Examples of the the word, turnover , in a Sentence Context

The word ( turnover ), is the 6896 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The first step was a gradual, systematic, turnover , of government functions to the Haitian government; in 1934 it took control of
  2. Geronimo again in the outfield. The pitching staff had experienced a complete, turnover ,since 1976 except for Fred Norman. In addition to ace starter Tom Server; the
  3. As New Zealand and Antarctica the mass die-off of flora caused no significant, turnover ,in species, but dramatic and short-term changes in the relative abundance of
  4. Technologies. Companies specializing in green technology have an estimated, turnover ,of €200 billion. Especially the expertise in engineering, science and research
  5. Robinson's first attempt at a forward pass fell incomplete and resulted in a, turnover ,under the 1906 rules. In the same game, Robinson later completed a 20-yard
  6. By peripheral GHB administration. GHB-induced stimulation of tissue serotonin, turnover ,may be due to an increase in tryptophan transport to the brain and in its
  7. Today the Frankfurt Stock Exchange is by far the largest in Germany with a, turnover ,of more than 90 percent in the German stock market and is the third-largest in
  8. Manager Ned Hanson played all eight seasons in center field, but there was high, turnover ,otherwise. After the 1888 season, the team disbanded and the city was relegated
  9. On traditional voice revenues and instead obtain an increasing portion of its, turnover ,from so-called New Wave revenues. At the heart of this strategy is BT Global
  10. Pragmatic approach than had the combative Luxemburger. However, because of, turnover ,in its leadership, a poorly defined mandate, and lack of funds, its role and
  11. As of 2006,Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HEX) has an average daily, turnover ,of 33.4 billion dollars, which is 12 times that of Shanghai. With the eventual
  12. Of borrowing to cover current account deficit. List of the largest companies by, turnover ,in 2010,according to Deloitte CE Top 500 Ranking report. Transport The
  13. A free throw for the other team. Other offensive infractions that result in a, turnover ,include, charging,setting an illegal screen, or carrying the ball into the six
  14. Designed to improve the lot of his workers and especially to reduce the heavy, turnover ,that had many departments hiring 300 men per year to fill 100 slots. Efficiency
  15. On the exchange doubled in 2005 from USD 47.2 billion to USD 93.5 billion, with, turnover , surging from USD 1.16 billion in January 2005 to USD 6 billion in January 2006.
  16. Where the total turnover provided for therein is more than the percentage of, turnover ,for the previous financial year; * the raising or granting of loans, the issue
  17. Of the New York Mercantile Exchange). According to BIS, the combined, turnover ,in the world's derivatives exchanges totaled USD 344 trillion during Q4 2005.
  18. Favor of Myron Wilson, who in turn gave way to William Daley in. Despite this, turnover ,in the ownership, a powerhouse team composed of Feller, Doby, Minnie Minos
  19. Surface temperatures rose by 5-7 °C. The PET coincided with a major mammalian, turnover ,on land (that distinguishes Eocene fauna from Paleocene fauna),and an
  20. The locomotive to come off the rail. How this happened was related to the high, turnover ,of staff combined with a lack of standard procedures for track inspections. The
  21. A reduction of 73.1 % between January 2010 and January 2011. Additionally,the, turnover ,in retail sales saw a decline of 9 % between February 2010 and February 2011.
  22. Gothenburg harbor which is by far the largest port in Scandinavia with a cargo, turnover ,of 36.9 million tonnes a year (2004). Public transport With over 80 km of
  23. Such as democracies, the political roles remain, but there is frequent, turnover ,of the people actually filling the positions. In most Western societies, there
  24. Excluding player transfers) of £62.7m in the year ending 31 May 2009,from a, turnover ,of £313.3m. In April 2010,business magazine Forbes ranked Arsenal as the third
  25. Femur, the ribs, the vertebrae and pelvic bones. Remodeling or bone, turnover ,is the process of resorption followed by replacement of bone with little change
  26. And the other goal referee. These positions automatically switch on ball, turnover , They physically exchange their positions approximately every 10 minutes (long
  27. Have been further liberalized since implementation in 1994 of the ICN, turnover ,tax, in conformity with Central African tax and custom reform codes. The reform
  28. Wiring, and had two notches cut into them resulting in a more frequent, turnover , The four-rotor Naval Enigma (M4) machine accommodated an extra rotor in the
  29. Or shot as further holding or dribbling will result in a" double dribble ", turnover ,and a free throw for the other team. Other offensive infractions that result in
  30. Cities such as Chicago are not defined by their casinos in spite of the large, turnover , Las Vegas has the largest concentration of casinos in the United States. Based
  31. The zone (" goalkeeper throw" ). Passing to your own goalkeeper results in a, turnover , Throwing the ball against the head of the goalkeeper when he is not moving is
  32. Technologies. Companies specializing in green technology have an estimated, turnover ,of €200 billion. Especially the expertise in engineering, science and research
  33. Down's syndrome) and Jim Banning (stroke). Fasteners has a high cast, turnover ,and characters are regularly changed in order to facilitate storylines or
  34. Any time taking more than three steps is considered travelling and results in a, turnover , A player may dribble as many times as he wants (though since passing is
  35. Basis of the presence of specifically Russian phonetic changes, as in оборот (, turnover , rev),непонятен (incomprehensible),ядро (nucleus) and others. As usual
  36. Turnover The advancement of a rotor other than the left-hand one was called a, turnover ,by the cryptanalysts at Bletchley Park. This was achieved by a ratchet and pawl
  37. From their own 35-yard line. This also applies when the defense scores on a, turnover ,which is returned for a touchdown—technically, they become the offense until
  38. And are labelled hidden champions. The list includes the largest companies by, turnover ,in 2009. Unranked are the largest bank and the largest insurance company in
  39. Civilizations doesn't matter for the end result, since such a civilization, turnover ,could be described as an increase in the reappearance number rather than
  40. To make a sufficient recovery. Fulham's run through the divisions saw a large, turnover ,of players and the only player to play for the club in all four leagues was
  41. Therefore, basketball-style carrying is completely prohibited, and results in a, turnover , After the dribble is picked up, the player has the right to another three
  42. Depression. " The move proved extremely profitable; instead of constant, turnover ,of employees, the best mechanics in Detroit flocked to Ford, bringing their
  43. 14,000 staff,8,000 students, and more than 60 operating theaters, and has a, turnover ,of over one billion euros annually. It is a joint institution of the Free
  44. The form of damages for breach of contract. Kazakhstan In Kazakhstan franchise, turnover ,for 2010 is 1 billion US$ dollars per year. Kazakhstan is the leader in Central
  45. The house edge tells them what kind of profit they will make as percentage of, turnover , and the variance tells them how much they need in the way of cash reserves.
  46. Capital; * the conclusion of supply and performance contracts where the total, turnover ,provided for therein is more than the percentage of turnover for the previous
  47. Second nationally only behind Madrid and represents approximately 21 % of total, turnover ,in terms of employment, highlighting companies like Airbus, Airbus Military, or
  48. With less than 250 employees and they accounted for 49 % of total business, turnover ,and had the strongest rate of growth. The female employment rate is high.
  49. Been argued that they were implemented by Ford in order to reduce high employee, turnover , Adelaide () is the capital and most populous city of the Australian state of
  50. Revenue from state enterprises was the primary source of revenues followed by, turnover ,tax. The government spent heavily on social programs, subsidies,and investment

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