Examples of the the word, gi , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gi ), is the 9332 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. About the main diagonal. This is true since if the group is Abelian, then,GI, ⋅ GJ = GJ ⋅ GI. This implies that the (i, j)'TH entry of the table equals the
  2. Ck, jl/In, pP, KI, lj, Ik, jl/GI, lH, mG, DP,GI, PD/CK, DF,AC, LJ, CK,JR/DP, gi , pd, Mg,LH, gi /IA a: p=ca, jb, ac/LA, ck,Jr/In, pP, KI, lj, Ik, jl/GI, lH, mG
  3. Any such sublevel. The number of ways of distributing nip articles among the,GI, sublevels of an energy level is gi ven by the binomial coefficient, using its
  4. Or preserve hardness (and) before ‹ i, e ›. The digraphs ‹ CI › and ‹, gi , › indicate or preserve softness (and) before ‹ a, o,u ›. For example::: Note
  5. CA, HJ, AI,JR/Mk, Hl, Gm,FP, mk, Pf/AI, ca,FD, hj, ai, jh/GI, Mg,LH, pd,GI, DP/I e: e=Xe/LA, Ik, jl/ck, ac,DF, lj, ck,Jr/GI, lH, mG, DP,GI, PD/AI, FD
  6. One configuration particle quantum states - see partition function). *, gi , is the degeneracy factor, or number of degenerate microstates which have the
  7. For each element g of HE, gi is the identity e_ for all but a finite number of, gi , ( equivalently, only a finite number of GI are not the identity). The group
  8. Quad \pi_i (g) = g_i, the functions that take (g_j)_ to its with component, gi , Internal and External direct product Some authors draw a distinction between
  9. To g2·g5 g7 g1,and so on. One can use the isomorphism φ defined by φ (, gi , ) i. For every positive integer n there is exactly one cyclic group (up to
  10. Lj, ck,Pf, DP,GI, JH, mG, GI,in, gi , LJ, JH, Hl, lj, jh, CK,pf, AC,CK, Mg,GI, ac, ck,I, dp, pF, FD,DP, Pp,ox x: x=ex, lj, xe/he, Ki, jh/AI, ca,FD, hj
  11. At equilibrium temperature T, in a state i which has energy EI and degeneracy, gi , Note that sometimes the above equation is written without the degeneracy
  12. Contrast in any position, suggesting that they are allophones; likewise for, gi , and y/i/ĕ. The language also has three clusters at the be gi nning of syllables
  13. Ki -- Nikki, nit-ñi,'the person, the people' Miscellaneous articles: is, gi , WI, mi,LI, yi. Numerals Cardinal numbers The Wolf numeral system is based on
  14. The North-central varieties preserve three distinct pronunciations for d, gi , and r whereas the North has a three-way merger and the Central and South have
  15. Atoms in the ground state, all energy is in the form of kinetic energy, and,GI, is constant for all i. The relationship between kinetic energy and momentum for
  16. Of action: with a jacket, such as a GI or Kurt, and without. The jacket, or ", gi ,", form most often utilizes grips on the cloth to control the opponent's body
  17. To engage in bare-knuckled, full-contact sparring while wearing only a karate, gi , and groin protector but does not allow punches to the face, only kicks and
  18. Substituted with phonetically equivalent native Italian letters and digraphs: ‹, gi , › or ‹ GE › for ‹ j ›; ‹ c › or ‹ ch › for ‹ k › (including in the standard
  19. Activity Weekend uses ZB2LGT. Internet Country code (Top-level domain):., gi , Internet Service Providers (ISPs): 4 Gibbet Limited, a private company, began
  20. Careful. If g is an element of the Cartesian product ∏ of a set of groups, let,GI, be the with element of g in the product. The external direct sum of a set of
  21. Of writing systems. It is an Ethiopian name of the Ge‘EZ script,’ ä by, gi , da, taken from four letters of that script the way abecedary derives from Latin
  22. The digraphs ‹ ch ›, ‹ GH ›; and ‹ i › is silent in the digraphs ‹ CI › and ‹, gi , › before ‹ a, o,u › unless the ‹ i › is stressed. For example, it is silent in
  23. Tibetan Administration (CTA) (in Tibetan language - Senior Bod Mi Hung, gi , Drigtsug),In addition to political advocacy, it administers a network of
  24. Main diagonal. This is true since if the group is Abelian, then GI ⋅ GJ = GJ ⋅, gi , This implies that the (i, j)'TH entry of the table equals the (j, i)'TH
  25. In this case the index i will specify an individual state, rather than a set of, gi , states having the same energy EI. Because velocity and speed are related to
  26. North has a three-way merger and the Central and South have a merger of d and, gi , while keeping r distinct. At the end of syllables, palatals ch and NH have
  27. M, n ) to G that maps the with generator xi of B (m, n ) into the with generator, gi , of G. In the language of group presentations, free Burnside group B (m, n )
  28. X, and let Ix2 be the set of functions of the form \sum_i f_i g_i\, where phi, gi , ∈ Ix. Then Ix and Ix2 are real vector spaces and the cotangent space is defined
  29. province's name literally means" area within a 500-li (200-km) radius" (, gi , ; {{ Lang|Korean | conurbation and that part of Gyeong gi Province that forms
  30. From each other, yet they can still have the same energy. The value of, gi , associated with level I is called the" degeneracy" of that energy level. The
  31. Ck, jl/In, pP, KI, lj, Ik, jl/GI, lH, mG, DP,GI, PD/CK, DF,AC, LJ, CK,JR/DP, gi , pd, Mg,LH, gi /DP Brute force attack on standard English peg solitaire The
  32. Contrary to Hart's statement. Ed Hart states" The karate man arrived in his, gi , ( uniform),complete with black belt, while Bruce showed up in his street
  33. Private and government buildings. http://www.disability. gi / WWW. Disability., gi , Voice of Gibraltar Group The Voice of Gibraltar Group was founded in 1996. In
  34. Under the operation ⋅, the (i, j)'TH entry of this table contains the product, gi , ⋅ GJ. The group is Abelian if and only if this table is symmetric about the
  35. Of the custom claim this is done to ensure good health by balancing one's, gi , or vital energy of the body. A 19th century version of gaejang-guk explains
  36. Space Z, there is a unique uniformly continuous map g: Y → Z such that f =, gi , The Hausdorff completion Y is unique up to isomorphism. As a set, Y can be
  37. p),(b),(t),(d),(k),(g),and the polarized forms (I) and (, gi , ) *fricatives (f),(w),(s),(z),(SZ),(ż, rz),the palatal (ś
  38. E_ for all but a finite number of GI (equivalently, only a finite number of, gi , are not the identity). The group operation in the external direct sum is
  39. Likewise for the soft sounds when not before these letters (e.g. Italian ‹ CI, gi , ›,Portuguese ‹ ç j ›). Furthermore, in Spanish, Catalan,Occitan and
  40. Such as a six-purge out) x: x=ex, lj, ck,Pf, DP,GI, JH, mG, GI,in, gi , LA, JH, Hl, lj, jh, CK,pf, AC,CK, Mg,GI, ac,ck, kI, dp, pF, FD,DP, Pp,ox
  41. To wear green belts over a black GI and women to wear red belts over a purple, gi , ; however, this practice has largely been abandoned. Now, both male and female
  42. Groups (written as HE) is the subset of ∏, where,for each element g of HE, gi , is the identity e_ for all but a finite number of GI (equivalently, only a
  43. Only occur before vowels, so the spellings are k, g,(c)h before i, and I, gi , (c)hi otherwise. Except in the cases mentioned in the previous paragraph, the
  44. For grappling that dictate pace and style of action: with a jacket, such as a, gi , or Kurt, and without. The jacket, or " GI ", form most often utilizes grips
  45. Of chess variants native to Japan. Sho gi means general's (who 将) board game (, gi , 棋 ). In early years, however,sho gi was written 象棋 (the same as Jiangxi,"
  46. Fight in approved shorts, without shoes. Shirts, gi s or long pants (including, gi , pants ) are not allowed. Fighters must use approved light-weight open-fingered
  47. Multi-time tournament Champion Royce Gracie wore a Brazilian Jiujitsu, gi , in all his early appearances in UFC, while Art Immersion appeared in UFC 1
  48. Japan, it was once customary for c-level men to wear green belts over a black, gi , and women to wear red belts over a purple GI; however, this practice has
  49. Energy I and containing a total of nip articles. Suppose each level contains, gi , distinct sublevels, all of which have the same energy, and which are
  50. Note that sometimes the above equation is written without the degeneracy factor, gi , In this case the index i will specify an individual state, rather than a set

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