Examples of the the word, ordinarily , in a Sentence Context

The word ( ordinarily ), is the 9334 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Second complication only applies to solar system objects:" declination" is, ordinarily ,measured at the center of the earth, which isn't quite spherical, so a line
  2. Genuine in contrast to the conventional applause which new music, good and bad, ordinarily ,arouses. " Critics believed that An American in Paris was better crafted than
  3. The Shanghai played a large role in facilitating communication among those who, ordinarily ,might not meet. Given the tendency for real negotiations in Japan to be
  4. That lie in the sea locks such as Eileen Ban and Eileen Conan that might not, ordinarily ,be described as" Hebrides" but no formal definitions exist. In the past the
  5. To apply. To acquire the status of permanent resident one has to have ", ordinarily ,resided" in Hong Kong for a period of seven years and adopted Hong Kong as
  6. Of Dirac that electrons, protons,neutrons, and even larger entities that are, ordinarily ,called particles nevertheless have their own wave nature and even their own
  7. Useful in hydrogen nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (proton NMR). NMR, ordinarily ,requires compounds of interest to be analyzed as dissolved in solution. Because
  8. Good or service. Baldwin and Levine argue that" government does not, ordinarily ,enforce monopolies for producers of other goods. This is because it is widely
  9. In color, with pigmentation only on the ears and trunk. Large males will, ordinarily ,weigh only about 5,000 kg (11,000 lb),but are as tall as the Sri Lankan. The
  10. Investment the fund must be able to meet that request immediately. Hedge funds, ordinarily ,do not have daily liquidity, but rather" lock up" periods of time when the
  11. The Advisory Committee Note to Rule 23,for example, states that mass torts are, ordinarily ," not appropriate" for class treatment. Class treatment may not improve the
  12. Excised from the brain and placed in a dish of warm nutrient solution, but it, ordinarily ,receives input from the optic nerves, through the retinohypothalamic tract (
  13. With extreme rapidity, yielding much gas and heat. Many substances not, ordinarily ,classed as explosives may do one, or even two, of these things. For example, at
  14. Produced by the ITU-T are referred to as" Recommendations" ( with the word, ordinarily ,capitalized to distinguish its meaning from the ordinary sense of the word "
  15. Baldwin and Levine see no value in such state-enforced monopolies stating," we, ordinarily ,think of innovative monopoly as an oxymoron. Further they comment
  16. The procedure is not intended to be used to ask questions that would, ordinarily ,be dealt with at trial. United States In the United States, use of
  17. A typical efficiency is 60 %, but up to 80 % is possible. The drive pipe is, ordinarily ,straight but can be curved or even wound in a spiral. The main requirement is
  18. Dance, while martial arts data are often compared to dances. Motion in, ordinarily ,inanimate objects may also be described as dances (the leaves danced in the
  19. Following season, they edged out Miami by posting a 9–7 record and winning the, ordinarily ,meaningless 3rd place position, but qualifying for the wild card. The last
  20. Colors, patch-like markings and white appeared in the breed that was once, ordinarily ,grey. The Greyhound is the only dog mentioned by name in the Bible;
  21. Way. " Swift has his proposer further degrade the Irish by using language, ordinarily ,reserved for animals. Lewis argues that the speaker uses" the vocabulary of
  22. Pressed into service in the slave armies of Muslim rulers. These slaves were, ordinarily ,purchased or captured in military actions along the frontier, in accordance
  23. Saturday, the following Monday is generally also a day off for those businesses, ordinarily ,closed on Saturdays. Activities Most communities across the country will host
  24. The problem would be referred to as the" Eastern Question. " Aberdeen was, ordinarily ,a sympathizer with Russian interests against French/Napoleonic interests. Thus
  25. Time and space — for a Time Lord to meet his other selves, in particular, would, ordinarily , contravene the" First Law Of Time," which prohibits distortions of history.
  26. 1992,2004 and 2010. An agriculture census was taken in 1999. Serbia The census, ordinarily ,takes place every 10 years. The last census was in 2002 (although having been
  27. Ricardo-Sraffa trade theory Traded intermediate goods Riparian trade theory, ordinarily ,assumes that the labor is the unique input. This is a great deficiency as trade
  28. Mass shows that they frequently suffer many of the same problems as people, ordinarily ,considered obese, notably sleep apnea. BMI also does not account for body frame
  29. Planes, and the magnitude of the focal lengths, or if the focal lengths, as, ordinarily , happens,be equal, by three constants of reproduction. These constants are
  30. Axiom of determinant. Unlike the axiom of choice, these alternatives are not, ordinarily ,proposed as axioms for mathematics, but only as principles in set theory with
  31. Equals the observer's astronomic latitude, but the term" latitude ", ordinarily ,means geodetic latitude, which is the latitude on maps and GPS devices. The
  32. The following usages apply in certain limited situations but do not, ordinarily ,serve as the English equivalent of the commonly used Dutch adjective" Hollands
  33. Distinguished from their difference in refractive index. While gem beryls are, ordinarily ,found in pegmatites and certain metamorphic rocks, red beryl occurs in
  34. Of a solid to exist in more than one crystal form. For example, water ice is, ordinarily ,found in the hexagonal form Ice IH, but can also exist as the cubic Ice IC, the
  35. Epikos'pi),from (EPOS) " word, story,poem" ) is a lengthy narrative poem, ordinarily ,concerning a serious subject containing details of heroic deeds and events
  36. Superconductivity of Isotopes of Mercury. The choice of isotope, ordinarily ,has little effect on the electrical properties of a material, but does affect
  37. Some cryonicists believe as a matter of principle that anyone who would, ordinarily ,be regarded as dead should instead be made a" permanent patient" subject to
  38. Only when death was approaching and, in practice, bodily recovery was not, ordinarily ,looked for, Liturgical rites of the Catholic Church, both Western and Eastern
  39. To small country cases. Traded intermediate goods Riparian trade theory, ordinarily ,assumes that the labor is the unique input. This is a great deficiency as trade
  40. Of their hand, not just the point total. For example, players should, ordinarily ,stand when holding 12 against a dealer 4. However, in a single deck game
  41. ELLA agreed with the Episcopal Church to limit ordination to the bishop ", ordinarily ,", ELCA pastor-ordinators are given permission to perform the rites in "
  42. Of Sinai (523–603) and in Pros Theodoulon by St Psychics (c. 750? ), who is, ordinarily ,also considered to be of the School of Sinai. It is not known where either St
  43. some early symptoms of intermittent fever, the disease that the bark was, ordinarily ,used to treat. From this, Hahnemann came to believe that all effective drugs
  44. Processes Argon is used in some high-temperature industrial processes, where, ordinarily , non-reactive substances become reactive. For example, an argon atmosphere is
  45. Recent pluperfect): Io Avvo Mankato (" I had eaten" ) - tense, not, ordinarily , marked for aspect *Passage remote (far past): Io mania (I" ate" ) -
  46. Or nonstandard for metrical reasons (calendar),the grave to indicate that an, ordinarily ,silent or elided syllable is pronounced (warned, parlìament). In certain
  47. Pathogens. Opportunistic disease may be caused by microbes that are, ordinarily ,in contact with the host, such as pathogenic bacteria or fungi in the
  48. To the Netherlands as a whole, not just the region of Holland. " Hollands" is, ordinarily ,expressed in English in two ways: * a possessive construction (e.g. " Holland
  49. Of how grammatical gender works, although these gendered pronouns are now, ordinarily ,selected based on the physical sex (or lack thereof) of the items to which
  50. Shielding gas in welding and other high-temperature industrial processes where, ordinarily ,non-reactive substances become reactive; for example, an argon atmosphere is

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