Examples of the the word, stunt , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stunt ), is the 9329 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The end, I could hardly breathe. I thought I was about to have a stroke. " The, stunt ,work was mostly performed by the actors themselves and Ang Lee stated in an
  2. Dramas for Essay, but in 1911 Tom Mix brought the kind of costumes and, stunt ,action used in live Wild West shows to Selim film productions, and became the
  3. Ian Beale and Phil Mitchell's car crash, part of the show's most expensive, stunt , This was also the lowest ever audience share, with just 19.6 %. This was
  4. Criticism from the coastguard who claimed that they had not been told that the, stunt ,was going to take place, and allegedly branded it" completely irresponsible "
  5. A coach. Patkin's appearance in the coaching box was the sort of promotional, stunt ,that delighted fans but infuriated the American League front office.
  6. On four straight pitches, as he was ordered not to swing at any pitch. The, stunt ,infuriated American League President Will Marriage, who voided Gaedel's
  7. 1971 – Lisa Marie Aaron, American wrestler * 1974 – Hanoi Reed, American, stunt , performer *1975 – Pirogi Aurora, Japanese baseball player *1976 – Lance Bergman
  8. Fer enc Faff, Hungarian architect (b. 1851) *1920 – Former Locker, American, stunt , pilot (b. 1891) *1921 – Enrico Caruso, Italian tenor (b. 1873) *1922 –
  9. Man, a highly successful television miniseries in 1976. He played a daredevil, stunt ,pilot in an episode of the short-lived 1976 CBS adventure series Spencer's
  10. Could not be located (Burton's film implies that Lugosi himself performed the, stunt , however the performer playing Sarnoff in this scene is clearly not Lugosi).
  11. The fastest featured Godzilla suit ever made to date. Godzilla was portrayed by, stunt ,actor Shinji Sakai. There are, interestingly,no major female characters in
  12. With O'Donnell winning the part. Mitchell Gaylord served as O'Donnell's, stunt ,double. Filming started in September 1994. Schumacher had problems
  13. Walk in a baseball game, is said to have been an inspiration for Bill Veeck's, stunt ,with Eddie Garden with the St. Louis Browns in 1951. Week claimed an older
  14. Stunts are: squirting flower; the" too-many-clowns-coming-out-of-a-tiny-car ", stunt ,; doing just about anything with a rubber chicken, tripping over ones own feet (
  15. Were exempt from that program. Some called Selig's move a public relations, stunt , or window dressing. In a Sports Illustrated cover story in 2002,a year after
  16. Lair battle scene and gets his neck snapped by Lee. Yuan Was was Lee's, stunt ,double for the film, most notably for the more acrobatic feats in the film
  17. James M. Kelly, American politician * 1960 – Brad Lore, Canadian actor and, stunt ,performer * 1961 – Patrizia Science, Italian voice actress * 1963 – Russ
  18. Producer Rebecca Suitable. The 10-Hour Takeover The 10-Hour Takeover is a, stunt ,event run on some Public holiday Mondays and other public holidays since 2004
  19. Second goal of his World Cup hat-trick crossed the line. For the purpose of the, stunt ,Hurst acted out a confession that he'd known all along that the ball had not
  20. Obvious stock footage alligator. Contrary to what's seen in Ed Wood,Lugosi's, stunt ,double was reduced to thrashing about in the mud with a large rubber octopus
  21. A private pilot's license and did much of his own stunt flying, although, stunt , pilot Derek Biggest was at the controls for the famous under-the-bridge scene.
  22. This role, Peppard earned a private pilot's license and did much of his own, stunt ,flying, although stunt pilot Derek Biggest was at the controls for the famous
  23. Stunt Coordinator: Where the film requires a stunt , and involves the use of, stunt ,performers, the Stunt Coordinator will arrange the casting and performance of
  24. With the Director on set. * Stunt Coordinator: Where the film requires a, stunt , and involves the use of stunt performers, the Stunt Coordinator will arrange
  25. Moving freighter. The stunt was done in reality with no special effects by the, stunt ,base jumpers Martin Rose and Per Eriksson, members of the Swedish" Team
  26. With the St. Louis Browns in 1951. Week claimed an older provenance for the, stunt , but was certainly aware of the Thurber story. In addition to his other fiction
  27. Of Doom, jackets were made in-house at Germans & Nathans in London based on a, stunt ,jacket they provided for Raiders of The Lost Ark. Tony Noway made the jacket in
  28. Of China, finally opening their parachutes to land on a moving freighter. The, stunt ,was done in reality with no special effects by the stunt base jumpers Martin
  29. Rather than four ls; the name was in fact concocted in the 1860s as a publicity, stunt , Bookkeeper has three consecutive doubled letters (subbookkeeper, which has
  30. Another opponent, current U. S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, to mock her publicity, stunt ,of sweeping streets in downtown San Francisco for a few hours. Supporters
  31. Reaction at the time was largely negative, with many believing it a publicity, stunt ,while others speculated she was trying to make the police believe her husband
  32. Him famous and loved by many and loathed by many others. His most notorious, stunt ,in St. Louis came on August 19, 1951,when he sent Eddie Garden, a 3-foot
  33. Contaminated with the hormone disruptor bisphenol. In June 2009,a company PR, stunt ,announced they had introduced the prototype of the world's smallest, portable
  34. S handball controversy in the play off match between France and Ireland. The, stunt ,alarmed FIFA enough for it to fear she might do it again in front of a live
  35. a million, the astronomical figure was soon revealed to be something of a PR, stunt ,engineered by Beckham's media handlers (British representative agency 19
  36. Was started in 1884,he said, by a Victorian aristocrat who needed a publicity, stunt ,to draw people to his newly opened tearooms. Alexander Hales (c.1185—1245) (
  37. The Stunt Coordinator will arrange the casting and performance of the, stunt , working closely with the Director. * Casting Director: The Casting Director
  38. Uniform, ostensibly to prove that the tryouts were legitimate and not just a, stunt , This approach was the subject of an article in Sports Illustrated. The spring
  39. 1974 – Valerie Sure, Russian ice hockey player * 1974 – Steve-O, American, stunt , performer and television personality * 1975 – Johannes Grenzfurthner, Austrian
  40. Jumps from El Capitan were repeated, not as a publicity exercise or as a movie, stunt , but as a true recreational activity. It was this that popularized BASE jumping
  41. They look out for deductions, or things that go wrong, such as a dropped, stunt , They also look for touch-downs in tumbling for deductions. More generally
  42. Home runs each year during 1929–1931. At one point during the 1930 season, as a, stunt , Ruth was called upon to pitch for the first time since 1921,and he pitched a
  43. Bhangra performance typically contains many energetic stunt s. The most popular, stunt ,is called the moor, or peacock, in which a dancer sits on someone's shoulders
  44. A blow-off. (The blow-off is the comedic ending of a show segment, bit,gag, stunt ,or routine. ) Side dishes are shorter feature acts. Side dishes are essentially
  45. Again for the Hong Kong action film Miracles, adding several of his trademark, stunt ,sequences. *Little Miss Marker (1934)—The film that made Shirley Temple a star
  46. Wrestler (d. 1995) *1952 – Spice Williams-Crosby, American actress and, stunt ,performer *1958 – John Crichton-Stuart,7th Marquess of But *1958 – Jeffrey
  47. Of small viruses. They suggested that spherical viruses such as Tomato bushy, stunt ,virus had icosahedral symmetry and were made from 60 identical subunits. After
  48. Friend Carl Van Bechtel confirmed in later years that it was all a publicity, stunt , Roland would later marry caricaturist Miguel Covarrubias. Sadly, personal
  49. The rulesand sank the ship within minutes in a coordinated attack. The, stunt ,made headlines, and Mitchell declared," No surface vessels can exist wherever
  50. From aircraft, and is currently regarded by many as a fringe extreme sport or, stunt , BASE numbers are awarded to those who have made at least one jump from each of

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