Examples of the the word, lucrative , in a Sentence Context

The word ( lucrative ), is the 9328 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To European destinations on a regular basis; the charter business was viewed as, lucrative ,by British Airways and Air France. Concorde Flight 4590 crash On 25 July 2000
  2. Remote, of gaining the upper hand over rival powers in the contest for the, lucrative ,spice trade with Asia. During his first voyage in 1492,instead of reaching
  3. Easy overland connection between the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea, and the, lucrative ,trade in Egyptian cotton. History Alexandria was founded by Alexander the Great
  4. In Boston run by the Society of Free Enquirers, followers of Robert Owen, for a, lucrative ,$1,000 to $1,200 annual salary. He refused it because he did not agree with
  5. Violence flares up from time to time, especially as turf wars occur over, lucrative ,taxi routes. Twin towns – sister cities Cape Town has six twin towns and sister
  6. San Francisco Giants (1993–2000) In 1993,Bonds left the Pirates to sign a, lucrative ,free agent contract worth a then-record $43.75 million ($ million today) over
  7. Trade in the Byzantine and later the Ottoman empires, during the period of the, lucrative ,Silk Road. The city is still a major center for textiles in Turkey and is home
  8. And navy away kit in 1982–83,and since the early 1990s and the advent of the, lucrative ,replica kit market, the away colors have been changed regularly. During this
  9. On the high seas, whether piratical or not, were both less destructive and less, lucrative ,than those of many other contemporary pirates and privateers. Biography Captain
  10. Blues. The NRA Bianchi Cup is held every year in Columbia. It is among the most, lucrative ,of all the shooting sports championships. Starting in 2011,the Columbia
  11. Licensing agreement because he felt independent marketing deals would be more, lucrative ,for him. Bonds is the first player in the thirty-year history of the licensing
  12. The practice is controversial, dangerous,and damaging but is driven by the, lucrative ,exotic fish market. Pest control Cyanide is for pest control in New Zealand
  13. Structures and professional careers. Prizes, awards,and titles The most, lucrative ,award an architect can receive is the Pritzker Prize, sometimes termed the "
  14. Return on their investment. Subsequent stock offerings demonstrated just how, lucrative ,the Company had become. Its first stock offering in 1613-1616 raised ₤418,000
  15. Where most Fulham fans would like to be, although the club might prefer a more, lucrative ,situation – a larger ground enabling greater ticket revenue. Whether the club
  16. Lincoln hoped to be appointed Commissioner of the General Land Office, but that, lucrative ,patronage job went to an Illinois rival, Justin Butterfield, considered by the
  17. Members with high-speed internet access from client-based usage to the more, lucrative ,advertising provider, AOL. Com. The change from paid to free was also designed
  18. A national competition, the AFL's focus has become gaining market share in, lucrative ,and broadcasting rights in the more populous Australian states and has advanced
  19. And 1602 respectively. The primary aim of these companies was to tap into the, lucrative ,spice trade, an effort focused mainly on two regions; the East Indies
  20. The slave trade The Caribbean initially provided England's most important and, lucrative ,colonies, but not before several attempts at colonization failed. An attempt to
  21. A greater level of equality with the NFL. On January 29, 1964,the AFL signed a, lucrative ,$36 million television contract with NBC (beginning in the 1965 season)
  22. Combatants are frequently looted and was used by the new owner or sold for a, lucrative ,price. As time went on and infrastructure improved it came to be used by more
  23. Implored his mother for money throughout his career, often promising that a, lucrative ,publishing contract or journalistic commission was just around the corner.
  24. Connecting Chang'an to Central Asia and areas far to the west. To the south, lucrative ,maritime trade routes began from port cities like Guangzhou. There was
  25. Then off piecemeal to the highest bidder for much larger sums. This proved very, lucrative ,for the new owners, but in the vast majority of cases this (along with the
  26. 17th century, and between the 18th-19th century, the PICO Yacht controlled the, lucrative ,summer traffic season. In the Central Group, the shipping company operates four
  27. Its existence. Since first being aired, it has been one of the most financially, lucrative ,programs on commercial television, underpinning the success of its
  28. Days of her summer vacation in the lodge. Each weekend in the summer it is a, lucrative ,source of income due to tourists visiting the castle, and in an effort to keep
  29. In the late 1960s with the Rock and roll revival movement and the signing of a, lucrative ,record deal with the European Sonnet Records label. After performing for Queen
  30. Decision to concentrate on his experiments in sound. Deciding to give up his, lucrative ,private Boston practice, Bell only retained two students, six-year old "
  31. A prefect from the equestrian class to administer Egypt and maintain its, lucrative ,seaports; this position became the highest political achievement for any
  32. Never Made" ( Not A Pretty Girl),which discusses the act of turning down a, lucrative ,contract," The Next Big Thing" ( Not So Soft),which describes an imagined
  33. Countries to use the premium Brunei Halal trademark to help them penetrate, lucrative ,markets in countries with significant numbers of Muslim consumers. The Brunei
  34. Long-term contract to Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer since 1925,and had negotiated a, lucrative ,new contract just before his death. Chaney and Browning had worked together on
  35. Szlachta),who deprived him of control of the mint (then one of the most, lucrative ,sources of revenue for the Polish kings),curtailed his prerogatives, and
  36. Which provided Franklin with half of the shop's profits for 18 years. This, lucrative ,business arrangement provided leisure time for study, and in a few years he had
  37. With the task of finding a route to the Pacific in order to open up the, lucrative ,trading territories of the Pacific Northwest. Columbia travels After the
  38. Ministers with various crimes. Matisse also removed many Yakima from important, lucrative ,posts in the government. Two hundred mostly Yakima members of the presidential
  39. On tax aspects of publishing his memoirs, which proved to be financially, lucrative , Eisenhower became executive officer to General Fox Conner in the Panama Canal
  40. To his native city and began practicing. Educated as a lawyer, and holding, lucrative ,positions as secretary and counselor, he seemed, indeed,at one time to have
  41. For other directors. This outside scriptwriting would serve Kurosawa as a, lucrative ,sideline lasting well into the 1960s,long after he became world-famous.
  42. Addition, the merging of the stagnant Compaq computer manufacturer with HP's, lucrative ,printing and imaging division was criticized as that overshadowed the latter's
  43. America. Despite a general selling of state property the regime retained the, lucrative ,state owned mining company CODEC which stands for about 30 % of government
  44. 80 million over four years, replacing United's deal with AIG as the most, lucrative ,shirt deal in history at the time, but it was later equalled when Standard
  45. The labor force and agriculture of the fertile delta region as well as the, lucrative ,and critical trade routes to the Levant. The increasing power and wealth of the
  46. Smallest piece of usable evidence to a foreign magistrate. " This provides a, lucrative ,environment for money laundering and assets to be sheltered from tax, free from
  47. But, according to Plaster, never worked as one, instead owning shares in a, lucrative ,family brewing business,Crowley's Ales, which allowed him to retire before
  48. Purchasing BMI British Midland from their owners, the Lufthansa Group, to gain, lucrative ,slots at London Heathrow Airport. Corporate affairs British Airways trades on
  49. Aliens in 1802,after changing hands twice. Spain also ceded the rights to the, lucrative ,ascent (permission to sell slaves in Spanish America) to Britain. The Seven
  50. Other groups soon caught up. From the late nineties band members saw the, lucrative ,incentive of songwriting through track royalties and members in bands such as

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