Examples of the the word, postpone , in a Sentence Context

The word ( postpone ), is the 6894 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hall winning Best Picture. * April 7 – U. S. President Jimmy Carter decides to, postpone ,production of the neutron bomb – a weapon which kills people with radiation but
  2. Been accepted in the declaration of independence. The republicans were able to, postpone ,processing of the monarchists' proposal in the parliament, and in the end a
  3. And innumerable smaller vessels as it returned to Sicily. Charles was forced to, postpone ,his designs against Constantinople again. Conquest of Albania and Genoese War
  4. His colonel; but no entreaties could prevail on the disciple of Aesculapius to, postpone ,his sacrifice to Bacchus.:" Sir," quoth the soldier," my orders are to bring
  5. The CEA atomic energy scientists. The CEA chief, Francis Person, decided to, postpone ,the dump. Cousteau organized a publicity campaign which in less than two weeks
  6. 1991 balloting caused the army to intervene, crack down on the IS, and, postpone , subsequent elections. The fundamentalist response has resulted in a continuous
  7. Congress if the resolution were adopted. Congress therefore voted on June 10 to, postpone ,further discussion of Lee's resolution for three weeks. Until then, Congress
  8. Guidance computer could not complete all of its tasks in real time and had to, postpone ,some of them. During the mission, the cause was diagnosed as the rendezvous
  9. i.e. defined in terms of each other. The 23rd CGPM (2007) decided to, postpone ,any legal change until the next General Conference in 2011. In a note to the
  10. Completely exposed to the elements. As a result, the Expos frequently had to, postpone ,games in April and September because there was no protection for the fans.
  11. Had reached the top. A politically ambitious privates (private citizen) might, postpone ,his deceased father's minus to the election season, when a generous show might
  12. Dollars. Repayment was originally to commence in 1988,but ETA then decided to, postpone ,the start of repayments until 1998. The Portugal Fund has now been dissolved by
  13. It was provided that local conditions might require Great Britain to ", postpone ," or" withhold" Jewish settlement in what is now Jordan. This was done in
  14. Had been moved repeatedly as delays in preparation had forced the Germans to, postpone ,the attack. Finally, on 1 July, the orders were issued to attack on 5 July. The
  15. Treaties typically widened the conflict. That is, diplomacy could sometimes, postpone ,war, but could not prevent wars based on irreconcilable interests and ambitions
  16. Airborne was insisting on wholesale arrests of the leaders. It was decided to, postpone ,action until after Easter Monday, and in the meantime Nathan telegraphed the
  17. Refused absolution to them except in case of mortal sickness, and desired to, postpone ,the question of their re-admission to the Church to quieter times. A schism
  18. World Cup to Qatar. Transparency International, which had called on FIFA to, postpone ,the election pending a full independent investigation, renewed its call on FIFA
  19. Or military strategy. They consider as an example of this his proposal to, postpone ,Operation Hercules, the invasion of Malta in favor of the immediate advance to
  20. Relating to Peak. In addition, the Hebrew calendar has postpone ment rules that, postpone ,the start of the year by one or two days. These postpone ment rules reduce the
  21. His uncle showed up late and brought only ten men. As such, Madero decided to, postpone ,the revolution. Instead, he and his brother Raúl (who had been given the same
  22. The famous phrase" how, hoy, hoy! ". The other candidates decided to, postpone ,the debate, but Fox used that day's airtime anyway. At first the action
  23. Refers to how some things are inevitable, no matter how long you try and, postpone ,it. ) King DI madman SA canton Catalan, daanin SA canton partisan. If you can
  24. Christians baptized infants as standard practice, although some preferred to, postpone ,baptism until late in life,to ensure forgiveness for all their preceding
  25. And effectively limit the selection of the individual to his own clique, is to, postpone ,the Superman for eons, if not forever. Not only should every person be
  26. For the program during the Cold War, but it did stabilize East Germany and, postpone ,its collapse. Fulbright lost power in 1971,but was kept on as a nominal head of
  27. Without explanation. The Associated Press reported that" Baba had decided to, postpone ,the word-fast breaking until next February because 'conditions are not yet ripe
  28. Decide if they would postpone games or not. Actors management decided to not, postpone ,games, and Rusty Stab and Bob Promote sat out in protest. Both were traded
  29. Its authority in formerly Japanese-occupied China, and asked the Japanese to, postpone ,their surrender until Kuomintang (KMT) authority could arrive to take over.
  30. Austen repurchased the copyright for Susan from Crosby. Austen was forced to, postpone ,publishing either of these completed novels by family financial troubles. Henry
  31. At Riga through his ambassadors that his difficult position compelled him to, postpone ,his steadfast resolve of being baptized, and the legates showed their
  32. Organizations and other groups and some of his own officials to cancel or, postpone ,the balloting because of the threat of violence. The high turnout indicated
  33. To vacate. On February 14, 1965,the night before a scheduled hearing to, postpone ,the eviction date, the house burned to the ground. Malcolm X and his family
  34. Activists within the West Bank wrote an open letter asking Pope Benedict XVI to, postpone ,his scheduled trip to Israel unless the government changes its treatment. The
  35. And at times delays reached one day for each day of work. NASA was forced to, postpone ,the launch date until first March and then September 1986. By this time the
  36. Concluded that the most common reason women cited for having an abortion was to, postpone ,childbearing to a more suitable time or to focus energies and resources on
  37. Engine formula. However, after discussion among the teams, the FIA agreed to, postpone ,the introduction of the new engine regulations until 2014 with a revised
  38. The British and Rhodesian Governments to recognize Rhodesia's independence and, postpone ,majority rule into the distant future. However, when this arrangement proved to
  39. Before he grew too strong, and the temper of both sides made it impossible to, postpone ,the decision. In the Earl of Clarendon's words:" it was considered more
  40. His visits, Ribbentrop met with Simon and Benito Mussolini, and asked them to, postpone ,the next meeting of the Bureau of Disarmament, in exchange for which Ribbentrop
  41. Adhered to; to satisfy these cutoffs, unmarried young people were persuaded to, postpone ,marriage, couples without children were advised to" wait their turn," women
  42. S death on September 19, 1881,Arthur asked all the cabinet members to, postpone ,their resignations until Congress recessed that December. Blaine initially
  43. Basal insulin need, the pump user will then gain the flexibility to skip or, postpone ,meals such as sleeping late on the weekends or working overtime on a weekday.
  44. Of the NFL. Chargers owner Eugene Klein tried to get the NFL and Bengals to, postpone ,the game, but he was turned down. " I can't say how much it affected us
  45. To have his name removed from the posters when Dmitrovich refused his demand to, postpone ,it's opening by a week. Stanislavsky played Tricorn, Meyerhold played
  46. Was repulsed by the Red Army, but helped to convince the Soviet High Command to, postpone ,the planned attack on Berlin. Initially the attack achieved a total surprise
  47. To Tokyo-Haneda from JFK on January 20, 2011; however, the airline decided to, postpone ,the service until February 18, 2011 citing low booking demand. American
  48. The Romanian Railways by autumn 1942,but the government eventually decided to, postpone ,these measures indefinitely as was done with most other deportations to
  49. Killed two months later, Major League Baseball let teams decide if they would, postpone ,games or not. Actors management decided to not postpone games, and Rusty Stab
  50. A devastating flood. While other solutions have been thought of, they can only, postpone ,such a flood, because the sediment will eventually pile up behind the dam once

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