Examples of the the word, chant , in a Sentence Context

The word ( chant ), is the 7348 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Romanesque architecture — Ottoman Art::: See: Gothic architecture — Gregorian, chant ,— Neoplatonism ** Rejects Platonic realism as a requirement for thinking and
  2. Guitar and the western musical style itself. Even a medieval Catholic Church, chant , the misleadingly named Arabic chant , is also sometimes cited as an
  3. The A's sweeping the ALCS in four straight. In 1990,Yankees fans started to, chant ," 1918! " To taunt the Red Sox. The demeaning chant would echo at Yankee
  4. Of patristic origin, used to introduce a psalm. The term originally signified a, chant ,by alternate choirs, but has quite lost this meaning in the Breviary.
  5. Is not known to have composed any Gregorian chant , the plainsong or" Polish, chant ,". ) However, Ambrosian chant was named in his honor due to his contributions
  6. Had seen the commercial many times may have just copied it when cheering. The, chant ,bears some similarities to the phrase" Who DAT?," which was officially
  7. Or Cadence-lypso),a genre of music from Dominica *Military cadence,a, chant ,that is sung by military personnel while marching *Drum cadence, a work played
  8. But not actually known to have composed any of the repertory of Ambrosia, chant ,also known simply as" antiphonal chant ", a method of chant ing where one side
  9. Who Day" is also the name of the team’s mascot, a Bengal tiger. The Who Day, chant ,'s first known use was by fans of the 1980 Cincinnati Bengals. While the origin
  10. For the audience's shouting" Woof, woof,woof! " While pumping their fists—a, chant ,that was used by fans of the Cleveland Browns football team. He would refer to
  11. God's Command, sits and administers True Justice ". And those followers who ", chant ,the name of the Lord" are cleared as outlined thus:" Her account is cleared
  12. Known use was by fans of the 1980 Cincinnati Bengals. While the origin of the, chant ,is unsettled, one possible source for the chant is a 1980 commercial for Red
  13. Any Gregorian chant , the plainsong or" Polish chant ". ) However, Ambrosian, chant ,was named in his honor due to his contributions to the music of the Church; he
  14. To leave to the West, chant ing (" We want out! "). Then protestors began to, chant , (" We're staying here! "). This was the start of what East Germans
  15. In worship An alternate viewpoint is that limiting praise to the unaccompanied, chant ,of the early church is not commanded in scripture, and that the churches in any
  16. Is characterized by soaring melodies, often well outside the normal range of, chant ,at the time. Additionally, scholars such as Margot Faster and Marianna Richest
  17. Someone gets walked on, then it’s you. In the background, the men continue to, chant ,their hymn as the hurricane draws nearer. Act 2, Scene 12 Magically, the
  18. Wine are distributed to participants in the Roman Catholic Mass *Communion (, chant ,), the Gregorian chant that accompanies this rite *Closed communion is the
  19. One of the choirs sings a simple fauxbordon based on the original plainsong, chant ,for the Bonus peregrines; the other choir sings a similar fauxbordon with
  20. Eat 'Em Up Tigers! Eat 'Em Up! ", has begun to make its way into the park. The, chant ,originated in 1968 when the Tigers won their third World Series," Eat 'em Up "
  21. While the origin of the chant is unsettled, one possible source for the, chant ,is a 1980 commercial for Red Frazier Ford of Cincinnati, which used this
  22. To the Choir, a Chanter is always present at the front of the church to, chant ,responses and hymns that are part of the Divine Liturgy offered by the Priest.
  23. Debate between the Saints and Bengals fan bases over which one originated the, chant ,from their culture. The Yangtze, Yangzi or that are unintelligible to
  24. Value for its rhythmical variety and expressive power. Along with the Byzantine, chant , the Greek people also cultivated the Greek folk song which is divided into two
  25. Of the closed doors (which represent the sealed tomb). He and the people, chant ,the Paschal Proportion, and all the bells and semantic are sounded. Then all
  26. Collaboration with Ravi Shankar released in 1997,at the height of interest in, chant ,music. John Fueling, then of VH1,conducted the interview, and at one point
  27. Yankee fans started to chant " 1918! " To taunt the Red Sox. The demeaning, chant ,would echo at Yankee Stadium each time the Red Sox were there. Also, Fenway
  28. To participants in the Roman Catholic Mass *Communion ( chant ),the Gregorian, chant ,that accompanies this rite *Closed communion is the practice of restricting the
  29. Brothers agreed with the Hindu community of Great Britain to replace it with a, chant ,of similar dramatic tone. These changes were not made in the North American
  30. The church has developed eight Modes or Tones, ( see Octoechos) within which a, chant ,may be set, depending on the time of year, feast days, or other considerations
  31. And some collegiate chapels. This nurtured a tradition of distinctive Anglican, chant ,applied to the canticles and psalms used at the offices (although plainsong is
  32. Of AB/BB/AB. The music is written in notation which is similar to that used for, chant , but also contains some information about the length of the notes. Several
  33. Greatest heights of perfection. Byzantium presented the monophonic Byzantine, chant ,; a melodic treasury of inestimable value for its rhythmical variety and
  34. Went something like this:" FOO: The first syllable of the misquoted sacred, chant ,phrase 'foo mane padre hum. ' Our first obligation is to keep the foo counters
  35. Help from my Friends. The B-side, Harry Krishna, featured the Hare Krishna, chant , substituting the names of contemporary famous people called Harry, including
  36. Later pope St. Gregory I the Great is not known to have composed any Gregorian, chant , the plainsong or" Polish chant ". ) However, Ambrosian chant was named in his
  37. Ohio Kentucky Indiana West Virginia Chant" Who Day" is the name of a, chant ,of support by fans of the Cincinnati Bengals, in use for over 30 years. The
  38. Again the official nickname of the club. Valley Floyd Road The fans' favorite, chant ,is entitled http://www.cafc.co.uk/CharltonSongs.ink" Valley, Floyd Road" (
  39. For this comedy which is a present day adaption of Jean Genet's 1950 film, A, chant ’d'amour. A marriage in which the wife (film veteran Miriam Goldschmidt)
  40. Singing sometimes known as Sephora music. The popularization of the Jewish, chant ,may be found in the writings of the Jewish philosopher Phil, born 20 BCE.
  41. Of expression. Abbas of Mere is mentioned as being the earliest minstrel to, chant ,verse in the newer Persian tongue and after him the poems of Mandala Buddhist
  42. Itself. Even a medieval Catholic Church chant , the misleadingly named Arabic, chant , is also sometimes cited as an influence. The Influence of the New World The
  43. To advise),Glen (to gladden, please ), boða (to forebode),via (to, chant ,), røða (to make a speech) Serving (sharpening) The so-called" serving "
  44. Gum Time" became the new" Rally-cap" for all of Tiger town. Additionally,the, chant ,of local panhandler James Van Horne, who patrols the streets around Comerica
  45. Support by fans of the Cincinnati Bengals, in use for over 30 years. The entire, chant ,is:" Who is a dey! Who is a dey! Who is a dey think going to beat them Bengals? " The answer
  46. Music, especially church music as well as aniseed and zero. Gregorian, chant ,is an example of a cappella singing, as is the majority of secular vocal music
  47. The" flying donkeys" nickname was originally a derogatory term from a match, chant ,sung by fans from crosstown rivals Hellas Verona, which said that" donkeys
  48. Any of the repertory of Ambrosia chant also known simply as" antiphonal, chant ,", a method of chant ing where one side of the choir alternately responds to the
  49. Of the film. Wrote to Warner Brothers requesting they change the voice-over, chant ,that plays as Bill Hartford wanders from room to room at the mansion. According
  50. No-shows (the fans subsequently boo the no-shows). The fans are also known to, chant ," INCOMPLETE" every time the visiting team throws an incomplete pass. The

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