Examples of the the word, indefinitely , in a Sentence Context

The word ( indefinitely ), is the 9326 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That the owner of a royal privilege has the sole right to obtain a renewal, indefinitely , In 1761 the Royal Council awarded a royal privilege to the heirs of an author
  2. Versions of the game, it was also possible to hide the ship in the score area, indefinitely ,without being hit by asteroids. Technical description The Asteroids arcade
  3. Processes of erosion on the Moon are minimal and so craters persist almost, indefinitely , Since the Earth could be expected to have roughly the same cratering rate as
  4. Arcology in Moscow, Russia. As of 2009,construction has been postponed, indefinitely ,due to the global economic crisis. In 2008,the design firm Timelines proposed
  5. Subjugate Greece; however, in 486 BC, his Egyptian subjects revolted, indefinitely ,postponing any Greek expedition. Darius then died whilst preparing to march on
  6. Whose length is equal to twice the length of the shift register, continuing, indefinitely , These counters find specialist applications, including those similar to the
  7. Discovered that by focusing his energies inward he can extend his life almost, indefinitely , He undertakes an experiment using African lore to die and resurrect his own
  8. Memory and storage space, alternative recognition hypotheses would not be saved, indefinitely , If the user returned to a note a week later, for example, they would only see
  9. Go ahead as the Government successor, Najib Tun Rank deferred the transition, indefinitely ,in favor of his own 1Malaysia concept, which means that analog television will
  10. On a game being possibly fixed. Subsequently, Filchock and Hopes were suspended, indefinitely ,by Bell. Bert put employees on the NFL payroll to investigate potential betting
  11. Subjugate Greece; however, in 486 BC, his Egyptian subjects revolted, indefinitely ,postponing any Greek expedition. After Darius died, his son Xerxes I re-started
  12. But it cannot regulate people thoroughly enough to withstand doubts, indefinitely , especially when people learn about other societies present and past. #The
  13. From forming. It is not known whether the acceleration will continue, indefinitely , perhaps even increasing until a big rip, or whether it will eventually reverse
  14. Only for brain scans on studies of meditation, not his ability to fast, indefinitely , Following that statement, Newberg denied ever undertaking the 130-day study.
  15. Point UFOs as possible. This led to experienced players being able to play, indefinitely ,on a single credit. This oversight was addressed in the game's sequel
  16. In the country, thereby ensuring that the Museum's library would expand, indefinitely , The predominance of natural history, books and manuscripts began to lessen
  17. To inform you that Hot Sauce Committee Part 1 will continue to be delayed, indefinitely , Hot Sauce Committee Part 2 will be released on time as originally planned in
  18. Because they are made from plant materials which can be grown year-on-year, indefinitely , These plant materials come from agricultural non-food crops. Therefore, the
  19. The council to Vicenza, where participation was poor. The Council was postponed, indefinitely ,on May 21, 1539. Pope Paul III then initiated several internal Church reforms
  20. Televised tag-team match. When Andre failed to show, WWF President Jack Tunney, indefinitely ,suspended Andre. Later in the summer of 1986,upon Andre's return to the
  21. G0 state from G1 and may remain quiescent for long periods of time, possibly, indefinitely , ( as is often the case for neurons). This is very common for cells that are
  22. Board of directors to manage the company has occurred incrementally and, indefinitely ,over legal history. Until the end of the 19th century, it seems to have been
  23. National Assembly, Legislative Yuan, and Control Yuan members held their posts, indefinitely , It was also under the Temporary Provisions that Chiang was able to bypass term
  24. 0.035 % to the testicles or 0.01 % to the ovaries where berkelium stays, indefinitely , The balance of about 10 % is excreted. In all these organs' berkelium might
  25. However, a lack of firm commitment from airlines has postponed the expansion, indefinitely , Public transportation | | | | | | Local transport The local transportation
  26. Capital district and elects its own representatives. Members may be re-elected, indefinitely , and, in contrast to the previous system, there are no alternate congressmen.
  27. To decline any penalty it considers disadvantageous, so a losing team cannot, indefinitely ,prolong a game by repeatedly committing penalties. Overtime In the CFL, if the
  28. S strike, was pushed to September 2008. The film is currently" shelved ", indefinitely , Vivek Sharma's Bhoothnath, in which he plays the title role as a ghost, was
  29. Louisville's football coach, replaced him. Before the 2007,Pick was suspended, indefinitely ,by the NFL after pleading guilty to charges involving dog fighting in the state
  30. On 25 April 2010. The elections were first postponed to 16 May, and then, indefinitely , Finally, the general election was set for 23 January 2011. Despite serious
  31. Vowel or diphthong) on either side; in many Byzantine dialects, it spreads, indefinitely , but is blocked by any or; while in Egyptian Arabic, it usually spreads
  32. Matters in that northern city, his hopes of warring against Baghdad would be, indefinitely ,put on hold. Problems in the Upper March Zaragoza proved to be a most difficult
  33. Otherwise-emancipated partners, but also can be integrated into everyday life, indefinitely , In a few relationships, it leads as far as total submission of one partner in
  34. Of oxygen. The manganese dioxide may be recovered unchanged, and re-used, indefinitely , and thus is not consumed in the reaction. Accordingly, manganese dioxide
  35. Organism, but are distinguished by the ability of each individual to reproduce, indefinitely ,without an absolute requirement for its neighbors. Neurobiology Jorge Moll and
  36. Their failure rate under stress. Carbon nanotube springs have the potential to, indefinitely ,store elastic potential energy at ten times the density of lithium-ion
  37. Senescence, or aging. He claimed incorrectly that all cells continued to grow, indefinitely , and this became a dominant view in the early twentieth century. Carrel started
  38. San Francisco in Marin County. Executions in California are currently on hold, indefinitely ,as human rights issues are addressed. California's prison population grew from
  39. Firm intention of the United States to maintain a military presence in Europe, indefinitely , But the heart of the message was as Byrnes stated a month later" The nub of
  40. The same side less than two right angles, the two straight lines, if produced, indefinitely , intersect on that side on which are the angles less than the two right angles.
  41. On June 25 after a tirade and shoving match with Derek Lee, and was suspended, indefinitely ,by Jim Hendry, who called the conduct" unacceptable. " On July 20,Daniella
  42. Geometries. If one also removes the second postulate (" a line can be extended, indefinitely ,") then elliptic geometry arises, where there is no parallel through a point
  43. Graphics, Bézier curves are used to model smooth curves that can be scaled, indefinitely , " Paths," as they are commonly referred to in image manipulation programs
  44. Writes that" with it the fate of 80,000 distributors of the company has been, indefinitely ,sealed ". The enforcement said that the business model of the company is
  45. Sea) and as in Xenophobes (6th century BC) who said that the earth went down, indefinitely ,(to ape iron) i.e. beyond the imagination or concept of men. Aristotle writes
  46. A huge first innings score of 196),but in the process lost his captaincy, indefinitely ,to the newly-appointed Shivering Chanderpaul. In the next Test, against the
  47. 2002),a U. S. court of appeals held that H. Beatty Chadwick could be held, indefinitely ,under federal law, for his failure to produce US$ 2.5 mill. As state court
  48. On an antidepressant for at least six months and as long as five years or, indefinitely , Whether someone relapses after stopping an antidepressant does not
  49. First until 2005,then until 2006,and now seems to have been suspended, indefinitely , Belarus-European Union relations The structure of Belarus trade reflects the
  50. The previous ones. Repeating this process, the enumeration can be extended, indefinitely ,with k-combinations of ever larger sets. If moreover the intervals of the

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