Examples of the the word, enlightened , in a Sentence Context

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  1. And predict electrical conductivity values. The well-oxygenated and, enlightened ,environment promotes the development of algae. It is therefore necessary to
  2. Leads and the man follows:" The Sun God follows the first illuminated and, enlightened ,goddess USA (dawn) in the same manner as men emulate and follow women. "
  3. Aged he moved slowly away from his more liberal political stances as he saw the, enlightened ,reform of Joseph II's reign, and the hoped for reforms of the French
  4. Their interest to his own. But his unbiased opinion, his mature judgment, his, enlightened , conscience,he ought not to sacrifice to you, to any man, or to any set of men
  5. By the noble disciples (Pale: arias) who have matured and who have become, enlightened ,in supreme wisdom. Knowing these attributes, Buddhists hold that they will
  6. Throne without dynastic background. He was a successful military leader and an, enlightened ,patron of the arts and learning. His library, the Bibliotheca Corviniana, was
  7. Been touched by divine forces: saints, prophets,heroes, oracles,martyrs, and, enlightened , beings,among others. Saint Francis of Assisi, in Catholicism, is said to have
  8. Bringing it into mainstream awareness. It portrays Judas Iscariot as the most, enlightened ,disciple, who acted at Jesus' request when he handed Jesus over to the
  9. A gradual decline of these three powers which were eventually replaced by new, enlightened ,absolutist monarchies, Russia,Prussia and Austria. By the turn of the 19th
  10. On Calderón, he received help from Nikolai Mikhailovich Liubumov, a shrewd and, enlightened ,person who understood very well that all the mudslinging and commotion over the
  11. Her thigh that she received in the crash. Finally, the book asks why we, as an, enlightened ,society, accept such a“ perverse technology” – that kills a vast number of
  12. The Czech language was to replace German as the language of administration. The, enlightened ,absolutism of Joseph II and Leopold II, who introduced minor language
  13. And instruction given in the Gospels of the Bible, and he established an, enlightened , peaceful society which endured for several generations, but which eventually
  14. Took place about fifty years after the French enlightenment. The first, enlightened ,writers were Maria Theresia's bodyguards (George Yessenia, János Batsman
  15. Wrote in the latter work that human reason" strives not against faith, when, enlightened , but rather furthers and advances it ", bringing claims he was a ideas into
  16. With the Albanian king. A government of young men led by Mehdi Fraser,an, enlightened ,Belushi administrator, won a commitment from Italy to fulfill financial
  17. Penalty. Influenced by the book, Grand Duke Leopold II of Habsburg, famous, enlightened , monarch and future Emperor of Austria, abolished the death penalty in the
  18. A number of notables whom he had chosen, giving him almost unlimited power. An, enlightened ,despot, he had no difficulty in accepting some social transformations of
  19. Spiritual knowledge of a saint (one who has obtained thesis) or mystically, enlightened ,human being. Within the cultures of the term's provenance (Byzantine and
  20. Him in the palace at Baghdad to address him. As such, he was considered an ", enlightened ,ruler ", and continued the progressive moves of his Abbasid predecessors. His
  21. The ascetic community and are mentioned in the Buddhist texts to have become, enlightened , Hinduism In Hinduism, celibacy is usually associated with the sadhus (" holy
  22. Readeth it, let him understand, for the spirit manifested truth; And whoso is, enlightened ,by the Spirit shall obtain benefit therefrom; And whoso received not by the
  23. Symbolize Ashoka's rule over the four directions, the wheels as symbols of his, enlightened ,rule (Chakravartin) and the four animals as symbols of four adjoining
  24. Philosophers and theologians during the Enlightenment, in the rational and, enlightened ,nature of the Christian religion, at least as this was defined in tendentious
  25. 1843,respectively. Enlightenment constitutions What is sometimes called the ", enlightened ,constitution" model was developed by philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment
  26. CE (see Buddhist art),descriptions of the physical characteristics of fully, enlightened ,Buddhas are attributed to the Buddha in the Diff Nikaya's (D, I:142). In
  27. Artists and follows the symbolic transformation from Homo sapiens to, enlightened ,beings as portrayed in H. luminous. Under Burchinal's direction, Nicoli
  28. Showdown with the unions—the combination of strong economic growth and Holt's, enlightened ,approach to industrial relations saw the number of working hours lost to
  29. Atoms. In Buddhism, a Bodhisattva (Bodhisattva; Bodhisattva) is either an, enlightened ,(bod hi) existence (sativa) or an enlightenment-being or, given the variant
  30. S. Samyaksaṃbuddha) of our age," Buddha" meaning" awakened one" or" the, enlightened ,one. " The time of his birth and death are uncertain: most early 20th-century
  31. And able to speak to certain aspects of reality more effectively than more, enlightened ,authors. Orwell as literary critic Throughout his life Orwell continually
  32. Letters of introduction to the Venetian ambassador, the Cavaliere Julian, and, enlightened , and generous protector of the arts, and was received in the most hospitable
  33. Of the hidden, a concept known as Anagoge, inaccessible to all but a few really, enlightened ,individuals who truly understand the nature of the universe. Unlike some
  34. Conservative reputation, in 1989 he placed himself at the head of elite (", enlightened ,") forces within the governing party, with the result that he was elected head
  35. Half a century of parliamentary rule in Sweden and installing himself as an, enlightened ,despot. *1778 – American Revolutionary War: British forces begin besieging the
  36. Dictators The benevolent dictator is a more modern version of the classical “, enlightened ,despot ”, being an absolute ruler who exercises his or her political power for
  37. In the Buddhist faith, beginning with Siddhartha, are considered to be, enlightened , and in religious forms of Buddhism they are credited with divine powers.
  38. Greek and Christian (Sanskrit). Others, who regard the Buddha as simply an, enlightened ,human being, see the Dharma as the essence of the" 84,000 different aspects of
  39. Or overthrown, and he is set to take the reins of power and bring a hard but, enlightened ,peace to the universe. Herbert chose in the books that followed to undermine
  40. And José Moving, Count of Floridablanca, Spain embarked on a program of, enlightened ,despotism that brought Spain a new prosperity in the middle of the 18th century
  41. Of Germany. From 1763,against resistance from the nobility and citizenry, an ", enlightened ,absolutism" was established in Prussia and Austria, according to which the
  42. Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor and co-regent from 1765,were characterized by, enlightened ,absolutism. In 1742,most of Silesia, then the possession of the Bohemian crown
  43. Practices, hidden from the public but accessible only to a narrow circle of ", enlightened ,"," initiated ", or highly educated people. A special characteristic common in
  44. Expeditions. In Hesse-Kassel, the Land grave Frederick II, ruled 1760-1785 as an, enlightened ,despot, and raised money by renting soldiers (called" Hessians" ) to Great
  45. Material world,coextensive with the true God, and the true home of certain, enlightened ,members of humanity; thus, these systems were expressive of a feeling of acute
  46. The Buddha said in Calcutta Nikita #35: What ordinary folk call happiness,the, enlightened ,ones call Gurkha The Buddha discussed three kinds of Gurkha or suffering: *
  47. Or for Enthusiasts of every breed in religious wars. It remained for the, enlightened ,eighteenth century to baffle language and invent horrors that can be found in
  48. And capitalism. Anarchists may be motivated by humanism, divine authority, enlightened ,self-interest, veganism or any number of alternative ethical doctrines.
  49. Exhibited totalitarian characteristics; he saw himself as the new Augustus,an, enlightened ,despot destined to guide the Roman Empire into a new era of brilliance.
  50. Not restricted by a constitution, laws or opposition, etc.). However, in, enlightened , absolutism (also known as benevolent despotism),which came to prominence in

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