Examples of the the word, kennel , in a Sentence Context

The word ( kennel ), is the 9333 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Dog that was bred from stock originating in Central Africa. Most of the major, kennel ,clubs in the English-speaking world place the breed in the Hound Group; more
  2. Century studbooks, which ultimately were registered with coursing, racing,and, kennel ,club authorities of the United Kingdom. Historically, these sight hounds were
  3. S mental state. Martha Stewart had a chow named Genghis Khan that died in a, kennel ,fire. Per Gil pin had a chow chow named Charlie. Janet Jackson had a chow chow
  4. Although this cannot be confirmed, some years before the Gordon Castle, kennel ,was founded; for in 1869 the Beauregard Setters were said to have been
  5. Right choice of breed for those who want a dog that lives happily alone in a, kennel ,or backyard. Keeshonden can also be timid dogs. It is important to train them
  6. 1968 film version War and Peace contains a hunting scene with borzoi from the, kennel ,of Engage, Sweden. * The 1999 film, Onegin has a couple of scenes with borzoi
  7. As a church. In May 2007,the building was instead converted into a boarding, kennel , Demographics As of the census of 2000,there were 11,677 people,4,497
  8. Standard of the breed was adopted by the Society Central Canine, the national, kennel ,club for France. (This was largely due to the success of the French-speaking
  9. States, Canada,and the United Kingdom with recognition from their respective, kennel ,clubs, as well as the FCI (Federation Cynologique Internationale). The
  10. Breeds. The AEG is one of the component organizations of the VDH, the all breed, kennel ,club of Germany. The German Shepherd Dog Club of Germany, the SV, is a member
  11. Have been documented may be accepted into one or more of the major registries (, kennel ,clubs) of dog breeds, including the Federation Cynologique Internationale (
  12. Toiled eighteen hours a day; cowering under the lash, sleeping six to a dog, kennel ,eight feet square, starving or freezing to death at the whim of their guards. "
  13. The place during his tour of the Highlands in 1786. He makes no mention of any, kennel ,of Setters at that time, although he does note that ‘ The Duke of Gordon still
  14. Are not recognized as sight hounds, either informally or formally by a major, kennel ,club. These include: The Scottish Deer hound, or simply the Deer hound, is a
  15. Dog as it is rarely aggressive with people. This is not a breed suited for, kennel ,situations due to its intelligence and activity level. The breed tends to bond
  16. To abide by all track rules, including those pertaining to animal welfare. If, kennel ,owners violate these contract clauses, they stand to lose their track
  17. To be sight hounds. This is partially due to the fact that most Anglophone, kennel ,clubs do not have a" Sight hound" group per se, where they are included in the
  18. Equated with country living. It's not unusual to find a home with a barn and a, kennel ,sitting on a couple of acres outside the city limits, and a hand-built wooden
  19. Profuse as to stand away from the dog's skin. The only color accepted by most, kennel ,clubs is red; though the shades of red color varies, and accepted shades range
  20. Much to Victor's annoyance, as he had spent time constructing an expensive, kennel ,for it. On another occasion she had a waxwork made of herself which had to be
  21. A shell-shocked pup found by American serviceman Lee Duncan in a bombed-out dog, kennel ,in Lorraine, France,less than two months before the end of World War I. He was
  22. Highly desirable show dogs and pets, and they are recognized by all the major, kennel ,clubs in the English-speaking world. One of the Amps Ghazi, Sirdar, won BIS at
  23. By a scientific organization; they are maintained by a number of independent, kennel ,clubs that need not apply to scientific standards and are often inconsistent.
  24. And athletic, therefore need a lot of daily exercise. They do not make good, kennel ,dogs. Ibiza Hounds are" escapologists ": they are able to jump incredible
  25. And according to the studbook of Unclench Kennels, the chocolates in this, kennel ,came through FTW Peter of Fatally (1908). The majority of the
  26. Shows might be limited depending on ancestry and the opinions of the, kennel ,clubs or breed clubs involved. In Australia, there are two separate registries
  27. Years from a black-white-and – tan bitch which I got direct from the Beauregard, kennel ,’ (i.e. the Marquees of Angles’s – Ed.). Five years late, in another
  28. The Brady Bunch house between the service porch and garage and under Tiger's, kennel ,is covered with AstroTurf. 1974 * Miami Dolphins play Minnesota Vikings on
  29. Retrieving anything within the water and on shore that he devoted his entire, kennel ,to developing and stabilizing the breed. Early descriptions Several early
  30. The muzzle is accepted, but not required. A white tail-tip is desired by some, kennel ,clubs. In contrast, any white markings on the back of the neck, the sides, or
  31. Established that Mr Coke provided most of the original Setters for the Duke’s, kennel , The Rev Hutchinson, who wrote under the pseudonym ‘ Sixty-one ’, insisted that
  32. Kennels Alexander, the 4th Duke of Gordon (1743–1827),established his, kennel ,of Black and Tan Setters at Gordon Castle, which was situated near Chambers
  33. Nationality. Others consider the Griffon to be a German breed because Portals, kennel , Ironwood, was located in Hildesheim am Than, Germany. It was there for over
  34. Pedigrees in the United States. Beyond maintaining its pedigree registry, this, kennel , club also promotes and sanctions events for purebred dogs, including the
  35. Tentacles. Alerted by the noise, MacReady and Clark summon the crew to the, kennel ,with weapons, and Child's (Keith David) burns the creature with a flamethrower
  36. Light-colored dachshunds can sport amber, light brown, or green eyes; however, kennel ,club standards state that the darker the eye color, the better. They can also
  37. And not codified or standardized; no distinction is made by the AKC or other, kennel ,clubs, but the two types come from different breeding lines. Australian stock
  38. Procedures. In exchange for the right to race their greyhounds at the track, kennel ,owners must sign contracts in which they agree to abide by all track rules
  39. As members of either the Sporting or Gun dog Group depending on the national, kennel ,club or council. The original purpose of the breed was to hunt game birds. Their
  40. May have been trying to demonstrate its friendliness in the hope of sharing the, kennel ,'s food. This kind of social interaction is uncommon; it is far more typical
  41. Their owner if threatened. Whippets are not really well-adapted for living in a, kennel , or as outside dogs. Their short coats do not provide insulation to withstand
  42. Eye are called" wall" coloring, and are considered a non-desirable trait in, kennel ,club standards. Dappled eyes are also possible. Dogs that are double-dappled
  43. Self-storage facilities; boat storage and docking; and pet grooming and, kennel ,services. Along with the state sales tax, there are more than 300 local taxes
  44. Are still many businesses located along Route 23,including another CVS, a dog, kennel , several hairdressers, a garden center, and an auto body shop. Industry
  45. Of murder charges on February 20, 1996,he and the mother of his son and their, kennel ,of 20 pit bulls moved into a home in the hills of Claremont, California and by
  46. The dogs require regular vaccination to minimize outbreaks of diseases like, kennel ,cough. Recently, doping has also emerged as a problem in greyhound racing. The
  47. Called" smooth "; long-haired; and wire-haired. Size (FCI),which contain, kennel ,clubs from 83 countries all over the world. An increasingly common size for
  48. ship's library,children's nursery, outdoor paddle tennis court, and ship's, kennel , The largest room was the first class dining room (grand salon),which
  49. Favorite pillow. Since greyhounds spend most of their pre-adoption lives in a, kennel , they are already crate trained. Greyhound rescue is a critical aspect of the
  50. From Mr Coke of Norfolk and doubtless related to the late Duke of Gordon’s, kennel , as Mr Coke and the duke bred together and interchanged setters frequently ’.

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