Examples of the the word, abide , in a Sentence Context
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- Countercult activists who oppose religious sects thought to either partially, abide ,or do not at all abide by the teachings that are written within the Bible.
- To the text of every treaty that says, in effect, that the U. S. intends to, abide ,by the treaty, but if the treaty is found to be in violation of the
- Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine stated that it continued to, abide ,by the recommendations of the 1997 NIH consensus statement, even if research is
- Who oppose religious sects thought to either partially abide or do not at all, abide ,by the teachings that are written within the Bible. These religious sects are
- The Italian government decided on a military solution to force Ethiopia to, abide ,by the Italian version of the treaty. In doing so, they believed that they
- When the demons attacked him. God replied," I was here, but I would see and, abide ,to see thy battle, and because thou hast manly fought and well maintained thy
- Is found to be in violation of the Constitution, then the U. S. legally can't, abide ,by the treaty since the U. S. signature would be ultra vires. Geography NATO
- Arbitration of King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy, with each nation promising to, abide ,by that monarch's final determination. His decision would not be rendered
- Ways of blood-curdling strife. Rather, O blessed one, give you me boldness to, abide ,within the harmless laws of peace, avoiding strife and hatred and the violent
- Obligations are those elements of ritual in which a candidate swears to, abide ,by the rules of the fraternity, to keep the" secrets of Freemasonry" ( which
- Hall students sign out before leaving campus and that resident hall students, abide ,by a campus curfew of 10:30 PM, with lights out at midnight. Students are
- Of war. Central to the continuation of the stalemate is Ethiopia's failure to, abide ,by the border delimitation ruling and reneging on its commitment to demarcation
- Even require their employees to sign agreements stating that they will, abide ,by the company's rules of conduct. Many companies are assessing the
- As provided by its constitution. The French government therefore has to, abide ,by European treaties, directives and regulations. Constitution A popular
- Act for Fiscal Year 1994 (passed in 1993) requiring the military to, abide ,by regulations essentially identical to the 1982 absolute ban policy. Issued
- Win tour had a final meeting, where Percy told his colleagues that they should ", abide ,the uttermost trial ", and reminded them of their ship waiting at anchor on
- Union signed the Treaty of Tart in 1920. However, the Soviet Union did not, abide ,by the treaty when they blockaded Finnish naval ships. Finland was attacked by
- Its nature is; * Descriptive ethics, about what moral values' people actually, abide ,by. Within each of these branches are many schools of thought and
- By arbitration in 1899. In 1962 Venezuela declared that it would no longer, abide ,by the arbitration decision, which ceded mineral-rich territory in the Orinoco
- Accept. Central to the continuation of the stalemate is Ethiopia's failure to, abide ,by the border delimitation ruling and reneging on its commitment to demarcation
- Sometimes a combination of approaches is valid: #Trust all the software to, abide ,by a security policy, but the software is not trustworthy (this is computer
- Is not trustworthy (this is computer insecurity). #Trust all the software to, abide ,by a security policy and the software is validated as trustworthy (by tedious
- And several peace treaties, which neither side put much faith in or cared to, abide ,by. From the spring of 1649 on, the situation turned for the worse for the
- Entity. For example the countries comprising the European Union have agreed to, abide ,by some Union-wide measures which restrict their absolute sovereignty in some
- But he chose not to engage in a conflict with Parliament and agreed to, abide ,by the statute. In parts of Scotland and Ireland, Catholics loyal to James
- In general, the Amish will excommunicate baptized members for failure to, abide ,by their Opening (church rules) as it is interpreted by the local Bishop if
- All certifying bodies maintain a code of ethics that they expect all members to, abide ,by or risk expulsion. In this way, these organizations play an important role
- By depending on the perfection of wisdom, the Bodhisattva does not, abide ,in either or, so this state is" obviously transcendent ". The emphasized
- Reference to his own mortality: He reads, but he cannot speak Spanish, He cannot, abide ,ginger-beer; Ere the days of his pilgrimage vanish, How pleasant to know Mr.
- To hit to the groin area with intent to cause pain or injury. Failure to, abide ,by the former may result in a foul or wallet slap. They also are prohibited
- Technically it is not free software, since it has a restriction that users must, abide ,by the project's distribution terms if the software is used to discover a
- Examples of this are certain commandments that God states explicitly shall, abide ," forever" ( for example, ),or certain practices which God prohibits as
- Condition that they charge no more tuition than public schools do and otherwise, abide ,by practically the same rules as public schools. Parents are free to choose any
- Use in a multitude of free and open source software. Those who do not wish to, abide ,by the terms of the Sleepy cat Public License have the option of purchasing
- Almost all states of India. There are many Hindu groups that have continued to, abide ,by a strict vegetarian diet in modern times. One example is the movement known
- Lifestyles. Some claim to be Muslim, some do not. The Drupe faith is said to, abide ,by Islamic principles, but they tend to be separatist in their treatment of
- By-laws, bank accounts, assets and officers, but in order to be recognized must, abide ,by the by-laws in the Manual of The Mother Church. Church services are
- With the terms of the covenant. The Oral Torah is the primary guide for Jews to, abide ,by these terms, as expressed in tract ate Git tin 60b," the Holy One, Blessed be
- Criticized him for what they perceived as arrogance and an unwillingness to, abide ,by the normal practices of the cartoon business. Watterson had negotiated the
- Rights exists. These guilds exclude other actors and writers who do not, abide ,by the strict rules for competing within the film and television industry in
- Was granted custody of Nancy for three months each year, but Elaine refused to, abide ,by the agreement. Cummings did not see his daughter again until 1946. He
- 2 John 9-11,which prohibits receiving in fellowship those who do“ not, abide ,in the teaching of Christ. ” In the 1960s,Graham further irritated
- In 1888,the young and ambitious Kaiser Wilhelm II became emperor. He could not, abide ,advice, least of all from the most experienced politician and diplomat in
- Signed a modified copy of the Treaty. Because of the Ethiopian refusal to, abide ,by the Italian version of the treaty and despite economic handicaps at home
- Have Sunday alcohol sales at bars and restaurants, with local ordinances to, abide ,by, such as having a certain amount of food sales in order to be opened and
- Exists. During the next about 150 years nobody paid much attention to actually, abide ,fully to the proportions of the flag given in the 1748 regulation, not even the
- All certifying bodies maintain a code of ethics that they expect all members to, abide ,by or risk expulsion. In this way these organizations play an important role in
- Not only regretted the whole controversy, but also stated that he would, abide ,by the words of the Bible, according to which the bread and wine after the
- Is an oppressive ruler who unfairly incarcerates Kenosha mutants who do not, abide ,by his rules. In" Battle Lines," it is revealed that Senator Kelly gave
- A letter to his monks. In it, he desires all to obey Attila, whom he requests to, abide ,with the community unless strife should arise on the Easter question. His
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