 % from 1 January). Many retailers open very early (typically 5 am or
  14. Plants can overwrite the genetic code they inherited from their parents and, revert ,to that of their grand- or great-grandparents. Fungi communicate to coordinate
  15. Characters in the anime, and Digimon who have involved will most of the time, revert ,back to their previous form after a battle or if they are too weak to continue.
  16. Or spraying is needed to form an emulsion. Over time, emulsions tend to, revert ,to the stable state of the phases comprising the emulsion; an example of this
  17. By many (including Conservative cabinet ministers) as an attempt to, revert ,to the moral and family values that the Conservative Party were often
  18. Were grubbed out to make strawberry fields. Most of these have been allowed to, revert ,to woodland. The wood was coppiced until 1917. This site compromises a wide
  19. Won the allegiance of that area's rulers. Most of the area would eventually, revert ,to local Bloch control, however,parts of the northern regions would continue
  20. The Wehrmacht's defeat in the Battle of Stalingrad led Finland to basically, revert ,to its 19th-century traditions, which had been perceived as highly successful
  21. Society of animals which mutiny against their human masters, and then gradually, revert ,to a wretched caricature of their original condition. The animals were presided
  22. Darker. These changes may continue during breastfeeding. The breasts generally, revert ,to approximately their previous size after pregnancy, although there may be
  23. Own skills rather than on His bounty. " The 5.9 kilo year event saw this area, revert ,to the desert it is today. His theory is supported by C. A. Calabash. Tabriz (
  24. Who prefer their favorite candidate vastly over all others, approval voting may, revert ,to plurality voting. Some voters will support only their single favored
  25. And even drive the market for other architectures. By design, the 286 could not, revert ,from protected mode to the basic 8086-compatible" real mode" without a
  26. International. It was announced in February 2011 that the company name would, revert ,to Merit or, Inc. Cummins, Inc. is by far the region's largest employer, and
  27. N't Take" ... I saw no reason not to try new things, knowing we could always, revert ,to the original (which we eventually did). The net result was four new songs
  28. The prisoners were unable to make a living off the land and so were forced to, revert ,again to crime, or to eke out a hand-to-mouth existence until they died. In
  29. Phases – for example phosphorus has numerous solid allotropes, which all, revert ,to the same P4 form when melted to the liquid state. History The concept of
  30. Her over to the Right Tackle position, which in turn allowed Marshall Wanda to, revert ,back to his natural Right Guard position. The Ravens finished their pre-season
  31. It also introduced the first version of System Restore, which allowed users to, revert ,their system state to a prior" known-good" point in the case of system
  32. New style of music in the 60s and 70s included Bob Dylan who was the first to, revert ,to country music with his 1967 album John Wesley Harding followed by rock n '
  33. As soon as they touch them, and that their animals may live on dung, which will, revert ,to grain or grass for the use of the jinn flocks. In Taymiyyah believed the
  34. Hand. With the successful flight, the AEA disbanded and the Silver Dart would, revert ,to Baldwin and McCurdy who began the Canadian Aerodrome Company and would later
  35. Describes the direction given to history because complex systems cannot, revert ,exactly to previous states. This heuristic was also applied to the theory of
  36. Singing in English, including ABBA in 1974. In 1977,the EBU decided to, revert ,to the national language restriction. Special dispensation was given to Germany
  37. Of Enjoy, but in 1283 Parliament decided that the County of Toulouse should, revert ,to the crown, if there were no male heirs. Name "/NP"> litmus"/> Alphonse's
  38. Of France, but Henry insisted that they had once belonged to Eleanor and would, revert ,to her upon her son's death. For this reason Henry summoned Eleanor to
  39. All-out attacking style of play. Several experienced players urged Blight to, revert ,to Geelong's customary geisha style of play. Blight agreed and Geelong began
  40. Caused by the Mongols depopulated major cities and forced many of the locals to, revert ,to an agrarian rural society. Mongol rule continued with the Khanate in the
  41. And beavers will squat on their hind legs to manipulate some objects but, revert ,to four limbs when moving (the beaver may also move bipedally if transporting
  42. Fate awaited the Jews of Barbarous in 1866,even though they were allowed to, revert ,to Judaism after an intervention from the British and French ambassadors. And
  43. Letters (also in situ). The correction popup also allowed the user to, revert ,to the original, un-recognized letter shapes - this would be useful in
  44. Cavalry forces, although there was contention over whether their role should, revert ,to that of mounted infantry (the historic dragoon function). Following the
  45. Microprocessors and integrated memory. Such upgrades often have the option to, revert ,to 68000 modes for full compatibility. Some boards have a socket to seat the
  46. Wind then becomes dominant for a lengthy period of time the dune will, revert ,to its Barclay form, with one exaggerated wing. Should the strong wind then
  47. Testing their own Formula One car during the season, prompting Milestone to, revert ,to Cosworth DFV engines, a move Murray described as being" like having a
  48. Repressed them on his own. After this, Bobby is once again able to, revert ,from ice to flesh. Rogue's Team Iceman joins Rogue's team after she tells him
  49. As to the succession to his lands. One possibility was that they should, revert ,to the crown, another that they should be redistributed to his family. The
  50. To earn a living. Her father had no private income and the parsonage would, revert ,to the church on his death. Teaching or being a governess in a private family

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