Examples of the the word, jeopardize , in a Sentence Context

The word ( jeopardize ), is the 9323 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. With the jurors and glean biases, experiences,or relationships that could, jeopardize ,the proper course of the trial. After each prospective juror has answered the
  2. Finding love, happiness,and completeness in this relationship which does not, jeopardize ,his Superman persona. Millville TV series (2001-2011) Millville was adapted
  3. That the Arctic waters are internal waters of Canada …. Such acceptance would, jeopardize ,the freedom of navigation essential for the United States naval activities
  4. The suit. The government claimed that to go forward in an open court would, jeopardize ,the United States' intelligence, foreign policy, and national security
  5. Instead realizes that En right and Freedman will not turn in their bosses and, jeopardize ,their own futures in television; he silently watches the producers' testimony
  6. In contrast, Sony were concerned Carey, their best-selling act, could, jeopardize , her future success through her actions. The pressure of the separation and
  7. State television to pare down the coverage to the barest minimum, so as not to, jeopardize ,a thawing in relations with China, and to offer political empathy for the
  8. Genetic pollution spreading to other tiger groups; at its worst, this could, jeopardize ,the Bengal tiger as a distinct | volume 278 | issue 5339 | page=807} } Attacks
  9. His obsession with and defense of the creature lead to murder, and his actions, jeopardize ,the entire plan. * Danny Webb as Morse, an acerbic, self-centered,and cynical
  10. Over the Palestinian Authority (such as by forming the government) would, jeopardize ,international funds to the PA, by laws which forbid sponsoring of terrorist
  11. Gains that they enjoyed as citizens of Mexico, and the revolution threatened to, jeopardize ,the security of their world. Current Usage In Britain after 1832 the Tory Party
  12. As Joseph Kasey Pub, Patrice Mumbai, Moise Some, Joseph Mobutu and others, jeopardize ,the political stability of the new state. From Tshombe's secession of the
  13. Proceedings through poor behavior, or publication of material deemed likely to, jeopardize ,a fair trial. A judge may impose sanctions such as a fine or jail for someone
  14. Jorgensen were concerned that their friend's unpredictable behavior might, jeopardize ,his chances. Fortunately, the judge turned out to be Phillip Forman. Forman
  15. Although a capable leader, Helga tries too hard and makes rash decisions that, jeopardize ,the safety of her troops. While the Elite Guards are loyal to her, the male
  16. Intervene in the exchange rate mechanism. To continue to do so, however,would, jeopardize ,Zambia's debt relief. Zambia qualified for HIP debt relief in 2000
  17. Framework. The university administration asserted that this agreement would not, jeopardize ,academic integrity at the institution, although the university president
  18. Groups fear that the lack of a coordinated effort to control pollution may, jeopardize ,the gulf's exosphere. Piracy The Gulf of Aden is an area known for acts of
  19. Occupation and control of Union governments. He believed that Wade–Davis would, jeopardize ,state-level emancipation movements in loyal border states like Missouri and
  20. Engineered by the Dominion. Work reluctantly informed Sicko, knowing this would, jeopardize ,his status in the empire. After the invasion had begun, Gowron traveled to DS9
  21. Minimize migration of leachate that could contaminate groundwater (and hence, jeopardize ,some drinking water supplies). For incineration options, the release of air
  22. Automation would reduce the demand for low-skill high-paying jobs, which would, jeopardize ,the position of the urban Negro working-class, particularly in the northern US.
  23. It is unknown whether in vitro fertilization, surrogacy,and egg donation will, jeopardize ,inheritance rights in the future. One solution is for the genetic parents to "
  24. They are unlikely to take unpopular stances to court large donors which could, jeopardize ,donations flowing from voter vouchers. Conversely, large potential donors will
  25. Felt the Arabs discriminated against them. This latent internal conflict would, jeopardize ,Muslim unity. After the Islamic Moorish conquest of the majority of the Iberian
  26. Of the upper body is never too far forward, nor too far back, both of which, jeopardize ,the lower back and compression injuries on the knees and hip flexor muscles. In
  27. Anyone to take unopened bottles of wine off the premises, saying " Why would we, jeopardize ,our liquor license for the sake of selling a couple bottles of wine? " In May
  28. Sources. If Earth is an example, then sea temperatures in excess of 35 °C would, jeopardize ,marine life and make the cooling of mammals to temperatures suitable for their
  29. Water lines have served thousands of homes for decades. Continued erosion would, jeopardize ,the integrity of the pipes. Pollution issues are being addressed south of this
  30. Centers). The United States urged restraint, saying Israeli attacks would, jeopardize ,the delicate Arab-Western coalition assembled against Iraq. In May 1991,as the
  31. Cause of the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster on February 1,2003,would not, jeopardize ,the completion the International Space Station (ISS) in the projected time
  32. See Wars of the Roses),Henry feared that his lack of a male heir might, jeopardize ,his descendants' claim to the throne. However, Pope Clement VII, concentrating
  33. Would wipe out all the fruits of the China War, endanger Manchu, and, jeopardize , the governing of Korea. To accept troop withdrawal in name only would not
  34. Foreign intelligence purposes. Except information that might, jeopardize ,an ongoing law enforcement investigation, it was made a requirement that the
  35. The elections for as long as possible. He claimed that an early election would, jeopardize ,both the September 2005 Gaza withdrawal plan and the standing of the party in a
  36. Near the sixth berm would threaten to spill over into Mauritania and, jeopardize ,the rail link. The agreement aimed at establishing a free trade area between
  37. Adolescence, became secretly fearful that her daughter's physical flaws would, jeopardize ,her chances. Fortunately, Shearer herself" had no illusions about the image I
  38. S King Abdullah feared the activities of Hamas and its Jordanian allies would, jeopardize ,peace negotiations with Israel, and accused Hamas of engaging in illegitimate
  39. To the theories rather than acknowledge fundamental difficulties that might, jeopardize ,their funding. A list of his main scientific publications is available through
  40. Relationships with others more than men: * Men tend to think that relationships, jeopardize ,their independence: * For women, relationships are a constant source of
  41. States to resist any resort to force or other forms of coercion that would, jeopardize ,the security, or the social or economic system, of the people on Taiwan. "
  42. Countries, such as maps, papers,and tools hidden in gift packages, lest it, jeopardize ,future POW escapes. The filmmakers complied. Casting Steve McQueen's Virgil
  43. Is because they fear that the prospect of a multi-billion dollar lawsuit could, jeopardize ,the sale of CBS to Westinghouse. Wallace and Don Hewitt agree to edit the
  44. Gait, any obvious physical or behavioral abnormality, and any trait that, jeopardize ,the physical functionality of the dog or would severely hinder or prevent the
  45. Advised that Robeson should be denied a passport renewal which would ostensibly, jeopardize ,his fragile health and the recovery process he was engaged in overseas. Given
  46. Reward A, while hoping for B, and in the process, reap harmful effects that can, jeopardize ,your goals. Incentive theory in psychology treats motivation and behavior of
  47. So-and-so" ) before the town elders. The other male relative is unwilling to, jeopardize ,the inheritance of his own estate by marrying Ruth, and so relinquishes his
  48. Invitation are not welcome, but are not sent away because to do so would, jeopardize ,the secrecy of the community. Richard, Étienne,and Françoise manage to
  49. In the sense that bugs or vulnerabilities occurring inside the TCB might, jeopardize ,the security properties of the entire system. By contrast, parts of a computer
  50. Hope of creating public interest in stopping and reversing those factors which, jeopardize ,a species' survival in the first place. They are the most publicly visited

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