Examples of the the word, affirmation , in a Sentence Context
The word ( affirmation ), is the 9331 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- Was released by Koch Records in 2003. The lead single" Necessity" is a funky, affirmation ,of the power of music, sung in a mixture of English and Spanish. Some Girls '
- The wish for the eternal return of all events would mark the ultimate, affirmation ,of life, a reaction to Schopenhauer's praise of denying the will–to–live. To
- Sex as well as being able to freely access medically approved sex, affirmation ,treatment. Passports Until recently, transsexual people in Australia were able
- Religion separate from Buddhism or Jainism consequently hinges on the, affirmation ,of its adherents that it is such. Prominent themes in Hindu beliefs include (
- What it means to" know" something and the identity of objects involved in an, affirmation , The fifth and sixth paradoxes are also a single paradox and is usually thought
- Now one of only a few countries where legal status of the new sex following sex, affirmation ,surgery is granted via a new full birth certificate. Birth certificates are
- Values, spiritual regeneration through suffering, rejection of the West and, affirmation ,of the Russian Orthodox Church and of tsarist. Literary scholars such as
- The King of Glory" in order to answer Pilate's statement with Christ's, affirmation ," My Kingdom is not of this world. " There is also a bottom slanting bar. This
- Was both fully God and fully Man. She is thus called 'Theotokos' as an, affirmation ,of the divinity of the One to whom she gave birth. It is also believed that her
- To what He is in Himself. And there is no contradiction between a relative, affirmation ,and an absolute negation. It is not contradictory to say that someone is
- Shinto take baths, wash their hands, and rinse out their mouths often. The last, affirmation ,is to practice mature, which is the worship and honor given to the Kali and
- Statement on an application form. The simplest form of Surat and the oath or, affirmation ,administered by a notary are: *Surat:" Sworn (or affirmed) to before me this
- Is an account of the public ministry of Jesus. It begins with the witness and, affirmation ,by John the Baptist and concludes with the death, burial,Resurrection, and
- Commanders and to the Transjordanian tribes, and the Transjordanians ', affirmation ,of Joshua's leadership echoes Yahweh's assurances of victory).; Entry into
- Among them, but his election was not affirmed by the minister of education. The, affirmation ,was done only four years later, after the February revolution in 1917. Markov
- An international focus in working for gay, lesbian,bisexual & transgender, affirmation ,within the Anglican Communion. Such as gay Anglicans in Nigeria. Sociologist
- Be a non-question, the pronunciation of right can sometimes make it seem like, affirmation ,is being requested. Certain words have also gained prominence amongst the
- Me that he/she executed the same as his/her voluntary act and deed. Oath, affirmation , and Surat A Surat is the official written statement by a notary public that he
- Is an implicit assertion of human dignity – an often unconscious but necessary, affirmation ,that man is not totally helpless, but is responsible, at least in some measure
- Meeting on Bakery Hill an oath of allegiance was sworn by Peter Labor to the, affirmation ,of his fellow demonstrators:" We swear by the Southern Cross to stand truly by
- Hold that it may be reasonable to assert that the term" good" is merely an, affirmation ,of approval and that, as such, good may be defined as" I approve. " The
- By the other Protestant parties at the time, but has achieved a measure of, affirmation ,in more recent history. Some but not most Baptists prefer not to be called
- And thus destroying the set. Heidi again rushes to Bletch for emotional, affirmation , but he is unable to spare her the sight of Samantha performing oral sex on him
- Sir Zelma Cowen were Jewish; Bill Hayden is an avowed atheist, and he made an, affirmation ,rather than swear an oath at the beginning of his commission; the remaining
- Social pressures for intellectual conformity. An oath of office is an oath or, affirmation ,a person takes before undertaking the duties of an office, usually a position
- This simple style is now often seen as a sign of self-acceptance and an, affirmation ,that the beauty norms of dominant (northern/European) culture are not
- Followers are taught to uphold the four affirmation s of Shinto. The first, affirmation ,is to hold onto tradition and the family. Family is seen as the main mechanism
- Central element in the Christology presented in the Acts of the Apostles is the, affirmation ,of the belief that the death of Jesus by Crucifixion happened" with the
- Of unity in reading the preamble to the Design publicly. It is as a meaningful, affirmation ,of faith, not binding upon any member. It was originally intended to remind
- Is recited. When a person wishes to convert religions they should recite this, affirmation ,and believe in it. Salat is the Islamic prayer. Salt consists of five
- That, that the relationship of a Jewish, same gender couple is worthy of, affirmation ,through appropriate Jewish ritual, and further resolved, that we recognize the
- Lëtzebuergesch (Luxembourgian) the national language was also a step in the, affirmation ,of the country’s independence. In fact, the linguistic situation in Luxembourg
- And resentments — negative affections. In this nihilist fin de siècle, he was, affirmation , Right through to illness and death. Why did I speak of him in the past? He
- In alienation in many minority ethnic groups, fostered a sense of need for an, affirmation ,of a positive identity and culture, and provided a platform for British Punjabi
- Witness; certify copies; and execute rats or take a verification upon oath or, affirmation , http://nvsos.gov/index.aspx? Page=165 The State of Nevada Notary Division Page
- In society as a man or a woman; any hormonal, surgical or other medical sex, affirmation ,(including genital reassignment/rehabilitation) treatments the person has
- He thought that Western civilization was decaying because it had abandoned, affirmation ,of (and respect for) life as its ethical foundation. In the Preface to
- Actor YUL Brynner. Character Xavier’s goals are to promote the peaceful, affirmation ,of mutant rights, to mediate the co-existence of mutants and humans, to protect
- Of allegiance used by the miners at the Eureka Stockade which he swore to their, affirmation , After the battle, Lalor wrote in a statement to the colonists of Victoria,"
- With marriages or births, traditions can be practiced repeatedly. The second, affirmation ,is to have a love of nature. Nature objects are worshiped as sacred because
- And — a moot point but stressed particularly by some Castilian historians — the, affirmation ,of 'Castilian hegemony' in Spain" by the rendering of homage for Zaragoza by
- To be in contact with nature means to be in contact with the gods. The third, affirmation ,is to maintain physical cleanliness. Followers of Shinto take baths, wash their
- Law had previously decided, in the case of Corbett v Corbett (1971),that sex, affirmation ,including genital reassignment/rehabilitation surgery (then and sometimes
- In the American anarchist magazine Mother Earth there is the following, affirmation ," Modern Communists are more individualistic than Sterner. To them, not merely
- It takes contradiction as" the essence of the universe" and defends that" an, affirmation ,is so more true insofar the more contradiction involves ". The transcendent
- By a notary public that he or she has administered and witnessed an oath or, affirmation ,for an oath of office, or on an affidavit - that is, that a person has sworn to
- Kevin had affirmed his male sexual identity by undergoing hormonal and other sex, affirmation ,treatment; including a double mastectomy and full hysterectomy but not the
- Was famously rendered in his tetra lemma with the logical propositions:: X (, affirmation ,): non-X (negation): X and non-X (both): neither X nor non-X (neither)
- Who recognized his kingship over all the Franks in return for legitimate royal, affirmation ,of his mayoralty, likewise over all the kingdoms (718). Foreign wars from
- Had been changed on his birth certificate and other documentation and since his, affirmation ,of his male sex (including as at the time of his marriage and the trial) he
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