Examples of the the word, stealth , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stealth ), is the 12735 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. No actions are taken. Objectives can be completed in numerous ways, including, stealth , sniping, heavy frontal assault, dialogue,or engineering and computer hacking.
  2. Rounds for the F-35B and F-35C. The gun pod for the B and C variants will have, stealth ,features. This pod could be used for different equipment in the future, such as
  3. Defenses to attack its most heavily defended targets. The bomber's, stealth ,comes from a combination of reduced acoustic, infrared,visual and radar
  4. One defensive position. Use of armor, air support, indirect fire support, and, stealth , are tactics that may be used to assault a defensive position. However when
  5. Is its relatively low radar cross-section (RCS). Although not technically a, stealth ,aircraft in a comprehensive sense, thanks to the aircraft's structure
  6. Known as the Stealth Bomber) is an American heavy bomber with low observable, stealth ,technology designed to penetrate dense anti-aircraft defenses and deploy both
  7. Place at night, a backdrop that adds to the atmosphere of conspiracies and, stealth , The game contradicts itself in several instances regarding the exact year in
  8. During this time Carter's defense secretary, Harold Brown, announced the, stealth ,bomber project, apparently implying that this was the reason for the B-1
  9. Avionics and aerospace materials, modest signature reduction (primarily RF ", stealth ,"),and highly integrated systems and weapons. These fighters have been
  10. J-10s and the J-11s. China is furthermore engaged in developing an indigenous, stealth ,aircraft, the Chengdu J-20. China has also acquired and improved upon the
  11. Power. A key attribute of fifth-generation fighters is very-low-observables, stealth , Great care has been taken in designing its layout and internal structure to
  12. Navy and the French Navy operates each 2 Horizon class destroyers. These, stealth ,ships are armed with the Fotomat anti-ship missiles and Aster surface-to-air
  13. Always carrying large external fuel tanks, but in order to avoid negating its, stealth ,characteristics the F-35 must fly most missions without external fuel tanks.
  14. Rockwell XFV-12,the F-35B is to be the first operational supersonic, STOVL, stealth , fighter. The F-35 has a maximum speed of over Mach 1.6. With a maximum takeoff
  15. Positive. The success of Have Blue led the government to increase funding for, stealth ,technology. Much of that increase was allocated towards the production of an
  16. An entirely different way to avoid missiles and intercepts. Known today as ", stealth ,", the idea was to build an aircraft with an airframe that deflected or
  17. Class. These ships are due to be replaced by the new type 45,or Daring class, stealth ,destroyers which will displace roughly 7,200 tonnes. A class of 6 ships is
  18. Fighters due to the expense of developing the advanced level of, stealth ,technology needed to achieve aircraft designs featuring very low observable (
  19. Extended to 5,000 km, equipped with a 1,000 kg conventional warhead, and has, stealth ,features which reduces its probability of intercept. Efficiency in modern
  20. Limitation treaties such as New START. Design The B-2's low-observable, or ", stealth ,", characteristics give it the ability to penetrate an enemy's most
  21. Using structural fiber mat instead of the high-maintenance coatings of legacy, stealth ,platforms; and Fiber Channel. *The Autonomic Logistics Global Sustained (
  22. UK is not a party, and would result in incorporation of these instruments by, stealth , It has been suggested that the protocol is therefore in a kind of catch-22
  23. Arguably entered the military-scientific complex include SDI (Planetary), stealth , ( Gray Lens man),the SODA Loop,C3-based warfare, and the AWACS (Gray Lens man
  24. Will detect each other, however American fighters currently enjoy advantages in, stealth , electronic warfare and offboard sensor support. Variants and upgrades
  25. Aeronautical Systems Center, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio,combined breakthrough, stealth ,technology with concurrent development and production to rapidly field the
  26. Perhaps the most novel technology to be introduced for combat aircraft was ", stealth ,", which involves the use of special" low-observable" ( L-O) materials and
  27. The alternative form" Nighthawk" is frequently used. As it prioritized, stealth ,over aerodynamics, it earned the nickname" Wobbling'-Goblin" due to its
  28. Cohen, engaging occasionally in the battleground but increasingly in games of, stealth ,and intelligence. Non-religious" fundamentalism" Some Christian theologians
  29. To rapidly field the aircraft ... The F-117A program demonstrates that a, stealth ,aircraft can be designed for reliability and maintainability. " Most modern U.
  30. To detection by the enemy's sensor systems, particularly radars. The first, stealth ,aircraft to be introduced were the Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk attack aircraft (
  31. To perform ground attack, reconnaissance,and air defense missions with, stealth ,capability. The F-35 has three main models; one is a conventional takeoff and
  32. That the United States Department of Defense (DoD) was working to develop, stealth ,aircraft, including a bomber. The Advanced Technology Bomber (ATB) began in
  33. Was lifetime cost over 20 years. He was informed of the relatively new work on, stealth ,aircraft that had started in 1975,and he decided that this was a far better
  34. Monitoring" systems for ease of maintenance, fiber optics data transmission, stealth ,technology and even hovering capabilities. Maneuver performance remains
  35. The dagger is symbolically ambiguous. It may be associated with deception, stealth , and/or treachery due to the ease of concealment and surprise that someone
  36. Rip-off" society that has developed in Ireland, advocating reform of, stealth ,taxes and stamp duty. Economic policies Fine Gael's Simon Novena launched
  37. It became the first operational aircraft initially designed around, stealth ,technology. The F-117A was widely publicized during the Persian Gulf War of
  38. Of Manuel Noriega. This is also the first combat use of purpose-designed, stealth ,aircraft. *1991 – A Missouri court sentences the Palestinian militant Can ISA
  39. Without a tradeoff with aerodynamics performance, in contrast to previous, stealth ,efforts. Some attention has also been paid to reducing IR signatures
  40. Much of that increase was allocated towards the production of an operational, stealth ,aircraft, the Lockheed F-117A,under the program code name" Senior Trend ".
  41. Pentagon is currently (as of 2011) evaluating a radically different unmanned, stealth ,bomber, characterized as a" mini-B2 ", to come into operational service by
  42. Programs had advanced to the point where the concept of a long-range strategic, stealth ,bomber appeared to be a safe bet. Whereas the B-1 relied on flying around known
  43. Only change its mission within a limited selection of pre-selected routes,a, stealth ,bomber would be able to overfly the Soviet Union with impunity, allowing it to
  44. The F-117 Nighthawk has a radar signature of about. Among the penalties for, stealth ,are lower engine power thrust, due to losses in the inlet and outlet, a very
  45. Success rate. " Although the 37th Tactical Fighter Wing Provisional and its 42, stealth , fighters represented just 2.5 percent of all allied fighter and attack aircraft
  46. Weapon bays that are only briefly opened to permit weapon launch. Furthermore, stealth ,technology has advanced to the point where it can be employed without a
  47. Wing design, which reduces the number of leading edges, contribute to its, stealth ,characteristics. The Spirit has a radar signature of about 0.1 m2. Each B-2
  48. In media The Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk was a single-seat, twin-engine, stealth , ground-attack aircraft formerly operated by the United States Air Force (USAF
  49. Is the only aircraft that can carry large air to surface standoff weapons in a, stealth ,configuration. Development originally started under the" Advanced Technology
  50. Over current-generation fighter aircraft are: *Durable, low-maintenance, stealth , technology,using structural fiber mat instead of the high-maintenance coatings

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